Oh NOOooooo, there's no Vast Right-Wing Conspiricy in this country!

95DevilleNS said:
So you didn't say "We assert that the MAINSTREAM MEDIA is liberal."?

Sigh. Read the above post. I said what I said. Johnny inserted the word PURELY to achieve his own meaning.
fossten said:
Sigh. Read the above post. I said what I said. Johnny inserted the word PURELY to achieve his own meaning.

Correct, Johnny did say 'PURELY', but your statement is of itself absolute and final.

"We assert that the MAINSTREAM MEDIA is liberal"

If you want to say it was taken out of context, that's your choice.
95DevilleNS said:
...it was taken out of context...

Why, thank you Deville, I appreciate you agreeing with me.

Just using absurdity to illustrate previous absurdity.

fossten said:
Why, thank you Deville, I appreciate you agreeing with me.

Just using absurdity to illustrate previous absurdity.



(This is an absolute sentence. Not much room for 'maybe's' or 'if's'. But have it your way.)

"We assert that the MAINSTREAM MEDIA is liberal"

You said yourself that you said that, if you're implying that Johnny gutted the sentence like you did mine now then just say so.
Deville, we should stop wasting our time arguing with those who demonstrate factional competence to arrogance ratios. :D
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Deville, we should stop wasting our time arguing with those who demonstrate factional competence to arrogance ratios. :D

Oops, I meant "fractional".
You're probably right Johnny.

On a different thought......

Notice how many times debate point's when they don't favor the 'RIGHTIES' either completely get dodged or get twisted back and forth so much that by the 3rd or 4th page of the thread the original point's are no longer being covered?
fossten said:
Sigh. Read the above post. I said what I said. Johnny inserted the word PURELY to achieve his own meaning.

So you will admit that what you SHOULD have said is "The MAINSTREAM MEDIA is more liberal than conservative". Right?

Look folks, the fact that MSM tends to be more liberal than conservative should not be any grand revalation. On the "inside", conservatives tend to be sneaky, secretive, deceptive, distrustful, greedy, closed-minded and unethical, while on the "outside" they try to appear all up-front and honest. In other words, full of their own sh!t, always trying to hide their real selves because, in the eyes of the "almighty god", they should be ashamed of themselves. Meanwhile, liberals tend to be open, honest, forthright, sharing, trusting, truthful, open minded and ethical. By definition, reporters MUST be in search of the truth, which requires them to ask the tough questions to seek out the reality of the situation. This requires a personality type that isn't ashamed or afraid of what "secrets" may be hiding in the closet. This is more closely aligned with a liberal attitude.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Look folks, the fact that MSM tends to be more liberal than conservative should not be any grand revalation. On the "inside", conservatives tend to be sneaky, secretive, deceptive, distrustful, greedy, closed-minded and unethical, while on the "outside" they try to appear all up-front and honest. In other words, full of their own sh!t, always trying to hide their real selves because, in the eyes of the "almighty god", they should be ashamed of themselves. Meanwhile, liberals tend to be open, honest, forthright, sharing, trusting, truthful, open minded and ethical. By definition, reporters MUST be in search of the truth, which requires them to ask the tough questions to seek out the reality of the situation. This requires a personality type that isn't ashamed or afraid of what "secrets" may be hiding in the closet. This is more closely aligned with a liberal attitude.

You came so close to finally speaking the truth. Here, I fixed your hallucination for you.

Look folks, the fact that MSM tends to be more liberal than conservative should not be any grand revalation. On the "inside", liberals tend to be sneaky, secretive, deceptive, distrustful, greedy, closed-minded and unethical, while on the "outside" they try to appear all up-front and honest. In other words, full of their own sh!t, always trying to hide their real selves because, in the eyes of the "almighty god", they should be ashamed of themselves. Meanwhile, conservatives tend to be open, honest, forthright, sharing, trusting, truthful, open minded and ethical. By definition, reporters MUST be in search of the truth, which requires them to ask the tough questions to seek out the reality of the situation. They have to act like a liberal, talk like a liberal, become a liberal if they have any chance of catching the liberal.:F
"I'm not a crook!"

Richard Nixon circa 1974

"I am not a thief."

Charles Keating circa 1998
95DevilleNS said:
"I'm not a crook!"

Richard Nixon circa 1974

"I am not a thief."

Charles Keating circa 1998

" Ah did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. I never told anybody to lie, not a single time – never."

Bill Clinton circa 1998

"It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is"

-- Bill Clinton's Grand Jury Testimony

"Any president that lies to the American people should have to resign."

Bill Clinton
JohnnyBz00LS said:
So you will admit that what you SHOULD have said is "The MAINSTREAM MEDIA is more liberal than conservative". Right?

Look folks, the fact that MSM tends to be more liberal than conservative should not be any grand revalation. On the "inside", conservatives tend to be sneaky, secretive, deceptive, distrustful, greedy, closed-minded and unethical, while on the "outside" they try to appear all up-front and honest. In other words, full of their own sh!t, always trying to hide their real selves because, in the eyes of the "almighty god", they should be ashamed of themselves. Meanwhile, liberals tend to be open, honest, forthright, sharing, trusting, truthful, open minded and ethical. By definition, reporters MUST be in search of the truth, which requires them to ask the tough questions to seek out the reality of the situation. This requires a personality type that isn't ashamed or afraid of what "secrets" may be hiding in the closet. This is more closely aligned with a liberal attitude.

Johnny, you're just mad because you got caught putting words in my mouth and now you're hastily backtracking to try to make me say what you said. It's fascinating watching you and Deville having a conversation with each other and pretending to be getting feedback from me as well.

Actually, I'm having more fun than ever watching you liberals stewing in your own juices, spitting hate. I can just picture you angrily pounding on your keyboard as you typed that post.
fossten said:
Johnny, you're just mad because you got caught putting words in my mouth and now you're hastily backtracking to try to make me say what you said. It's fascinating watching you and Deville having a conversation with each other and pretending to be getting feedback from me as well.

Actually, I'm having more fun than ever watching you liberals stewing in your own juices, spitting hate. I can just picture you angrily pounding on your keyboard as you typed that post.

There's no hate spewing...you said something illogical...now take credit for it.
raVeneyes said:
There's no hate spewing...you said something illogical...now take credit for it.

You misquoted me yet again, Raveneyes. I said spitting, not spewing. It's a little nitpicky, but you do it all the time.

Now that's really funny. I've got a thread with FIVE pages and counting just filled with examples of the MSM's liberal bias, and yet you guys can't come up with one article that shows otherwise. So you try to get all semantical on me and get bogged down in minutiae in order to distract from the subject of this thread, and in the process you misquote me.

If you people had a clue about how to debate, you'd be posting examples of how I'm wrong, instead of trying to get me to change my wording. Typical.

Not to mention Raveneyes, who can't even add up numbers correctly, accusing me of being illogical.

This is hilarious.

fossten said:
Not to mention Raveneyes, who can't even add up numbers correctly, accusing me of being illogical.

Hey...I'm not the only one who didn't add numbers properly there Einstein...math and logic are not the same thing...you are illogical and math challenged.

Now that's funny I don't care who you are.
fossten said:
you guys can't come up with one article that shows otherwise

The whole thread was started with an article that proved the point...

Main stream media is not 100% liberal. It may be largely liberal, it may even be predominantly liberal, however saying "Mainstream media is liberal" is a falsehood and illogical.

Grow up. Get over yourself and your self righteous indignation. Learn to play with the big kids and maybe we'll start playing nice. Otherwise just go ahead and sit around being nit-picky with me and state falsehoods about me, and I won't feel guilty when I don't play nice.
raVeneyes said:
The whole thread was started with an article that proved the point...

Main stream media is not 100% liberal. It may be largely liberal, it may even be predominantly liberal, however saying "Mainstream media is liberal" is a falsehood and illogical.

Grow up. Get over yourself and your self righteous indignation. Learn to play with the big kids and maybe we'll start playing nice. Otherwise just go ahead and sit around being nit-picky with me and state falsehoods about me, and I won't feel guilty when I don't play nice.

So basically we all agree.

The "mainstream media" is covers these news stories from what could be called a predominantly liberal perspective. There are occassions where they will pursue a story simply on the basis of sensatationalism, but otherwise it's safe to assume the bias will be fairly labeled as "left-wing."

There wouldn't necessarily be anything wrong with this IF those in the 'news' industry would be honest about it. The criticism comes fromt he fact that despite the glaring bias, they still scream that there isn NO liberal slant. What is so offensive is the fact that they continue to lie about it.
Calabrio said:
So basically we all agree.

The "mainstream media" is covers these news stories from what could be called a predominantly liberal perspective. There are occassions where they will pursue a story simply on the basis of sensatationalism, but otherwise it's safe to assume the bias will be fairly labeled as "left-wing."

There wouldn't necessarily be anything wrong with this IF those in the 'news' industry would be honest about it. The criticism comes fromt he fact that despite the glaring bias, they still scream that there isn NO liberal slant. What is so offensive is the fact that they continue to lie about it.

Sure we can agree that the slant of a news article will usually be liberal, but I find it offensive that all media is labeled 'liberally biased' when there are plenty of right wing and plenty of neutral representations in mainstream news media.
raVeneyes said:
Sure we can agree that the slant of a news article will usually be liberal, but I find it offensive that all media is labeled 'liberally biased' when there are plenty of right wing and plenty of neutral representations in mainstream news media.
Sure, let's modify it from 'all media' to 'most media' outlets are liberal.
MonsterMark said:
Sure, let's modify it from 'all media' to 'most media' outlets are liberal.
I think that was the point. I may be wrong because I didn't post the thread, but I think that was the idea...even though the title is a bit abrasive
raVeneyes said:
I think that was the point. I may be wrong because I didn't post the thread, but I think that was the idea...even though the title is a bit abrasive

Yeah, that and the fact that this particular segment of the "conservative" side of the MSM took it upon themselves to raise money to launch a "Sink Meiers" campaign. Reminds me of the SBVT scam last year. You don't see the liberal side of the MSM doing that very often. Thus, it confirms the "abrasive" (albeit sarcastic) title.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Reminds me of the SBVT scam last year.
You don't know crap about the SBVT. A group of outstanding guys thrust into the election because John Kerry and is big fat ego had to get up on stage and act like a war hero when the truth is he was far from that. After '4' deferments, he 'volunteers' for Vietnam after hearing his fifth and final deferment to go to Paris will be denied and he will be drafted instead of getting to pick and choose as he finally does. The Swift Boat guys are still being persecuted for telling the truth and are being sued to this day for making a documentary that exposed Kerry for the fraud that he is.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Yeah, that and the fact that this particular segment of the "conservative" side of the MSM took it upon themselves to raise money to launch a "Sink Meiers" campaign. Reminds me of the SBVT scam last year. You don't see the liberal side of the MSM doing that very often. Thus, it confirms the "abrasive" (albeit sarcastic) title.

What is your complaint? That people on the political right engaged in a sensible public debate about the qualifications of a nominee, and whether they thought she was the right choice for the issues facing the court through the future? A conspiracy is a clandestined group of people, operating behind the scenes in the shadows. This certainly isn't the case.

But to say the liberals in the MSM don't do that goes beyond simply making an incorrect statement. It's outright foolish. The left-wing engages in clandestine character assignation daily. That's their M.O. With the inability to advance an agenda that will be supported by the public, or intellectually supported, they've reduced themself to just destroying their opposition personally.

Upon his nomination, the leftist started advanicing "theories" that Justice Roberts was gay. Remeber Clarence Thomas' nomination? And it's the left-wingers in the MSM that pick up these balls and run with it, reporting the stories, marching orders, and press releases from the liberal groups like the DNC or ACLU as though they were truth. And they spin the stories about these people with the perspective that they are "evil, conservative, nazis" or something to the like.
MonsterMark said:
On the "inside", liberals tend to be sneaky, secretive, deceptive, distrustful, greedy, closed-minded and unethical, while on the "outside" they try to appear all up-front and honest. In other words, full of their own sh!t, always trying to hide their real selves because, in the eyes of the "almighty god", they should be ashamed of themselves. .:F

Damn I thought you describing the Bush Cabinet! You have it right on the money...

Oh but then you can't see the truth and have to look at it all through the Bush-Davidians concept, we will follow our corrupt leader to hell.

Why not look at the truth. Open your eyes for once!

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