I will send pics to your phone or email, just PM me or text 305 809 8531 (this is a text-only number)
The interior is SUPER clean, I wish mine were like it. It has 18 aftermarket wheels, black with chrome lip. Im selling everything except headlights
and the window trim or whatever its called, the black pieces that go all around the windows.
I would also trade parts for my First gen all black. Anything.
I will plug it to the computer tomorrow to see whats the problem with the engine, supposedly it needs a throttle body.. we'll see. Tranny is good, Ill sell it for 200, cheap. If the engine is good it'll go for 400. Wheels with tires 250. And so on.
The interior is SUPER clean, I wish mine were like it. It has 18 aftermarket wheels, black with chrome lip. Im selling everything except headlights
I would also trade parts for my First gen all black. Anything.
I will plug it to the computer tomorrow to see whats the problem with the engine, supposedly it needs a throttle body.. we'll see. Tranny is good, Ill sell it for 200, cheap. If the engine is good it'll go for 400. Wheels with tires 250. And so on.