Oh great. The Obama U-haul

How do you explain that he claims to be a Christian?

Obama Sr. claimed to be Christian? :confused: I thought he was atheist, too.

In any case, it's pretty easy to become Christian, no matter what your past.

fossten said:
He's not descended from slaves, so by many he's not considered 'black.'

I don't think you have to have slaves in your ancestry to be black (or African American for that matter). Take a Karamojong around the country and I bet everyone you introduce him to will say he's black.

But this is all just semantics. Personally, I don't particularly care if he's black... or white, or red, or green. It doesn't really affect me.

p.s. Dang -- 7,800 posts?!? :eek: Y'all are pretty serious around here!!!
Ars longa, vita breva est.

African American or
American African

Doo-da, doo-da

Camptown racetrack five miles long

Oh, doo-da day!!

Personally, I think all of the "he's black." No, he's not, he's only half-black arguments aren't productive or healthy. It doesn't matter. His race shouldn't be important, it should only have some positive symbolic value.

I strongly disagree. It is and has been all about color. All we have had shoved up our arses is this guy is the 1st black President. The media celebrated his P.O.S. father who abandoned him as a child and basically ignored the sacrifices his grandparents made raising him because they were white.

Take a look into who paid this guys tuition.
Take a look into how he got into Pakistan.
Take a look at his lifelong associations.

I am not going to celebrate the most unvetted President in our nation's history.
What does religion matter anyway? Muslims are given bad names because of extremeist, all religion praises the same god, there is one paradise, heaven, or whatever you choose to call it, and there is one god, allah, jehovah.
Obama doesn't even qualify to be African-American. But the racism shows in all Obama supporters as it is only the color of his skin that matters.

The first black president is a "POSER"?

that's agood one.

I'm just really really glad the first white president wasn't such a jackass.
I strongly disagree. It is and has been all about color. All we have had shoved up our arses is this guy is the 1st black President.

I think all the "first black president" publicity is because it's a rather significant achievement given our nation's history. If Clinton were elected, I'm sure the "first female president" thing would be in our faces all the time, too. But in either case, aside from it being a historical milestone, I hear a heck of a lot more about politics than I do about what a different race will bring to the White House.

The media celebrated his P.O.S. father who abandoned him as a child and basically ignored the sacrifices his grandparents made raising him because they were white.

His father seems like a bit of a prick to me, too. Regardless, all I know about Obama's family I've learned from the media, and I know a lot more about his mother and grandparents than I do about his father. In fact most of what I know about his father seems to have come out in defense of Obama himself -- e.g. he's not a christian, he's not a citizen, he's not black, etc.

So at least for me, this isn't true at all...
Can someone show me the requirements to be African American? What qualifications have to be met? What are the prereqs?
What does religion matter anyway? Muslims are given bad names because of extremeist, all religion praises the same god, there is one paradise, heaven, or whatever you choose to call it, and there is one god, allah, jehovah.
Wrong. Allah is MOST DEFINITELY NOT the same god as Jehovah (YAHWEH).

Nice try, but posting without any knowledge on the subject will invariably get you a smackdown.
Wrong. Allah is MOST DEFINITELY NOT the same god as Jehovah (YAHWEH).

Nice try, but posting without any knowledge on the subject will invariably get you a smackdown.

Actually Fossten you are wrong, Allah is the word arabic nations use for God. I do have knowledge about the subject I am far from the SME, but your post makes me like I have studied Islam for all of my life.
Wrong. Allah is MOST DEFINITELY NOT the same god as Jehovah (YAHWEH).

Nice try, but posting without any knowledge on the subject will invariably get you a smackdown.

Allah (Arabic: الله‎, Allāh, IPA: [ʔalˤːɑːh] pronunciation (help·info)) is the standard Arabic word for 'God.'[1] While the term is best known in the West for its use by Muslims as a reference to God, it is used by Arabic-speakers of all Abrahamic faiths, including Christians and Jews, in reference to "God".

I thought I would try and Educate you, if you want we can attend a Mosque together. I am open to trying new stuff.
What does religion matter anyway? Muslims are given bad names because of extremeist, all religion praises the same god, there is one paradise, heaven, or whatever you choose to call it, and there is one god, allah, jehovah.

Hinduism doesn't have God as we know him.. or her...


Neither does Indonesian Mythology:


So not all religions praise the same God. I could go on, but what's the point?
According to the intronet, African american refers to anybody that is of african origin. The term african american was created because of the terms colored people and negro. So our government decided that no race may be refered to by their skin color. Hence african american was created. Now if you go back far enough everyone came from the motherland so we all are african american.

This confuses me when i fill out a job app, hmm asian american, eskimo, africam american, hispanic, native american, white. So I guess the term white represents every person in the world that looks white.

So that answers the question. Obama is african american. According to the standard set by out leaders.

So if your white and go to africa and become a citizen our country will still cosnider you white, you marry and have kids then move back to the US, you are still white, but your family would be african american. I think that is how that would work.

Actually it's kind of sad that african americans will always be called african american because that was the label they were given. Then again it's kind of humorus that the government gave them a new label and it was deemed politically correct.

After thinking about for some time I came up with a solution. It could fix the whole race issue in 2 generations. Make a law that all white guys have to marry black girls, and all black guys have to marry white girls. In 150 years everybody would be closer to the same color. Problem solved.
See that in itself bears a slipperly slope.

On ONE hand comments can be taken as funny, on the other hand people get offended and wish death threats or worse, depending on a particular persons "sense of humor".

My grandmother worked ALONG SIDE black people 100 years ago.

She didn't use the N word in reference to them.. she called them "them blacks"...
in todays world that would be OFFENSIVE to black people
Back THEN it was considered a much more polite way to refer to them.

Please dont take offense to what I'm saying here.

My grandmother would not allow my father or his brothers to use the N word even though it was very very common and accepted back then.

With that said.

My grandmother opened a garage..when she was doing something, and hurt her hand.. or something got frustrating for her.. she would usually say
COTTEN PICKEN SCrewdriver (insert whatever she was working on)

MY grandmother actually PICKED cotten..she worked in the fields SIDE BY SIDE with many of these supposed "oppressed people".

Cotton Picken.. or Cotton PickER were actually terms used when you DIDN'T want to OFFEND a black person by saying someting MUCH MORE hideous and racist.

With that said.. I still feel Obama is a cotton picker.

I never/still dont feel that way about ALL "people of color" or HOWEVER you ALLOW us white folk to address your race.

Please tell me the politically correct term THIS WEEK for referring to those "hypenated americans" this week.. it changes so often.. us white folk might need to be reminded from time to time what the current "acceptable words are or are not".

Again.. I am not trying to offfend you.. OR trying to bring drama from ONE thread to another.

I only replied to you, since you found humor in ONE thing I said and took complete OFFENCE to something I said which was much the same.. just in a differnt context.

Does any of this make sense.. or did I further slide the white hood over my head.

P.S. within 100 miles of my house there are no less than a dozen factions of the KKK.. I have no interest in the hate they portray nor do I agree with their beliefs...JUST for clarifactions sake.

Nightriddah I hope you can glean atleast a single postive thought from this post and I truely hope I haven't "said more" to offend you.. honestly.

no doubt dude. i see where ur coming from.....sort of.
your bird is safe now (lol)
Actually Fossten you are wrong, Allah is the word arabic nations use for God. I do have knowledge about the subject I am far from the SME, but your post makes me like I have studied Islam for all of my life.
Wrong again. But I can see you didn't read the link.

Muslims do NOT worship the God of the Bible, they worship the god of the Qur'an.

Big differences.

And clearly you haven't studied, because you would know the differences.

But keep bluffing. I hope I meet you on pokerstars or fulltilt someday. I could use some extra cash.
Muslims do NOT worship the God of the Bible, they worship the god of the Qur'an. Big differences.

The God of the Bible is the one and only true God, the creator -- the one who made the covenant with Abraham (way back in Genesis 15).

The God of the Quran is the one and only true God, the creator -- the one who made the covenant with Abraham (way back in Quran 2).

In fact the Quran pretty much says that the Torah (Genesis - Deuteronomy) and the Gospel were all sent from the very same God, so it sure sounds like the same God to me ... on the surface at least.

The problem is when you begin to scratch the surface... dive in a bit deeper and these two version of the "same God" start to look quite a bit different and start to become incompatible. They're both talking about the same God -- they're just seeing that God is a totally different light. (Personally I think that anytime anyone tries to explain something that could not possibly even begin to comprehend -- think Godel's incompleteness theorem -- they're going to wind up with something different from the next guy, no matter how divine their source. At the very least, all of this stuff is filtered through a very human language.)

So in a sense you're both right. At least this is the way I understand it...
I'm right and he's wrong. He hasn't 'scratched the surface,' as you put it.

Read Exodus 20:2-6.
The exodus quote isn't an argument.
You can't debate issues surrounding religion by using issues of faith as your argument.

However, just in passing, I would say there is a huge difference between the God of the New Testament and the one in the Torah that gives the o.k. to slaughtering unbelievers or considering them to be no better than cattle. The practice of slavery is perfectly acceptable in the Islamic world. In contrast, it was the Christian abolitionists around the Western world who were the dominant voice in fight against the institutions of slavery.

The only similarities between the "Gods" come about because Mohamed needed to establish some kind of "plausible" narrative before launching his death cult. He piggybacked off the dominant religions in the region to do so. And similarities in the God is the purely the result of convenience and nothing more. There's a lot written on this subject, a quick Google will turn up volumes on the subject.

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