But they came out against Beck on this - look at the quotes and source I posted earlier Cal.
"They?" Who are "they?"
And how does that support your theory that he's proselytizing some kind of theocratic state if he's alienating even his own chosen religion? You're all over the place on this, but your point is to destroy, to find some kind of toxic claim that'll stick. It has nothing to do with integrity or intellectual honesty.
He doesn't even acknowledge that his church practices social justice.
You refuse to acknowledge anything I'm saying or explaining. As is typical of you, you're just restating your initial attack over and over, changing the phrasing.
He needs to clarify that social justice in many organized religions means something different than social justice in the strictly political sense. He hasn't done that.
He has.
I have.
It's just not in the single paragraph that you posted.
I believe Mormons have Bishops, but not priests.
So you were intentionally misleading then.
Really? Why do you say that.
Can you explain why?
No Cal, you refuse to admit that the church uses the words social justice far differently than what 20th century scholarly and political applications are. Beck isn't referring historically to anything. He is asking you to go to your church's website and look for specific words - two of them... He didn't say to look for the words 'get politically active with your church,' 'work at equalizing outcomes for the poor,' or a myriad of other options - he used words that are on almost every religion's website - including his own. Words that have a far different meaning to the church than to Marx.
And all of that was contained in that single paragraph you've quoted? He didn't say anything before, after, or since on the subject
Did you not read what I wrote earlier about Father Couglin?
Did you read about Jim Wallis?
Did you read about Rev. Write?
He even mentioned Rev. Write specifically in the paragraph you quoted. A marixst liberation theology church.
And I could care less what he converted to. I just think he is being hypocritical here.
Again, where's the hypocrisy?
And don't make excuses for his 3 hour broadcast. He had his little 'visual aids' all ready to go on this - his hammer and sickle along with his swastika. He had this whole little segment planned out far in advance.
Really?? He used visuals on a
radio show?
You have no shame, foxpaws.
Did he do it on purpose? Did he not look into the catholic version or the mormon version of social justice?
You're attempt to frame this as some kind of "Catholic bashing" or "catholic vs mormon" conflict has been noted.
Your handlers will be proud.
As I said. You have no shame.
I don't know how you sleep or look at yourself in the mirror.
You have no honor or integrity.