Plane Terror Plot Thwarted


Dedicated LVC Member
Oct 14, 2005
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Plane Terror Plot Thwarted
Thursday August 10, 2006,,30000-1230417,00.html

Police say they have disrupted a major plot to blow up planes in mid-flight with explosive devices smuggled aboard as hand luggage.

Sky News has been told the plan was to hit around a dozen planes over UK and US cities.

Police are said to have arrested 20 people in London - the culmination of a major covert counter-terrorist operation lasting several months.

Passengers trying to board international flights from the UK are not being allowed to carry on hand luggage.

The Home Office's level of security - indicating public risk - has been raised from 'severe' to 'critical'.

Sky News' Crime Correspondent Martin Brunt said he understood the threat was imminent and those arrested were mainly young, British-born Asian men.

He said the alleged plan involved people boarding flights and detonating explosives on planes over UK and US cities.

The swoop followed a pre-planned intelligence led operation by the Met's anti-terrorist branch and security service.

A police statement said: "This is a major operation which inevitably will be lengthy and complex. We will provide further information as soon as possible."

Lengthy queues at airports have been reported and a Transport Department spokesman said delays were inevitable.

"Passengers are being asked to allow themselves plenty of extra time and to ensure that other than the few permitted items listed above, all their belongings are placed in their hold baggage and checked in.

"These additional security measures will make travel more difficult for passengers, particularly at such a busy time of the year.

"But they are necessary and will continue to keep flights from UK airports properly secure."
Sky News' Crime Correspondent Martin Brunt said he understood the threat was imminent and those arrested were mainly young, British-born Asian men.

Age range of suspects: check
Nationality of suspects: check
Race of suspects: check
Religion of suspects: deliberately witheld
MediumD said:
OMG, this must mean the rest of the 2 billion Asians are bad too.

As you are defending this religion of peace, thankful, an effort for them to blow up at least six commercial flights was hopefully thwarted this morning.

But you keep apologizing for them while they cut your throat.
I am deeply disturbed by how little response this story seems to be getting in the media. I don't mean that they aren't covering it, but it just seems to me that they are focusing more on the wait time at the airport than they are about the broader issue.

These people intended to blow up about ten airliners.
That's almost 3,000 people blown out of the sky.
And I can't even speculate how many people would be killed on the ground and how many cities would burn to the ground. (If you don't understand this, look at the photos of Lockerbie, Scotland after the Islamic terrorist blew up that airliner.)

Note, there's no talk of civilian casualities in Islamic culture.

We are at war and the public doesn't seem to know it. And because of our increasingly fat, lazy culture and our politically correct media, we can hardly fight back.

The airlines were just starting to pull out of their economic troubles, we can forget about that now. And what do we do if these terrorist decide to really hurt us and start blowing up Saudi Arabian oil wells?
MediumD said:
OMG, this must mean the rest of the 2 billion Asians are bad too.

They appear to be of Pakistani decent. I guess that makes you feel better because the number now is only 200,000,000 that might be bad.
am deeply disturbed by how little response this story seems to be getting in the media. I don't mean that they aren't covering it, but it just seems to me that they are focusing more on the wait time at the airport than they are about the broader issue.

I noticed that, too. Instead of this being viewed as a thwarted mass murder and good work by our counterterrorist organizations, this is seen as some sort of "inconvenience" for travelers- as if it's just some temporary setback in travel caused by some isolated minor incident :eyeroll:
Ever wonder if one of these "thwarted" attacks is a smokescreen for a different type of attack? You know...get all the focus on the airlines for the moment and the terrorists attack something else??
In the last few months, I've been debating and posting on boards that feature an international member population. I've come to the conclusion, people simply hate America and are willing to apologize and make excuses for terrorist who deliberately target civilians (especially children) if said apologies & excuses make America 'evil' by comparison. I'm seriously starting to lean towards the "Kill em all, let God sort them out." mentality; even if I am agnostic.
evillally said:
I noticed that, too. Instead of this being viewed as a thwarted mass murder and good work by our counterterrorist organizations, this is seen as some sort of "inconvenience" for travelers- as if it's just some temporary setback in travel caused by some isolated minor incident :eyeroll:

How long before the media accuses Rove and Bush of concocting this plan to further their evil neocon agenda?
MonsterMark said:
How long before the media accuses Rove and Bush of concocting this plan to further their evil neocon agenda?

Can their evil neocon plan go any further?? Or is this the peak? :)
MonsterMark said:
How long before the media accuses Rove and Bush of concocting this plan to further their evil neocon agenda?

Come on now, lets not go off the deep end; but the lack of news coverage is pathetic and insulting. One of the N'Sync members coming out of the closet received more news coverage than this. Plot to kill 3000+ people or teen girl heart throb likes men...Hmmmmm... Hard choice...

You were right about a year ago when you originally said that America is going to have to get hit hard again before people realize we're in danger; even if it is a momentary realization.
Yea..that's what I'm saying. I can just see them giving up some lackeys in some big thwarted attempt, and then while your guard is up and focused on airports, they bomb a bridge, building, etc.....kinda like an earthquake aftershock...
RRocket said:
Yea..that's what I'm saying. I can just see them giving up some lackeys in some big thwarted attempt, and then while your guard is up and focused on airports, they bomb a bridge, building, etc.....kinda like an earthquake aftershock...

Yea.... For that matter, how was this plot exposed? Anyone know the exacts?
Supposedly, you guys picked up their chatter and passed it along to the Brits..5 are still at large though...
Asian: meaning the area. India is part of Asia so they are considered of Asian decent. I just wanted to clear that up. Malaysia is mostly Islamic so that is true. But most of people there would kill to come to America. It is like the Catholics converting the American Indians a ways back. People do not know much about the religion so it must be evil. Sounds like leftist christians.. LOL

True Islam preaches peace and understanding. It is the radicals that take to the extreme. Like David karesh for an instance. Will the one guy make all of Christianity evil ?? No way. He was just an extremist. Someone outside of our country may not view it that way. Makes things interesting huh ??

The bushes are big time in bed with the Arabs. That is no secret. Where do you think there money comes from? Every president that I can remember always flooded the U.S market with oil reserves to control the price point when necessary. This is the only president that has not done it and then he came out said our demands are to high and he has NOT taped the reserve to protect our energy costs.

Someone posted an add from a paper about having the highest oil reserve in 8 years and the cost are the highest they have ever been.
poneyhexed said:
Every president that I can remember always flooded the U.S market with oil reserves to control the price point when necessary. This is the only president that has not done it and then he came out said our demands are to high and he has NOT taped the reserve to protect our energy costs.

:eek: You would have the President of the United States tap into our oil reserves simply so you could save $.05/gal on your fill up and put this country in extreme danger of ANY KIND OF oil supply sabotage by terrorists.

Are you kidding me? Maybe that is something Slick Willy would be doing right now but not my President who actually understands the dangers we are facing in the world. If anything, we need to hoard more oil with more reserves, not waste. Try not driving around so much needlessly.

Tell me this...the Straight of Hormuz is attacked and 5 oil tankers are sunk. Shipping out of the Gulf shuts down. Terrorists or Iranians or Iraqis, whatever are using Exocets to bring down these tankers and there is nothing we can do about it.

How long do you think our oil reserves would last? It is a really important question for you to answer because for us to use our oil reserves now to save our citizens some cash would be the most irresponsible thing we could possibly do as a nation. Without oil, we would be on our knees and there would be chaos in this country.
poneyhexed said:
True Islam preaches peace and understanding.
And where is this practiced? Which Islamic theocracy is peaceful and understanding.... let us know when you have an answer.

It is the radicals that take to the extreme. Like David karesh for an instance. Will the one guy make all of Christianity evil ?? No way. He was just an extremist. Someone outside of our country may not view it that way. Makes things interesting huh ??
No, Waco Texas was a small cult. The people were worshiping Koresh under the guise he was the messiah. It is completely inappropriate to compare the relationship between the Branch Davidians and Christianity with Islamo-fascism and mainstream Islam. Frankly, Islamo-Fascism appears to BE mainstream Islam.

Don't forget to get back to me when you find that peaceful living Muslim theocracy.

The bushes are big time in bed with the Arabs. That is no secret. Where do you think there money comes from? Every president that I can remember always flooded the U.S market with oil reserves to control the price point when necessary. This is the only president that has not done it and then he came out said our demands are to high and he has NOT taped the reserve to protect our energy costs.
This has already been addressed thoroughly.
MonsterMark said:
:eek: You would have the President of the United States tap into our oil reserves simply so you could save $.05/gal on your fill up and put this country in extreme danger of ANY KIND OF oil supply sabotage by terrorists.

FIVE CENTS! That would save me about $2.35 a month in fuel; ya not worth it...

Speaking of, if worse comes to worse, how long would our reserves last?
You are kidding or being sarcastic right ?? Your pres that understand the dangers?? He will not even admit to why we are in Iraq. We cannot even touch any of the oil there because Russia owns it all . they where in court the day when bush mentioned oil for food. He had the report that nothing was there and had admitted to it a few months back. The problem with Iraq is we unzipped our fly so we need to finish what we had started over there. I hate the situation but, I support our boys over there, They are doing a job no one wants to do.
I am really uncomfortable with bush. He does some strange things. I know Jeb wants to run.. I am depressed thinking about it..

You have any idea how hard it is to sink a tanker??
Those things hit stuff all the time and never sink. Even the Exxon Valdez sailed to a shipping yard to be repaired and renamed so the tree huggers will not give them any trouble. it is still delivering oil now as we write away. Those things are tough. It would take allot to sink one. they are built that way on purpose.

There is more than enough oil on the planet first of all. Despite what people my say. if he let the oil from the reserve go out you see prices cut in half or go down at leased a dollar per gallon. we should be paying 25-30 bucks a barrel right now.
What did you think of the article with having the highest oil reserves in 8 years?? Larger conspiracy??? Maybe.. it is posted on the board here some where. If you live California they are trying to spread the bull that we are in a power crisis. That is a big steamy load!!!

I am guessing you are talking about that article published some months back. The Straight of Hormuz being blocked off. Not blowing up ships. They seam a little bit desperate. He needs to get notice. They want to keep there nuclear program going and desperately need leverage. But then if he pisses every one off he will not have any allies. Arabs have a very pompous or macho kind of attitude. They like to make threats or act like a big shot if you will. I forget the word for it. It is just there culture. But they can hold a grudge. Even if they cannot remember why. They will still have it. It is really funny actually.

A public threat about the strait is always a bad idea. It is an interesting scenario I must admit. It will be hard to do. But that is only cutting off 25% of the oil. Not ALL of it. The South Koreans would love it., they are the ones building all the mega carriers for the Arabs. They will be up and running fast. A sort of incursion will happen.. LOL

Besides, By not having some sort of offset the high prices are already effecting our economy. The federal reserve did not raise interest rates. So that will give a clue that we are being effected by something right??
I f you have open your electric or gas bill lately you know something is up.. I know I was not happy. Deregulation is never a good idea….

The terrorist would have a real problem to. Because it would not just be us that will be effected. You might be cutting off there money as well. Osama made his money with the bushes (our president partnered with them remember??) in oil. Ya that guy that had 3 DUI`s and was a coke addict that knows everything . Ya that guy.... LMAO

The problem in Alaska is a big issue. that would be our back up source for oil. Now that it is shut down. Who knows?

You are also forgetting about china and every other country on the planet that would be effected. Not real sure how much. The Arabs would be up and running very quickly. They are not stupid. The average trash collector has a masters degree. Even a beggar on the street has a far better education then a majority of people here in the U.S.
So where would get our oil from later ?? Russia !!!
They have a bigger oil field than the Arabs. They now have the technology to get to it. It is going to be scary when Russia starts pumping oil. They are going to be a major force on the planet. Maybe corruption will hold them back for a while but they will be rich.......
BTW, Ragan used the reserves ...bush senior too.... Remember bush senior wanted his war in Iraq. It would save our economy. Before then a war always did. Inflation had grown further.
Saying that makes me feel so old all of a sudden....
Anyway, I hope I more than answered you. I truly hope you did some research and found out about the things that I mentioned. It is public knowledge and the internet is a wonderful tool !!!
Knowledge is power!!!

Awesome article Calabrio. you find the most interesting topics!!!
We have about 685 million barrels of crude in reserve right now.

We use up around 20 million barrels a day.

So it all depends on where the hits to supply come from on how long it will last.


The world uses about 84 million barrels a day.
True Islam - the Koran. At its core it about peace. Unfortunately, the extremists have blown it way out of proportion. Like farracon took Islam and made it racist.
A place where it is thriving and living?? Indonesia ..

Koresh was an example. Like that space ship cult in San Diego. What is the name of the other guy with cool-aide?? James town is where it was I think... MAN !! I know this it was in the 70`s 10 bonus points is anyone know ..LOL

There are allot of people who form groups and prepare for the apocalypse. Anyway, uneducated people from other countries would look at this and think we are going crazy or we have to much time on our hands. We ( the people in the U.S) know the difference but some do not. I have talked to people who have asked me about it from other countries.

Even like the groups that get things band from T.V There are less than 20 people in those groups and they are shaping what we watch. Here in America !! Guess that is off topic…

Here is an interesting article for you guys ..

The U.S. government wants you to know that the Taliban, who yet rule part of Afghanistan, are bad Muslims. Instead, it should be showing that they are totalitarian thugs. There's a big difference.

When the Taliban destroyed the ancient Buddhist statues in their country early this year, Washington repeatedly decried this demolition as un-Islamic. It contradicts "one of Islam's basic tenets - tolerance for other religions," intoned the State Department spokesman. It is "an act of intolerance, which . . . has, in our view, nothing to do with Islam," declared one of his colleagues.

The Sept. 11 atrocities prompted Imam George W. Bush to declare that these "violate the fundamental tenets of the Islamic faith." His wife issued a fatwa deeming the repression of women in Afghanistan "not a matter of legitimate religious practice."

More broadly, a State Department Fact Sheet asserts that the Taliban "misuse Islam" to justify their "illegal and dishonorable" policies. American officials even have the nerve to instruct Muslims on how to live their faith.

"We accept that Islam is the religion of most Afghans. They can practice it in the way they want," the acting assistant secretary for South Asian Affairs conceded. But, he added, their Islam "should be in a spirit of toleration, in a spirit of acceptance of other faiths and creeds."

Not surprisingly, the Taliban hotly reject these admonishments. Two days after Bill Clinton in 1999 had called their treatment of women "a terrible perversion" of Islam, they replied: "Any criticism regarding Afghanistan's Muslims and women's rights should come from a Muslim. This Clinton is not a Muslim and does not know anything about Islam and Muslims."

Likewise, President Bush's peculiar statements about true Islam being "nonviolent" spurred a Taliban representative to reply: "I am astonished by President Bush when he claims there is nothing in the Koran that justifies jihad or violence in the name of Islam. Is he some kind of Islamic scholar? Has he ever actually read the Koran?"

The Taliban have a point, for it is very strange for U.S. government officials to proclaim what is or is not true Islam. Who are they - neither Muslims nor scholars of Islam but representatives of a secular government - to instruct Muslims about their religion? And, realistically, which Muslims accept spiritual guidance from the White House?

Interestingly, U.S. policy in principle agrees that this hectoring is unacceptable. "Don't presume to lecture Muslims on Islam," reads an internal State Department memo that bore the secretary of state‘s personal endorsement. The former top State Department official in charge of Afghanistan, Karl Inderfurth, agrees that it is not "appropriate for non-Muslims to presume to give instruction" about Islamic faith and the Koran.

Bernard Lewis, the leading American scholar of Islam, puts it less diplomatically: "it is surely presumptuous for those who are not Muslims to say what is orthodox and what is heretical in Islam."

This is good and sensible advice. Rather than initiate a quixotic and unconvincing campaign to delegitimize the Taliban (or any other instances of militant Islam) on religious grounds, Washington should stick to its knitting - politics. The oppression, poverty, violence, and injustice of Taliban rule offer plenty of evidence to indict it, without having also to contest the regime's Islamic credentials.

Life in Afghanistan has been a living hell. Beatings and arbitrary executions are commonplace; for example, eight boys who dared to laugh at Taliban soldiers were shot dead. In 1998, the Taliban massacred 600 Uzbek villagers in the west; in early 2001, they followed with a massacre of 200 civilians in the center. To prevent defections to the Northern Alliance, the Taliban have taken thousands of families of their own soldiers as hostages and some 400 of those soldiers were just massacred to prevent their changing sides.

The United States government has a powerful message for the world, a message of individualism, freedom, secularism, the rule of law, democracy and private property. But it should have nothing to say about the proper practice of Islam (or any religion).

It's right for President Bush to condemn Taliban rule for the fact that women are "beaten for wearing socks that are too thin. Men are jailed for missing prayer meetings." He just shouldn't give his opinion on whether or not these punishments constitute genuine Islam.
Islam is the problem poneyhexed. Period.

Do you know the difference between people Like Koresh and the Muslim terrorists?

Other christians condemmed Koresh vocally and consistantly. Where is the vocal and public condemnation of the terrorists?

On 9-11 I saw the footage of Muslims cheering and partying in the streets of Arab cities.

In a recent Sky news poll, 90% of British Muslims say their loyalty lies to Islam first, and the British Crown 2nd.

That is a problem IMHO.

And then, after all that, Go read the Koran and tell me again how peaceful Islam is.

What a joke.

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