Plot to assinate Obama

Never saw head of state. Not really a big fan of Chris Rock, now Chappelle, that's a different story.

But, I have thought how scary it would be if on Jan 20 next year that happens. Every man for himself or what would be the rules on this one?
I don't think it would be right for anyone to kill Obama, I also don't think it's right for anyone to be elected president unless they are qualified. Obama is NOT! He is NOT a Natural Born US Citizen. The Government may even end up taking him out.

The KKK has said that he will be taken out. You can find the interview on youtube. I honestly think that it will happen if he gets elected.
People are out of their minds these days, especially people with access to powerful rifles etc. as I've seen in the pictures of these morons.
I hate to be too cynical, but remember the end of the Movie "Head of State" when Chris Rock was giving his acceptance speech?

"My Fellow Americans....... <pop! pop!> " :eek:

The other line from that movie that resonates w/ the GOP:

"God bless America, and nowhere else!" :rolleyes:

So you're implying that the GOP is a racist group again.
Absolutely untrue. You're personal hate, ignorance, and dishonesty shines through in every post.

You've made the assertion several times now.
After we debate this aburd point of your, perhaps we can go down the line and refute all of the untrue, unfair, and dishonest Democrat talking points used to SCARE minorities and special interest groups. Perhaps you'll say that Republicans want old people to eat dog food and die later too- but when challenged, only then say you were "kidding'.
I totaly think the plot to kill Obama was an act of racist idiots!!!!!!!

To be honest Bob you could never understand (not that you really want to) why blacks get so enraged at injustice time and time again, cause you are not black and you have never had to deal with issues that come with just your skin color alone. You can act like you don't see it if you want to but there is a huge double standard and racism will never go away because the small minded feel threatened. I actually heard an older white lady say she hopes that Obama doesn't win because then blacks would take over the world. So to me her statement is saying she is fine with whites having contol over the world and she is comfortable with that. Sad thing is there are hundreds of thousands just like her and Bob that is a fear that you will never know in your entire lifetime. To be honest with you I was a Hillary supporter, it didn't work out so I am behind Obama, although I wish could have atleast been the two of them together![/QUOTE]

:bsflag: complete BS !!!! If I went into a the "HOOD"black , hispanic or whatever ,parked my Caddy and walked into the nieghborhood bar ,my car would be stolen stripped or vandalized, I would be beaten ,mugged and left for dead!!! there ARE PLACES IN AMERICA where a white person cannot go,so now racism has been reversed, its all very sad ,2steps forward and 3steps back
I totaly think the plot to kill Obama was an act of racist idiots!!!!!!!

To be honest Bob you could never understand (not that you really want to) why blacks get so enraged at injustice time and time again, cause you are not black and you have never had to deal with issues that come with just your skin color alone. You can act like you don't see it if you want to but there is a huge double standard and racism will never go away because the small minded feel threatened. I actually heard an older white lady say she hopes that Obama doesn't win because then blacks would take over the world. So to me her statement is saying she is fine with whites having contol over the world and she is comfortable with that. Sad thing is there are hundreds of thousands just like her and Bob that is a fear that you will never know in your entire lifetime. To be honest with you I was a Hillary supporter, it didn't work out so I am behind Obama, although I wish could have atleast been the two of them together!

:bsflag: complete BS !!!! If I went into a the "HOOD"black , hispanic or whatever ,parked my Caddy and walked into the nieghborhood bar ,my car would be stolen stripped or vandalized, I would be beaten ,mugged and left for dead!!! there ARE PLACES IN AMERICA where a white person cannot go,so now racism has been reversed, its all very sad ,2steps forward and 3steps back[/QUOTE]

Let me see if I can help you out here.
I am as white as they come.
I grew up with the 70s integration/Desegregation busing... taking the white kids and putting them on a bus and taking them to school in a black hood.
I have been beat spit on called every name in the book because I was a white kid.

But I have never been pulled over by the cops and had to wonder if its because I am white.

I have never been told they picked someone else to rent to and then wonder if it was because the color of my skin.

"I bet all the money I have Bob has never rented to a black man....have you Bob?"

I think thats the point 2003lsv8 is making.
Gee Whiz, Golly---
Now I gotta speak up!
I'm a white guy. I've spent considerable time in the 'hood'. In fact, I owned 76 units of income properties, and not one of my tenants was a caucasian. I've never personally been threatened, although I've 'discharged' more than once to stop some violence. (Trees are a good target!) I even broke a shotgun stock once.

In Detroit, it's not uncommon to be stopped for 'driving while white'. I've been given a ticket for changing lanes without signaling, (no cars for several blocks), and told bluntly that he issues tickets to pay for himself and his car, and he 'gets' white folk when he can.

'The hood' is a different country. The city of Detroit is more than 90 percent black and Metro Detroit is the most violent area of it's sort in the country. I've gone EVERYWHERE and never been threatened. But it pays to be very aware of your surroundings and always have at least two 'little friends' with you. And I carry several reloads.
"I bet all the money I have Bob has never rented to a black man....have you Bob?"

I have been renting my property for the past eighteen years, and I want to share a little bit about my rental experiences over the years.
Just about everywhere in this country landlords can not discriminate when it comes to renting property.
In our immediate neighborhood, we don't have that many blacks but, a few miles to the north, there is a large community of blacks.
We don't see a lot of blacks responding to a vacancy.
I did have occasion to rent to a black woman about four years ago.
After checking her references, I felt she would be a great tenant.
She had an executive position at Kaiser Permanente and, drove a new Totota Avalon.
This lady had "class" written all over her .
All my rental applications state in bold letters, "If you smoke any substance, the management will have to refuse your application.
When a perspective tenants signs that application, they agree to it's terms.
Well, roughly two monts after she moved in, I had occasion to do a repair in her unit.
The smell of smoke was overwhelming.
I asked her if she were smoking, and she stated "no"
I have been in this business for many years,and this is not the first time I have been through this.
She tried telling me it was air freshner.
Oh please.
Two days later she knocked on my door and apologized for lying to me, saying she was trying to quit.
I gave her the benefit of the doubt, and told her she had to try harder.
A couple of months later she ask me if it would be ok if her husband (whome she was seperated from) could stay a few days with her.
No problem .
He showed up a few days later, and that is when all hell broke loose.
Here she is, an extremely classy broad, and this dude looks like he makes a living picking trash out of trash dumpsters.
Diirty and unkept is the only way to describe him.
My feeling at that point was to each his own.
Well he turned out to be a wife beater as evidenced by the three times I had to call the cops on him.
To make matters worse, he smoked twice as much as she did.
I couldn't understand what a classy gal like her was doing with this low life bastard but, my patience was running thin.
In the three or four months that he lived with her, he brought her down to his level.
She lost her great job, the Avalon was reposessed, and now they were behind in the rent.
They fought a great deal.
She and I had developed a close relationship.
I really liked this woman, and felt very bad because of what was happening to her.
We talked one night when her husband was away, and that's when she opened up too me.
In taking him back, she was hopeful the seperation had changed him, but in reality all it did was fuel his anger for her.
I suggested she tell him to get the f..k out.
He and I had problems also.
On a couple of occasions he did damage too the unit in a fit of rage, and I told him to move out.
That of course enraged him even more.
It all came to a head one night when she showed up at my door with a large swollen black eye.
I said, "that's it, you both need to go".
The following day I served them a thirty day notice to vacate.
Later that day I was working in the yard and I can hear him saying "Fu..k that white bastard, let that Motherf....r take us to court."
I heard nothing out of her at that time.
The next day I saw her out in the yard, and told her we could do this the easy way, or the hard way, it was up to her.
I explained both options to her, and she chose the right one, and that was to leave in thirty days.
During those thirty days, they argued a few times and she told me she was going to get rid of him once and for all, that she made a big mistake taking him back, thinking he would change.
She told me that they had been living in Louisiana , and he was on parole , and had no right leaving that state without permission from his parole officer.
She called the officer, and two days later he showed up with LAPD, and they took him into custody.
She moved out, and I havn't heard from her since.
It was a shame what this woman allowed herself to go through.
She had lost it all.
Sure, this could have happened to anyone, white, black, or whatever but, this experience only added to the dislike I have for blacks.
I never had trouble with any of my white or hispanic tenants over the years but, rent to one black, and all hell broke loose.
Never in all the years I have been renting property have I had to see the cops on my property.
It was only when these blacks moved in that I had problems.
Obviously there is something too that, and it helped to fuel my dislike for blacks, especially black men.
Let me see if I can help you out here.
I am as white as they come.
I grew up with the 70s integration/Desegregation busing... taking the white kids and putting them on a bus and taking them to school in a black hood.
I have been beat spit on called every name in the book because I was a white kid.

But I have never been pulled over by the cops and had to wonder if its because I am white.

I have never been told they picked someone else to rent to and then wonder if it was because the color of my skin.

So..are you equating being physically beat up because you are white to wondering if you were turned refused a lease of pulled over because of the color of your skin? I want to make sure I am getting this right.

It sounds like are saying that wondering if the color of your skin was the reason you were inconvinienced is equal to being violently attack because of the color of your skin. You gotta admit that sounds pretty aburd.;)

Since we are running with personal stories, I will tell what influences my perceptions.

I used to work at a juvenile jail here in Topeka, Kansas. The population was dispriportionately black (as is typical across the nation for most jails). I can tell you that, at least in Topeka (and I imagine most of the rest of the country) the lower socio-economic end of the african-american spectrum (where most of that culture unfortunately lives) has it ingrained in them that all their problems are someone else's fault.

Every day I was called a racist any time I had to crack down on a resident (juvenile inmate) who was black. If I saw them punch someone and told them to lockdown, they would curse at me and call me racist. Even when seen by me and caught on tape taking some action that called for punishment, they would deny doing it and call me racist for bringing it up. This was not incedental and occasional, it was the norm.

Often at the jail, the black inmates would get agitated if I even tried to talk to them, but if a black corrections officer talked to them, the inmate would listen. Most black inmates tended to have a chip on their shoulder and an inherent hatred of white officers. Again, this was not incedental and occasional, it was the norm.

I have known white people here in Topeka who have been beat by blacks simply because of the color of their skin.

Contrast those actions with some of the african american's I know who do have character and sense of self responsibility. The black corrections officers I worked with at the jail were some of the best co-workers I have ever had, as well as some of the most quality people I know.

A black pastor I know is one of the best, most honest and humble person of strong character I know, period. Considering that I view the vast majority of pastors or "men of the cloth" (upwards of 80%, IMO) as narcessistic and self-agrandizing, that says quite a bit.

The black community has illegitimacy rates of upwards of 70%. The culture is dispreportionately poor. This is not due to society or other external factors, this is due to internal problems in the black community and in the black family.

Race peddlers like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Farrakan and Jeremiah Wright play off emotion and foster a sense of entitlement and no personal responsibility, which is further reinforced by hip-hop culture and the welfare state (among other things).
"Race peddlers like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Farrakan and Jeremiah Wright play off emotion and foster a sense of entitlement and no personal responsibility, which is further reinforced by hip-hop culture and the welfare state (among other things)."

Shag, you forgot to add one name too that list, especially when it comes too "welfare state".
Barack Obama.

There's bottom feeders in every race, not just the black race. I'm sure you can think of the derogatory names for each respective race, but that doesn't necessarily apply to every race. Each of these bottom feeders give their entire race a bad name. Now what percentage of each race is made of up these clowns I'm not exactly sure, but you can't put a bad label on everyone, as shagdrum explains in his story. A lot of the problem is social pressure to be "Black" or to be "Hispanic" or to be "White", and regardless what that person's morals and standards are, usually society(in their race) overrides any of that. I live in a town that's predominately white, about 98-99% White, and even the few Black people in the town still dress thug life and all that. Doesn't make much sense to me. They don't act like it, they weren't raised like that. It doesn't make sense why they still have to perpetuate this stereotype.
There's bottom feeders in every race, not just the black race. I'm sure you can think of the derogatory names for each respective race, but that doesn't necessarily apply to every race. Each of these bottom feeders give their entire race a bad name. Now what percentage of each race is made of up these clowns I'm not exactly sure, but you can't put a bad label on everyone, as shagdrum explains in his story. A lot of the problem is social pressure to be "Black" or to be "Hispanic" or to be "White", and regardless what that person's morals and standards are, usually society(in their race) overrides any of that. I live in a town that's predominately white, about 98-99% White, and even the few Black people in the town still dress thug life and all that. Doesn't make much sense to me. They don't act like it, they weren't raised like that. It doesn't make sense why they still have to perpetuate this stereotype.

With regards to the problems in the black community, I think it is (at least in large part) due to the predominant hip-hop/thug culture. The illegitimacy rates are staggering! The only black male role models these kids see in their community are usually simply a few years older then them and those role models have already been indoctrinated into the thug culture. It is also re-enforced in pop culture with the success and self-aggrandizement of the hip-hop artists. Add to that the message from the race peddlers that your problems are society's fault; specifically the white aristocracy, and you get a lot of irresponsible people with self-rightious anger toward the white community and the establishment.
With regards to the problems in the black community, I think it is (at least in large part) due to the predominant hip-hop/thug culture. The illegitimacy rates are staggering! The only black male role models these kids see in their community are usually simply a few years older then them and those role models have already been indoctrinated into the thug culture. It is also re-enforced in pop culture with the success and self-aggrandizement of the hip-hop artists. Add to that the message from the race peddlers that your problems are society's fault; specifically the white aristocracy, and you get a lot of irresponsible people with self-rightious anger toward the white community and the establishment.

Agreed. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are complete clowns. If there were a 2008/2009 Nat Turner rebellion they'd be the one's leading the charge. Rap music is a complete joke, I don't understand why people follow it so blindly. Through rap music we've established that the only way to become successful in the black community is to either sell drugs or rap. We've also established that the entire government is comprised of evil white people, and that all law enforcement agents are Klansman. I live in North Philly right now considering I go to Temple, and the occurrences I come across are pitiful. Everyone now and then someone will say something to me when they are in a group to try and act superior because I'm white. They'll say it in a quiet tone so I can barely hear them but them and their goons can hear it, and I'll turn around to see what they said, because some people are actually pretty nice and want to talk, and they'll just walk away or turn away. I don't understand the point there at all, it's just that thug life mentality trying to overshadow a person's true nature, obviously just not working. There's no reason to hate another race in my opinion, just the jackasses at the bottom. I didn't enslave your people, you were not a slave. I didn't stop you from gaining equal rights. Granted my opinion doesn't reflect the entire race, just the outspoken blatant racists.
Very perceptive of you.
I don't think it would be a great loss too the country, but obvviously because he is black, the black community would riot in the streets like they did when those cops got aquitted in the Rodney King trial.
That would be the sad part of an Obama assination.
Many inocent people would get hurt, and countless numbers of property destroyed.
Very perceptive of you.
Very perceptive of you.

I get the feeling you don't think that would happen if the dude waqs iced?
What do you think would happen?
I think there are enough white supremicist groups in this country that would make damed sure a black is never elected president.
I have read on other forums that the KKK is plotting something.
I have no way, nor do any of us , as to just how true this may be, but I certainly belive they have the resources to carry out an assination. and it wouldn't come as a shock if he were iced.
I didnt realize there was so many racists on this site,,,it only takes a blackman possible being in charge to findout who is who ,, by the way white men have been in charge for along time and they have f'd up the world for along time ,,LOL !

I lived in North Philly (22nd & Tioga,,19th & dolphine)for along time and trust me,,the people there dont just pick on white people ,,,they prey on the weak ! Its called servival of the fittist,, your walkn' around looking like you dont belong and you will get your but kicked period !

But I do understand you shouldnt have to worry about getting beat up ,,which is true..

Life is not fair and the weak will be preyed upon.

The blacks are trying to get there turn to be strong ,,thats all ..attemps on obama's life was a given,,he knew it was coming ,,m.l.king knew it ,,j.f.kennedy knew it ,, malcom x knew it ,,even abe lincoln knew it ,, they all knew it was coming when they spoke out ! That is the way it goes with scared people and enough stupid people back them ...I know I pissed some people off but Im sorry its true.


You are 100% wrong about that .
They are doing it here in Los Angeles, and have been for years..
If you don't belive this, you might want to google the fact about bussing in Los Angeles, then maybe you will retract your rediculous statement.
You've presented the black community you live in as being a state of nature. Where there are no rules of civilization just the survival of the fittest. Life being brutish,nasty, and short.

If that isn't an indictment of your community, I don't know what else is.

It's interesting how you mention how "white men" are in charge and have messed things up. Care to discuss the local governments in the neighborhoods you've just described?

It speaks nothing of the race of people living in that community, only the shared sub-culture.

And lastly, they did ship black kids into white schools and some unfortunate white kids did get bussed to black schools- and many DID get their "lilly white butts" hurt.
And lastly, they did ship black kids into white schools and some unfortunate white kids did get bussed to black schools- and many DID get their "lilly white butts" hurt.

It went both ways, it started in 7th grade we were bused to a school in a black community... some of the black kids were bused into a white community.

I can't tell you what it was like for the kids at the white schools, but all hell broke out in the school we were bused to.
Bryant jr high its on 3rd ave. right off of 35w it's black community and still is.

We were a very close knit group of white kids, We had to be... you never wanted to be caught alone.

I still have friends form that group we went though hell.

After that we were shiped to Central high School the same school Prince came out of. The area is as bad as south Mpls gets.
By that age we knew how to deal with the problems as they came up.
We still never went anywere alone.
I guess we got street smart.

The point I was trying to make is there is some racism in every group, Anyone can be hated for the color of their skin.
If a black man has to apply for a job or a place to live and the person they apply to is white and they are rejected the black friends I have with will wonder if its because they are black hell they will assume its because they are black, this is how it was explained to me when the subject of comes up with the black friends I have.
I for one never have that problem, I am whitie :)

Ken on the other hand... well he has to be the first white guy I know who was pulled over for his skin color.
It sounds like he can take care of himself. :eek:
Getting back to the original subject of this post, do you think the possibility is high or low that if elected, Obama may be assinated.?
I think he will be, and that prediction is a high possibility .
The point I was trying to make is there is some racism in every group, Anyone can be hated for the color of their skin.

Agreed. Your example just seemed, in a wierd way, kinda lopsided to me, and it was funny. Wasn't sure if I was takin it wrong, but I figured I would at least point it out.;)

If a black man has to apply for a job or a place to live and the person they apply to is white and they are rejected the black friends I have with will wonder if its because they are black hell they will assume its because they are black, this is how it was explained to me when the subject of comes up with the black friends I have.
I for one never have that problem, I am whitie :)

My question would be;
At what point does wondering if racism was a factor become racial paranoia that can actually lead to racism from the minority person?
"My question would be;
At what point does wondering if racism was a factor become racial paranoia that can actually lead to racism from the minority person?"

If I understand your question correctly, I would say, from the gitgo.
Blacks, because of this "builtin in premis" think that because of slavery, which happened two hundred years ago, they are owed something from white people, and when confronted with a situation where they are the source of any inquiry, they automatically feel that before one word is said, they are going to be discriminated against because they are black.
It is a built in reaction.
I try to live my life in such a way that I can judge all those around me individually. I DON"T FEEL NEGATIVE ABOUT ANY ETHNIC GROUP. But some ethnic groups have a disproportionate degree of difficulty and negativeness inherant. The reasons for this are extremely complicated. I speak as one who has an AB in Sociology.
"My question would be;
At what point does wondering if racism was a factor become racial paranoia that can actually lead to racism from the minority person?"

If I understand your question correctly, I would say, from the gitgo.
Blacks, because of this "builtin in premis" think that because of slavery, which happened two hundred years ago, they are owed something from white people, and when confronted with a situation where they are the source of any inquiry, they automatically feel that before one word is said, they are going to be discriminated against because they are black.
It is a built in reaction.

A black man would wonder if he was applying for a place to live form Bob.
It wouldnt be paranoia he wouldn't get the place BECAUSE he is black.
Which proves my point.
If he has ran into enough Bob's he is going to assume its because he is black not from something that happened a 100 years ago but things that still happen today.

If he was white he would have the place, end of story.

I am sure after a while paranoia would set in reversing the racism.
My question would be is it justified ?
A black man would wonder if he was applying for a place to live form Bob.
It wouldnt be paranoia he wouldn't get the place BECAUSE he is black.
Which proves my point.
If he has ran into enough Bob's he is going to assume its because he is black not from something that happened a 100 years ago but things that still happen today.

Something like racism is never going to go away completely. It's like all negative things in this world; war, famine, poverty, etc. etc...

However, that type of institutional racism (to the detriment of blacks) doesn't exist (in a broad sense) in america today. What happens is incedental examples (like what you cite here) are played up to make it seem like racism against african-american's is still broadly institutional and that the system is keeping them down. The people playing up these incedents are the race peddlers mentioned earlier.

These race peddlers even play up and manufacture incidents to keep the black community racially paranoia. The peddlers play off of white guilt and black hatred to fan the flames and the media tends to echo it. Often these incidents turn out to not be in any way racist.

You must ask yourself; if institutional racism exists, then why are so many other minorities able to make it here in america. Even african or other dark skinned immigrants who come to this country are very successful and able to live a happy life. they don't find any type of "institutional racism" keeping them down.

An occasional incident of racism that inconvinences you does not justify the racial paranoia and hatred towards whites that is coming from large portions of the african american community.

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