parting out a mark will make me 1 million dollars!

This thread is a prime example of what a bunch of scumbags you people are! Talking about having me pull parts and not pay for them, reporting me to ebay, Bla Bla Bla..What a bunch of scum! Report me all you want..Running an add is not against the policy.. your boy mopar does the same thing..Go cry on his site! You people are such a joke, get a life..Dont hate..First off I dont pull parts until they are paid for..
Buy an item and dont pay ebay will just refund my funds and you get an unpaid item strike against your account and your feedback gets removed..
So good thing ebay has rules like this for scum like you who think its "cool" to try and mess with my auctions..I can play games also..I know a few of you use the same name on your ebay accounts...And keep calling the car junk, the fact is the car was better then prolly 50% of the cars you guys own on here.. Car ran PERFECT..Had 2 small rust spots on bottom of fenders where mud flaps usd to be..Big deal..You retards were all calling it junk and a rust bucket andits only worth $500 bucks BLA BLA..You show me a mark that nice for $1,00 and Ill buy it right now..Car was worth $2,500 all day! just because it dont sell on time dont mean it would not the next..after I just decided to part it because it will bring more money and sure enough it did and will continue..and also Thats just a prime example why you dont put mud flaps on a car with out taking them off from time to time to clean behind them!..Dirt and mud sits in there behind them and causes damage! Car did not have any rust unerneath and EVERYTHING on this car worked......And for all you people who said I wont get $5 k parting it, well you are wrong.. here is a list of what I sold already!
$600 plus $50 shipping for the headlights they were NOS bought last year as stated in the ad and HID bulbs were NOS also..So Flame away and tell me im a rip off and bla bla..Go buy a set at ford if you can find them and see what you will pay there..Like $650 per side with the bulb..
$1,500 sold the engine to a guy in Brooklyn..He picked it up 3 days ago..I wanted to part it so I told him I would need $1,500 because thats just what I will get If I part it..Sold a Bare Block weeks before on ebay for $500 also! Guy had no problem paying the $1,500 for the engine..Motor did not have a single leak anywhere and a rust free oil pan..Very nice motor and worth every penny!!
Rear Bumper,Grill and wood radio bezel I sold to same guy for $435 shipped..
Rear neon sold for $304.94 shipped
Exhaust tips $72.94 shipped
Front bumper $244.98 shipped!
CD Player $142.94 shipped!
Both air ride height sensors in front $30 each..$72.95 total for both shipped!
ECM,ECM Harness and tranny harness $254.85 shipped
Rear back Glass with a mint seal $300 he picked it up!
Header for $200 shipped!
Driver door panel with all switches $200 shipped!
Driver side mirror $142.94 shipped!
Rear seat bench bottom $100 shipped!

$4571.74.......Not to bad I must say and look how much I still have to sell...Dont believe me either I know thats your next rant but I dont care..I have the paypal receipts to prove it..I know what the car parts are worth..and YES im in it for the money..Not to give a fellow mark viii guy a deal..I do it for the money..Dont like it..OH WELL! Its my business not yours..I get asked for parts and I give a price..They either buy or dont will all sell in the end..Just because your not willing to pay a certain price does not mean that there is not someone out there who wont!
So keep ranting and being gay I enjoy reading you lame ass comments and seeing that I take up time in your low lifes life!
I would LOVE to watch Frogman beat up that tool... but unfortunately I don't even think it would be even a semblance of a fight, more like a massacre....

Wouldn't even be worth my time and energy, KK.

:blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:

So keep ranting :blah: :blah: :blah:

yawn.... talk about ranting.
Would not be worth getting your face broke more like it puss boy!
Would not be worth getting your face broke more like it puss boy!

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:
i wanna watch this
oooooooooooooo! I love internet tough guys! Why waist our time on this a**hole! Why do you even still come on here if we are such "scumbags"??? See ya!!!

If thats your gay self in the picture there then you sure in the hell would not be a problem for me bud,so you be the internet tough guy because thats all you would be able to do with this guy fat boy!
If thats your gay self in the picture there then you sure in the hell would not be a problem for me bud,so you be the internet tough guy because thats all you would be able to do with this guy fat boy!
Wow he was pointing out that if we are scum why are you here. Ligit question, and I think you have two members confused. Just for future reference the users name is at the top of the box on the left. :slam
LOL!!! Fat boy!! Why don't you take your insecure a** somewhere and go play in traffic! Yes that is me! I am a hansome devil if I must say so myself! Ok,I'm done!
Hey girls, waazzzzup? Oops, sorry - I thought I was in a gay forum for a second. lol
" Report me all you want..Running an add is not against the policy.. your boy mopar does the same thing "

why is it that everytime somebody comes on here who pisses everyone off, and gets flamed for whatever it is they are getting flamed for, all of you short tempered run off at the mouth dickheads selling stuff on ebay always have to make refference to me? why must i always be dragged into the posts with the dickheads? your stuff you are selling and what people think of you have nothing to do with me or what i do so leave me the f*** out of it ok buddy, thanks.
everyone may continue now!!!

" Report me all you want..Running an add is not against the policy.. your boy mopar does the same thing "

why is it that everytime somebody comes on here who pisses everyone off, and gets flamed for whatever it is they are getting flamed for, all of you short tempered run off at the mouth dickheads selling stuff on ebay always have to make refference to me? why must i always be dragged into the posts with the dickheads? your stuff you are selling and what people think of you have nothing to do with me or what i do so leave me the f*** out of it ok buddy, thanks.
everyone may continue now!!!

First off do you really think im going to listen to a guy who looks like the head of my DicX??? I mean come on, you look like a walking penis with pubic hair...That poor kid looks like hes wishing he could walk so he can run away from the big penis head..Also a Guy with Flames tatted up their arms is a Flamer to begin with...Come on Bro..FLAMES?? Nice Tat jack asz.. The Mikes hard lemonade is another great shot..I can tell if you were drinking it or thinking it was another penis in your mouth but you sure do look like your loving it.. Get real you little umpa lumpa,go back to the Chocolate Factory you little inbred Child Molesting dick head face looking flame boy! Take care Jamie, Tell the wife I said HI!





Dude you're seriously a flaming homo :q:q:qgot. Why else would you spend so much time looking at another guy's pictures just to find reasons you feel he looks gay? Then you rant about how his head looks like a penis and how it looks like he's sucking on one.... I guess you would know after all those face shot you take after sucking a few of your "buddies" off. I also don't get why he's the person you chose to call out when all he said was to keep his name out of your mouth but obviously you're so gay you fart glitter and can't even do that. You know I don't know too many business owners who have the time to come on a car forum then start drama with everybody and reply to every single post all while using horrible grammar. You know on second thought maybe you run a gay prostitution ring or own a couple gay clubs? I really think the only reason you're still on here is because it's a car forum full of guys and you just looooovee the attention... By the big red apple were you referring to your ass after it's been plowed by 5 different guys simultaneously? Oh and btw simultaneously means at the same time, in case that was too much for your brain to handle.
Seriously (big red apple) why don't you get in your 1 million dollar mark viii,strap your seatbelt on and drive off a cliff! This website is dedicated to people who want contribute and help others, not for people like you to pollute it with your bull:q:q:q:q! Notice up top where it says "style,class,attitude",YOU HAVE NONE OF THESE!! Go haunt someone elses site! Oh yeah, at least I am not afraid to put where I am from mr. "Usa" bring your ass down to conshohocken and we can talk then bud! Nuff said! Watch it jamie, he has pics of you.......I'd be scared lol! Seriously (big red apple) don't even bother coming on here becouse in case you didn't notice,"NOBODY LIKES YOU"!!!!
AWW did I hit a nerve talking about your boyfriend..See its you guys who are the Gay ones..All stuck up his ass like a bunch of dildos! See first off its you people who first started the crap with me.. Now I run my mouth back and you dont like it. Oh well! I came on here to try to sell a car since this is a site with nothing but mark viii guys and If I remember correct, and you retards had to say was its a rust bucket, not worth $500. I wont get nothing in parts, bla bla..I also seen 2 others on here getting crap for trying to sell parts..its all you old timers who have nothing to do then run your mouth to any of the new guys trying to sell you guys parts that are getting harder to find by the day! Then as soon as one of us fire back you all gotta jump that one guy like a bunch of tough guys! you guys read a post and dont like it or want to pay the price then move on. But no you cant just leave the post with out saying something stupid pissing us off! If you ask me thats the gay part of the is not full of people who do that now is it.. Oh wait. I have learned that most of you are banned from there..All you mouths and trouble makers...if I see a post where someone is asking $500 for a headlight, I might think its silly but I dont waste my time to rant away and run my mouth about it because I have better things to do.. So maybe if you people kept your opinions to yourself then these problems would not start.. But no I forgot this is why you guys are here to begin with because the other sites wont let you run your mouth. Well you run your mouth to me and ill run it back simple as that..I have not been on in 3 weeks and I come on to only see that you retards got board and started new posts about me.."parting out a mark will make me 1 million dollars! and Does this look Familiar? WTF..You guys start this :q:q:q:q and then get mad when someone fires back?? Get real! Find better things to do with your life and time and these things wont happen! Simple as that!
They let us run our mouths because it’s funny as hell to see them chew up guys like you. The only reason you got those pictures is so you can beat off in the corner to them. Sorry Jamie. Good luck with for fortune you dumb ass window licker.

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