See that in itself bears a slipperly slope.
On ONE hand comments can be taken as funny, on the other hand people get offended and wish death threats or worse, depending on a particular persons "sense of humor".
My grandmother worked ALONG SIDE black people 100 years ago.
She didn't use the N word in reference to them.. she called them "them blacks"...
in todays world that would be OFFENSIVE to black people
Back THEN it was considered a much more polite way to refer to them.
Please dont take offense to what I'm saying here.
My grandmother would not allow my father or his brothers to use the N word even though it was very very common and accepted back then.
With that said.
My grandmother opened a garage..when she was doing something, and hurt her hand.. or something got frustrating for her.. she would usually say
COTTEN PICKEN SCrewdriver (insert whatever she was working on)
MY grandmother actually PICKED cotten..she worked in the fields SIDE BY SIDE with many of these supposed "oppressed people".
Cotton Picken.. or Cotton PickER were actually terms used when you DIDN'T want to OFFEND a black person by saying someting MUCH MORE hideous and racist.
With that said.. I still feel Obama is a cotton picker.
I never/still dont feel that way about ALL "people of color" or HOWEVER you ALLOW us white folk to address your race.
Please tell me the politically correct term THIS WEEK for referring to those "hypenated americans" this week.. it changes so often.. us white folk might need to be reminded from time to time what the current "acceptable words are or are not".
Again.. I am not trying to offfend you.. OR trying to bring drama from ONE thread to another.
I only replied to you, since you found humor in ONE thing I said and took complete OFFENCE to something I said which was much the same.. just in a differnt context.
Does any of this make sense.. or did I further slide the white hood over my head.
P.S. within 100 miles of my house there are no less than a dozen factions of the KKK.. I have no interest in the hate they portray nor do I agree with their beliefs...JUST for clarifactions sake.
Nightriddah I hope you can glean atleast a single postive thought from this post and I truely hope I haven't "said more" to offend you.. honestly.