Oh great. The Obama U-haul

Just call em people. Thats what I do. I found that all the terms that can be used for people of different race can effect any one of them differently. People these days take just as much offense to African American as any of the slanderous ones from my experience.
Honestly "any" hyphenated American term offends me personally as an American.
Either your American or not..IMHO of course.
Honestly "any" hyphenated American term offends me personally as an American.
Either your American or not..IMHO of course.

Dont offend me just a slight irritant but I feel American is the more correct term as well. So do some of them which is more of a point I should have chose in my post as well:)

To Foxpaws---

As usual, Luv. you inject a note of gentleness into the otherwise rough-'n'-tumble back-and-forth here. Language depends on the situation. I know, quite well, a black lady, active in her church and an upstanding member of her community, whose everyday language is overwhelmingly interlarded with 'motherfu-cker' and other words of that ilk. She is a forty-five-year-old office manager in a real estate operation in northwest Detroit. The customers are about 99% black and think nothing of what they hear from her. It's simply what she heard 24-7 as she was growing up.

When I was an inner-city landlord in Detroit, one of the buildings I owned had a small restaurant in the ground floor. It was a local hangout in an area where there were no white folk for at least a hundred fifty miles.:) On a number of occasions, I'd be sitting off to one side in there, and the people there would forget my presence. The discourse would, therefore, be 'tribal'. And then, after a while, someone would notice me and there'd be an embarrassed silence. To get an approximation, turn to one of the 'comedy' channels and catch a black comedian talking to a black audience.

I sometimes talk as I saw and heard them talking.

And if that causes hackles to rise, as rednecks say, 'Tough sh it'.

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Just call em people. Thats what I do. I found that all the terms that can be used for people of different race can effect any one of them differently. People these days take just as much offense to African American as any of the slanderous ones from my experience.

'You People' has been negatively portrayed in the media to such an extent as to destroy a career. It's called 'the power of being offended'. Rev Al is a master of such activity.
That guy is one of those ass holes that turns everything into an offensive remark.

How ever I can see you people offending some but 'people' in general is a classification we all fit in. That was my point.
I believe the politically-correct 'Af-ri-can A-mer-i-can' has come into use primarily because of a perceived cachet to the number of syllables by which one is addressed.

Good friend of mine used to call himself that...

Then one day we were chatting on a plane, and I posed the following scenario to him:

If I were born in say, Johannesburg Africa, that would make me an African.

He Agreed.

Now, if I were to come to the States, get naturalized, that'd make me an American.

He agreed.

Now, if I were to keep my African citizenship along with my new American citizenship, would that make me an African American?

He now calls himself Black.
the only difference between black and white people is we were left in the oven a little bit longer. LOL. A kid told me that.
I'm watching the NBA game, Celtics and Suns.

David Aldridge (black) was gushing over Obama, and talking about how he interviewed all these players about it, and listed several names, none of which included any white players. So I guess none of them have opinions worth getting.

Who's racist now?

I had to turn the sound off, I'm feeling queasy over the Obama loving.
I had to turn the sound off, I'm feeling queasy over the Obama loving.
I've heard people watch the news readers on the TV news networks with the sound off, but you're watching the NBA with the sound off......

:eek: :eek:
Differences and Similarities

FROM: lincolnx2

The only difference between black and white people is we were left in the oven a little bit longer. LOL. A kid told me that.

I very much appreciate your comment. There are sorry agitators of every ilk. I believe that most people have a substantial well of good intent.
Good friend of mine used to call himself that...

Then one day we were chatting on a plane, and I posed the following scenario to him:

If I were born in say, Johannesburg Africa, that would make me an African.

He Agreed.

Now, if I were to come to the States, get naturalized, that'd make me an American.

He agreed.

Now, if I were to keep my African citizenship along with my new American citizenship, would that make me an African American?

He now calls himself Black.

African American, LMFAO. I've honestly known 5 people that were african american. Their like mexicans and ricans, If you don't now how that story goes don't reply. So that would make me european american, or maybe polish american, hmm. My family came over when germany sent the jews to the cotton fields. I think it was cotton fields, I can't remember, but I know they didn't have it as hard as the blacks did.

When I served my country I had more black friends then white. Being atry meant spending weeks on end playing spades in a M109A. You know what we all talked about? The same :q:q:q:q me and my friends talk about now. God, family, kids, cars, girls, money, and fire missions. Everytime the new guy would start some race :q:q:q:q, they told him to shut the :q:q:q:q up no one want to hear it.

Yes i've came across some lazy, ignorant, racsit people in detroit, but no more then I have seen in mississippi. That racist street works both ways. And both of the extreme groups make me sick. I really don't care what color someones is, your either a person I will talk to, or someone I won't.

And like other people had said, thire's more good people then bad people, to bad the media won't show good poeple on the news at 6.
My college room-mate was from Kenya. He now lives in North Dakota. Does that make him a real African American?
I would think so. Thats a good point. I would figure when he came to school he could be considered african. When he became a citizen he was then african/american or just a american. His kids will just be american of african origin? Anywho he's definatley more of a african american then the new pres. and 99% of the people in this country. I bet he even remembers his african herritage.
The inconvenient truth is the new President is half Arab.

That would make him an Arab-American if anything.
My college room-mate was from Kenya. He now lives in North Dakota. Does that make him a real African American?

he's free to be African, no skin off my back
He's free to be American if he chooses to do so.

That is the beauty of America, people can come here and become an american.
But if your gonna BE an american, please BE an American not some hyphenation abbreviated Obamination..(pun)

BUT.. you cant be both.
You either ARE or you AREN'T.
...of course in my most humble opinion of course.

When I go to Holland.. I'm an American not some ameri-dutch-hollandaise.
His father was Muslim, but that doesn't make him an Arab.

Of course, I don't see what that has to do with anything, anyway...

Obama's father was Arabic. His mother was Caucasian.

Obama is:
6.25% African Negro
43.75% Arabic
50% Caucasian

Obama doesn't even qualify to be African-American. But the racism shows in all Obama supporters as it is only the color of his skin that matters.
Barack Obama Sr. was not Muslim, he was an atheist! and he was born into a Muslim family, but chose to be atheist when he became an adult.
My college room-mate was from Kenya. He now lives in North Dakota. Does that make him a real African American?

Um. If I went to live in Africa, would that make me an African American? ...or maybe an American African. This is so confusing... :lol:

Obama's father was Arabic. His mother was Caucasian. Obama is: 6.25% African Negro 43.75% Arabic 50% Caucasian . . .

I believe "Arabic" is typically used to describe a cultural or linguistic group, where "African" is used to describe a group based on physical geography. (Black African often refers to sub-Saharan African ancestry, including Kenya.) They are independent of each other. You could say he's 50% Caucasian, 50% black African, and 44% Arabic (or 10, or 75, or whatever), for example.

As far as whether or not he "qualifies" to be African American, I'm pretty sure he does. Back in the day if you had so much as "one drop" of black blood -- anywhere in your ancestry -- then you were considered legally black. Today it's not so ... um ... black and white :D. But if he has a black parent, and he identifies himself as black, then I think you'd be hard pressed to prove he's lying when he calls himself African American...
As far as whether or not he "qualifies" to be African American, I'm pretty sure he does. Back in the day if you had so much as "one drop" of black blood -- anywhere in your ancestry -- then you were considered legally black. Today it's not so ... um ... black and white :D. But if he has a black parent, and he identifies himself as black, then I think you'd be hard pressed to prove he's lying when he calls himself African American...
He's not descended from slaves, so by many he's not considered 'black.'
Religion isn't determined by your parents. It's not necessarily passed down, generation to generation. It can be taught, but it's not genetic, it's a belief system. Ultimately, that decision is made in adulthood.

His mother was an atheist. His grandmother was a baptist.
I think Obama is a liberal politician first, and a Christian second.

His father was a Luo, that isn't an "arab" tribe. It's Northern African. Kenya, Sudan, Tanzania... those aren't arabian countries.

And I don't know of anyone who wouldn't consider him "black." Personally, I think all of the "he's black." No, he's not, he's only half-black arguments aren't productive or healthy. It doesn't matter. His race shouldn't be important, it should only have some positive symbolic value.

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