Hehe... if it was faster than mine, and could do a proper donut, then I'd think about it
Any tips?
Your's isn't dark blue.
What no dodo Juice ?
mine is whatever color is parked next to me
The RBOE will last longer on his car. There are many that like this particular wax even better than the Dodo Juice Supernatural. That, and the SN costs over twice what the RBOE did. Trust me, he got a VERY high end wax
The RBOE will last longer on his car. There are many that like this particular wax even better than the Dodo Juice Supernatural. That, and the SN costs over twice what the RBOE did. Trust me, he got a VERY high end wax
Very nice, did he use the EZ Creme Glaze, the purple stuff? It's one of the best glazes on the market, hides everything!
And I wish My Car was Blue like Nics.
What did you guys use to polish up those wheels????
I don't doubt it.
Looks dam nice.
Enjoy your week of freedom....hell its half over
So this was a secret meet that no one else was invited to.
What were you guys really doing with that turtle wax.:lol:
Nic, you got new license plates?
Kyle, yes I did use EZ Creme. I also used
Wolfgang Paintwork Polish Enhancer first. Both work great. I can't tell which one I like more.