P0411 2001 3.0 ls

Guess i shouldof added that i changed out the plugs & coils.. Miss is only under load, i'm drinking the water gents.

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All plugs and all coils OEM at the same time, correctly gapped and connector clicks confirmed?

Flashing CEL but no stored code for misfire on any cyl is a marginal coil out of it's allowable tolerance. May be defective but I'd double check and reseat everything.

Run hard WOT pull (under load) with OBDII scan tool connected, observe code, it will generally reset self on same drive cycle when it falls within it's tolerance. (flashing CEL goes away)

Possibly compression test cyl#1 ... compare to others.

Try moving Coil 1 around to other locations, use WOT OBDII to determine if different cyl misfire under load.

Search for Vacuum leak (if that's what you think it is) underhood, with engine running at idle, wave unlit propane torch around lines and note slight increase in RPM's. Jump in RPM, feed propane to area and confirm leak when RPM increase/decrease.

Your suspected misfire during load could of course also be clogged CAT's or fuel/air filters.

air, fuel, spark
EDIT - - - be sure to use dielectric grease up inside the boot of the coils, if I recall correctly the V6 does not have the same coil hold down hardware if any like the V8's do, make sure coils firmly seated, no dancing plugs either. Connectors must click firmly.
EDIT - - - be sure to use dielectric grease up inside the boot of the coils, if I recall correctly the V6 does not have the same coil hold down hardware if any like the V8's do, make sure coils firmly seated, no dancing plugs either. Connectors must click firmly.

Yes, in the case of the V6, some should be added to the outside of the boot too, near the top at the wide part(s).
I would think that it would have as good a hold down as the V8. It doesn't have the coil covers, so the outside of the boot is supposed to seal to the plug well.
All plugs and all coils OEM at the same time, correctly gapped and connector clicks confirmed?
Gapped and confirmed.

Flashing CEL but no stored code for misfire on any cyl is a marginal coil out of it's allowable tolerance. May be defective but I'd double check and reseat everything.

Check engine is not flashing anymore

Run hard WOT pull (under load) with OBDII scan tool connected, observe code, it will generally reset self on same drive cycle when it falls within it's tolerance. (flashing CEL goes away)

Do not have scan tool

Possibly compression test cyl#1 ... compare to others.

Try moving Coil 1 around to other locations, use WOT OBDII to determine if different cyl misfire under load.

Changed all of the coils & plugs

Search for Vacuum leak (if that's what you think it is) underhood, with engine running at idle, wave unlit propane torch around lines and note slight increase in RPM's. Jump in RPM, feed propane to area and confirm leak when RPM increase/decrease.

Will do this tonight

Your suspected misfire during load could of course also be clogged CAT's or fuel/air filters.

Hopfully not cats :/

air, fuel, spark

Updated my answers with each thought

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Pulled all coils and plugs again, still misfiring, 2 connectors clips are broken, but even when pushed tight its missing, it threw the p0301 again. It only seems to miss at idle, and under load more than 1/4 throttle.

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Which brand of coils are these?

Really need to stick brand new OEM Ford coils and NGK Iridium plugs in there.

Clearly it's misfiring in Cyl #1

If you move coil #1 around does the problem follow or stays at #1 ?

Take that coil and plug from #1 and move it to another spot ... see if the code sets for another cylinder or remains at #1

You'll have to check wiring/connectors and possibly the injector pulsing.

This is plug 1, i put ngk plugs in it today, and all of the coils have been replaced with oem motorcraft stuff.

I'm honestly leaning towards clogged cats, being that i had a rotten egg smell once i fixed the 0411 code, and been missing ever since.

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At this time it's not a good idea to pull all coils and plugs, leave # 3, 4, 5 and 6 alone. Along with #2 they are not reported as faulty.

P0301 is specific to Cyl #1, the PCM has flagged this as a misfire due to falling outside it's allowed tolerance greater then 2% within a given drive cycle.

Ignition to ON position
Erase OBDII code P0301
Move coil & plug #1 as a set to Cyl 2
Move coil & plug #2 as a set to Cyl 1
Start and let idle or take around the block.

Does it continue to set the P0301 code or presents a new P0302 ???

Honestly this is the first thing you should be doing to trace down a possible defective coil.

If the problem moves to Cyl 2 one could suspect the coil or plug, if the problem remains on Cyl 1 after having switched good known coil and plug from Cyl 2, we would have to say the issue is not coil or plug related but rather wiring, connector on location #1

After that, I'd be checking compression and injector on that Cylinder.

When you had the old coils out, you should have noted if there was any oil or water in any of the plug wells, prior to removing any plugs.

Damaged/broken coil connectors could be tie wrapped together I'd imagine.

Inspect the insides of the connectors.
Cyl 1 has a good known coil on it. The connector doesnt change anything if i'm pushing on the connector putting pressure on the coil.

I'd have to say the most irritating part of this whole ordeal is number 1 is under the intake.

Now is there no way possible that this could be a vacuum leak? Considering this all started after replacing the solenoid down by the crank.

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I've changed coils from 1 & 2, still getting p0301, checked the connectors, & wiring.

Pulled out the bank 1 sensor 1 o2 sensor to check if relieving back pressure would get rid of the misfire

Still getting a misfire. I'm gonna try and re-replace the solenoid i put in last week when the misfire started.

Also gonna track down a noid light to check injector.

Misfire seems to be gone when holding idle at 2k rpm. Only apparent at idle & under load.

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Have you checked that the connector to the #1 injector is fully latched in?
Have you checked that the connector to the #1 injector is fully latched in?

Actually, no i havent even thought about that. But again, does it seem like that'd be a potential issue with it running fine at 2k rpm?

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Checked the connector, was tight. Found most my misfire to be that faulty solenoid. I think it's allowing a vacuum leak as well, now that i have the solenoid unplugged theres almost no misfire. There is a slight stumble off of idle if going anywhere near WOT

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Check that entire line that feeds into the manifold.

Needs a fresh fuel filter also. Might be gunked up and restricting flow to the rails a tiny bit. Never know!
Back to clogged cats probably. Solenoid connected = more air into clogged exhaust ?
Can't be ... he'd have more then just the Cyl 1 misfire code on that bank, no?
Plus it wouldn't even get up to WOT speeds with one entire bank clogged up.

Fn thing huh, watch it be low compression on 1
Really should get FORScan software and ELM327 Bluetooth, start data logging Cyl 1

Seems to me injector 1 is lazy but with that secondary air pump solonoid removed .... misfire stops .... hmmm?
I've verified its not clogged cats by removing bank 1 sensor 1 o2 sensor to free up the air flow.

I get no change in idle or misfire if i induce a vacuum leak. This whole issue simply seems to be caused by the solenoid. I've beat on it as much as i can, and can't trigger any misfire codes anymore.

I'm gonna go on a whim here and say my vacuum leak is gonna be attatched to a faulty solenoid.

The thing that gets me the most is the fact that the issue started once i changed out a bad cracked solenoid for a new one, it gave me a misfire. Sensus should have been that it was the only thing touched/changed that was causing the issue.

Instead i was pointed here, there, and everywhere else.

At no point prior to changing the solenoid did i touch anything around the ign system, nor have i touched anything in the fuel system.

I'm gonna warrenty the air pump solenoid tommorrow and i'll report back. Obviously if 2 new solenoids are giving me misfire, then it's gonna be a further issue that i'll continue to try and diagnose.

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So i changed out my 600-400 dorman under warrenty and it redeveloped the misfire, with solenoid unplugged i get no miss, so i'm just gonna live with a check engine light for a little while, i believe it may be a bad diaphragm in the diverter valve causing a vac leak-misfire. But if i can cover a system that only seems to run for 30 sec at first start up, i can live with it for now.

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