Remote start from keypad?

I not only like Americans I love what they stand for and the products they produce.

I do not like pompous and arrogant people. The fact of the matter is that when you act in such a manner you not only represent yourself but all those around you. Ergo you are disgracing the rest of the United states with your pompous, arrogant and simplistic retorts.

There is still time to turn off the computer and quietly ask your neighbors for forgiveness. If there is one thing about the USA I appreciate it is their ability to forgive.

You can change....but first you must want to change

Now if you want to be the bigger man you must not....I repeat must not ,reply to this message
I not only like Americans I love what they stand for and the products they produce.

Good. Keep it up. We need all the buyers we can get.

I do not like pompous and arrogant people. The fact of the matter is that when you act in such a manner you not only represent yourself but all those around you.

Really? Again, we're not socialists. Everyone around here can have an opinion. Just because you don't like my opinions, it doesn't mean everyone shares them, or that I "represent" anyone here. I only represent myself. Got that, skippy?

Ergo you are disgracing the rest of the United states with your pompous, arrogant and simplistic retorts.

I'm disgracing the whole country? Well damn! I don't know whether to be insulted or honored. Do you have any hard proof of this statement, or is it something you just pulled out of your ass?

There is still time to turn off the computer and quietly ask your neighbors for forgiveness. If there is one thing about the USA I appreciate it is their ability to forgive.

Turn off my computer? why, so I can't make you look like a t00l? Nah.
And I'm not a Christian, I could give tow chits about "forgiveness". Here's an idea. Why don't YOU forgive? hmmm?

You can change....but first you must want to change

Keep your change. I'll keep my freedom, guns, and my right to speak out against bleeding hearts like yourself.

Now if you want to be the bigger man you must not....I repeat must not ,reply to this message

Nice try. Reverse psychology doesn't work on me too well. Besides, what makes you think I want to be this "bigger" man? I'd rather annoy people such as yourself. I don't care to be a "bigger" man. Literally and figuratively speaking.
You got me...I concede defeat to you. You have won the battle. You win...I lose....

Now please leave me be, while I curl up and weep softly in the corner.

All I wanted was to figure out how to get my car starter to work with my original key FOB, because i thought it was cool....I guess I will just keep using my aftermarket key FOB..

I am so stupid.....stupid....stupid........aargh....stupid

You got me...I concede defeat to you. You have won the battle. You win...I lose....

Look man, I wasn't looking for a win, battle, or anything of the sorts. But you start tearing into me, expect me to reply. I expect the same if I tear into someone else. Unfortunately, most of the people I tear into, seem to be college educated idiots with no writing, reasoning/debate skills.

Now please leave me be, while I curl up and weep softly in the corner.

You started it. I'll just "finish" it. simple as that.

All I wanted was to figure out how to get my car starter to work with my original key FOB, because i thought it was cool....I guess I will just keep using my aftermarket key FOB..

As previously stated, I just covered your question not even 3 days ago. Use the search feature.

I am so stupid.....stupid....stupid........aargh....stupid

I wouldn't call you stupid. Maybe un-informed, or perhaps a little unmotivated. But stupid? Nah.


I'm not the best. Never claimed to be the best, never will.

Good day to you.

I read the thread throughly, I even asked a question in that thread. You at no time explained in detail how or what type of remote starter would work with the original key FOB. I know a little about remote starters and car alarms and had never heard of this before. (it takes a while for news to make its way to Canadia)

Its okay to say you don't know, I couldn't possibly think any less of you.

Peace in the Middle East

Most any of them will work with the factory keyfob, so long as there is a PATS bypass system installed... Like explained here:

I mean, really, what else do you need? You should have gathered that you need a remote start unit (available at any stereo shop), and a PATS "bypass" box, or a PATS "programmed" box.

But I must not know. ALL but 2 of my vehicle have remote starters on them. The two that don't... Well, it's impossible to put remote start on them.

Seriously, man. READ... comprehend... remember.

You want it explained in detail? Would you like me to save you some typing, and give you 3rd party manufacturer names and model numbers, because google and/or the phone book eludes you? Maybe even install it for you?

"Screw your old, decrepit, one foot in the grave queen. You people only have one queen. We have thousands of them in San Francisco."

My new Signature Quote.
*I*, am not a tool. I own MANY different tools, and have countless others availible for loan to me. Many of these tools could be used to install remote starters in various vehicles, up to and including an abrams tank given enough time.

BUT..........I digress,

You, my dear reptilian "troll", would know that if you used the search function every now and then. :p
Definitions of search on the Web:

-The activity of looking thoroughly in order to find something or someone
try to locate or discover, or try to establish the existence of; "The police are searching for clues"; "They are searching for the missing man in the entire county"

-An investigation seeking answers; "a thorough search of the ledgers revealed nothing"; "the outcome justified the search"

-Search or seek; "We looked all day and finally found the child in the forest"; "Look elsewhere for the perfect gift!"

-An operation that determines whether one or more of a set of items has a specified property; "they wrote a program to do a table lookup"

-Research: inquire into; "the students had to research the history of the Second World War for their history project"; "He searched for information on his relatives on the web"; "Scientists are exploring the nature of consciousness"

-The examination of alternative hypotheses; "his search for a move that would avoid checkmate was unsuccessful"

-Subject to a search; "The police searched the suspect"; "We searched the whole house for the missing keys"

-Boarding and inspecting a ship on the high seas; "right of search"

-Searching; Saving not only your own time, but also the server rescources, member frustration, mental anguish, and giving frogman one less thing to bitch about.


Effin n00b!

-An intricate network suggesting something that was formed by weaving or interweaving; "the trees cast a delicate web of shadows over the lawn"

-An intricate trap that entangles or ensnares its victim
vane: the flattened weblike part of a feather consisting of a series of barbs on either side of the shaft.

-Network: an interconnected system of things or people; "he owned a network of shops"; "retirement meant dropping out of a whole network of people who had been part of my life"; "tangled in a web of cloth"

-World Wide Web: computer network consisting of a collection of internet sites that offer text and graphics and sound and animation resources through the hypertext transfer protocol

-A fabric (especially a fabric in the process of being woven)

-Construct or form a web, as if by weaving

-The membrane connecting the toes of some aquatic birds and mammals

Again, this could all be resolved with a simple search.

For the record, I am the reason people don't like Americans. Not Frogman. I worked very hard to earn that title. I don't appreciate people attributing it to others. For all the Americans on this forum; have you ever been to Paris? Yup, my fault. Sorry about that.

Quick shout out to CW (name witheld because the satute of limitations isn't up yet) and his amazing ability to bring fireworks across national borders.
All I wanted was to figure out how to get my car starter to work with my original key FOB, because i thought it was cool....I guess I will just keep using my aftermarket key FOB..

all you do is connect the activation wire (i have never seen a aftermarket R/S without one) to the lock wire, then program the R/S to activate from more that the 1 pulse default(or else it will start every time the car is locked),i prefer to use 3 pulses, then when you hit the lock button 3 times it will activate the R/S and the horn will honk twice to let you know that the car got the signal, however the factory remote usually does not work from as far away

sorry rainjacks, i also have a lot to do with people from other places not liking americans

You are the reason Americans get a bad rap around the world.

Bzzt wrong. He's the reason retards get a bad rap. They aren't all bad. I wish I had the spare time and energy to troll like he does, I'm sure I'd get a big kick out of insulting people I don't know over piddling little bullcrap.

If only I had someone to pay my bills and feed my ass, I would call myself Better Than Frogman and then proceed to tear this board a new butthole in ways noone else could ever imagine. And then I'd get a bunch of guys from the bathhouses around town to come reply to each post I make to tell me how awesome I am.
This sounds like the big secret to getting the most enjoyment out of life. I think I'm on to something.
Bzzt wrong. He's the reason retards get a bad rap. They aren't all bad. I wish I had the spare time and energy to troll like he does, I'm sure I'd get a big kick out of insulting people I don't know over piddling little bullcrap.

What you wish and what you have are two different things.

If only I had someone to pay my bills and feed my ass, I would call myself Better Than Frogman and then proceed to tear this board a new butthole in ways noone else could ever imagine. And then I'd get a bunch of guys from the bathhouses around town to come reply to each post I make to tell me how awesome I am.

See? This is where you fail. I didn't ask anyone for help. You, apparently, would have to ask for help. As far as tearing me a new one...? If your past posts are any indication of your "tearing" abilities. I can only chuckle at you.

This sounds like the big secret to getting the most enjoyment out of life. I think I'm on to something.

You couldn't be onto something if a bag full of hundred dollar bills hit you on the head. Sorry, you're just not that bright.

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