All plugs and all coils OEM at the same time, correctly gapped and connector clicks confirmed?
Gapped and confirmed.
Flashing CEL but no stored code for misfire on any cyl is a marginal coil out of it's allowable tolerance. May be defective but I'd double check and reseat everything.
Check engine is not flashing anymore
Run hard WOT pull (under load) with OBDII scan tool connected, observe code, it will generally reset self on same drive cycle when it falls within it's tolerance. (flashing CEL goes away)
Do not have scan tool
Possibly compression test cyl#1 ... compare to others.
Try moving Coil 1 around to other locations, use WOT OBDII to determine if different cyl misfire under load.
Changed all of the coils & plugs
Search for Vacuum leak (if that's what you think it is) underhood, with engine running at idle, wave unlit propane torch around lines and note slight increase in RPM's. Jump in RPM, feed propane to area and confirm leak when RPM increase/decrease.
Will do this tonight
Your suspected misfire during load could of course also be clogged CAT's or fuel/air filters.
Hopfully not cats :/
air, fuel, spark