Cal - if Beck would have been rational, stated that you need to ask your priest/pastor/minister on how their church views taking political stands, and what types of political stands their church takes on certain issues, I would have had far less problem with this. However, he took the scare tactic route. "'Social Justice' they are code words for communism and nazism." Will normal church goers ask their minister - 'are we communists because we use the words social justice in our litany?' Probably not - since most churches use those words, those secret, evil, code words, then logically, by association, most ministers must be communists/fascists too... And are you going to feel comfortable, or believe, what your minister tells you at that point? Would you believe that he isn't a communist - he and your church uses those secret words... therefore, logically, they must be communist or fascist.
He could have approached this logically, calmly and without the 'secret words' 'scary words' 'blanket assumptions' and avoided all the retribution he is getting from almost every organized religion out there.
It isn't just me Cal that finds this offensive - almost every organized religion does - because he is trying to scare people, instead of having parishioners look at this logically and with an attitude of learning, not fearing.
And Beck realized it too, after being drug on the carpet for it from everyone from the American Baptists to his own church... he attempted to 'clarify' things the next day...
Using fear to get you to change your church is wrong.
And shag - go out to the
Heritage Foundation for a really different idea. There you will find someone, Micheal Novak, who believes that your (Godwin/Rawls/Hayek) version is the one that is bastardized.
I contend that normal people use and understand this term just like GWBush did (and like Micheal Novak). Bush was a very 'common man' type president, and he used terms in the same way that most people do. He used social justice in a good light - that we are bringing social justice to other countries... He might have had the term wrong, but what he meant (equality) was a good thing. Just like the churches might have the term 'technically wrong' but their idea of social justice (charity) is good.
And who has been using the word the longest - the actual term - 'social justice'?
You may want to educate, but first you need to define the differences in how a word is used 'commonly' and how a word is used 'correctly'. They are very different things. Beck neglected to do that. He never mentioned Thomas Aquinas or his role in how Catholics view social justice. I think you should review how John Wesley looks at ideal of social justice as well, the Methodists were and are very active in social justice - Wesley was one of the very first men to preach against slavery - a social justice cause in his time.
Beck certainly was quick to invoke Marx though...
The church uses the term 'commonly' while Beck was enforcing a 'scholarly' usage of the word. Do you understand why there is a problem there shag... They aren't on the same page...