No it wasn't. The media wasn't an active and eager participant in any of that like they were in the case of Palin.
And, as you said, it wasn't as prevalent. The coverage never amounted to anything like the coverage of Palin. The news was not echoed for months on end and didn't continue even after the election.
McCain was smeared - with very hateful accusations. Does it hurt more if it is more widespread? I don't know - I would imagine being called a traitor by anyone, even your next door neighbor if you were John McCain would hurt a great deal. I would think that your adopted child being labeled as your b@stard offspring, would hurt no matter how the lie was spread. Or that your wife was a drug addict. I believe those would all be painful to any man, no matter the avenue the lies were spread.
Are you placing a barometer on the amount of 'hurt' involved here shag?
Another disingenuous attempt to create a false stereotype. You know better because of info I have given you on multiple occasions in PM's. That is not the first time this has happened, BTW.
I don't discuss PMs shag - I wouldn't profess to claim knowledge that I had only gleaned from a PM. So, were you very politically aware almost 10 years ago? The SC primary is very famous in political circles - and the turning point in Bush's 2000 primary campaign. It put Karl Rove on the map. It created the blueprint that Bush used against Kerry in 2004. It is a pretty famous piece of recent political history. If you understand how push polling works, it is a textbook example of that particular tactic in political campaigns.
Fine - I don't expect you to understand why I would feel very strongly about questioning John McCain's patriotism.You will forgive me of I have a problem taking you at your word.![]()
You still haven't answered Cal's question.
This one?
Are you arguing that attacking her, her family, her husband, and launching countless frivolous "investigations" aren't political moves designed to kill her before she grows?
I am not arguing that attacking her is a tactic to get her out of the way - it is the way the game is played - on both sides. She is a politician - she is going to be a target, and in this day and age so is her family, which is a terrible thing. Just as McCain was attacked very similarly, by members of his own party, and he was able to continue on in politics, be a very visible and viable voice in the senate after the accusations were made, and went on to mount a very good (if it weren't for the economy blowing up on him) presidential campaign. He didn't quit, he persevered.