Right now im stuck here...

I will probably just take it to Ford for the flush lol. I rather not pollute my neibhorhood or the water supply with toxic waste. What do I ask for when I take it in? A coolant flush?

Do I do this after I install the new reservoir, fill it with coolant, and then bleed the system?

After all that take it to get a "coolant flush" at Ford?
Install the part yourself and save some money. Just go slow and take your time, as with any job under the cramped LS engine bay. Then take it to Ford for a coolant flush. They "should" be able to see any debris and tell you what it may be. It could may well be just scale build up from using tap water in the system. Tell them what happened and tell them to look for anything in the fluid.
tow it home. replace whatever plastic cooling system piece broke.
the heat makes the plastic brittle and it cracks.
time for some new cooling system parts.

I gotta say, it's strange to see a mark owner respond quicker to a LS related issue with the right answer. You know more about the LS than some LS owners do. Thumbs up!
Install the part yourself and save some money. Just go slow and take your time, as with any job under the cramped LS engine bay. Then take it to Ford for a coolant flush. They "should" be able to see any debris and tell you what it may be. It could may well be just scale build up from using tap water in the system. Tell them what happened and tell them to look for anything in the fluid.

Thanks, i'l definitely tell them that. I was planning on installing the parts myself, just needed to know the order of things to do. As in get the system flushed now, and then install the part, or install the part, and then take it to Ford to get it flushed.

Do I ask for a "coolant flush"? Or is it a full system flush, or any special name?
It would more than likely be labeled a coolant flush, but different dealerships have different names for it. Don't know why but they do. I would ask what they do for a coolant flush, or what they consider a coolant flush. If it just intels draining the fluid, then it's not worth it. IMO they need to back flush the system also to get a good cleaning.
It would more than likely be labeled a coolant flush, but different dealerships have different names for it. Don't know why but they do. I would ask what they do for a coolant flush, or what they consider a coolant flush. If it just intels draining the fluid, then it's not worth it. IMO they need to back flush the system also to get a good cleaning.

Thanks Centason. I will have an update as soon as I get my part from Max.
Great got the new one in from Max. Everything off but the bottom hose. I can't seem to get a good enough grip on the clamp to pull it off the hose...any advice?
Great got the new one in from Max. Everything off but the bottom hose. I can't seem to get a good enough grip on the clamp to pull it off the hose...any advice?

Disconnect the hose at the other end, on the firewall by the vacuum booster.
Just did this 2 days ago. I took off my fender well cover to see if I could access the bottom of the reservoir through there but had no luck. Just get a flashlight/work light and aim it down under the bottle and you'll be able to see it. Once you have removed the other hoses and unbolted it you can move it upward a bit which makes accessing that hose easier.

BTW this is what I found when I finally wrestled the bastard out:

I've removed everything from the bolts on the reservoir, to the strut bar on top of the engine. I pulled it up, and I can see the bottom hose...I just can't seem to get my hand in there to unclamp, and pull off the hose. Maybe I just need strongers hands lol.
I've removed everything from the bolts on the reservoir, to the strut bar on top of the engine. I pulled it up, and I can see the bottom hose...I just can't seem to get my hand in there to unclamp, and pull off the hose. Maybe I just need strongers hands lol.

get the right tool, they make a hose clamp tool that is made for tight spaces, it works very well.
alright here we go - major coolant leak occurred today with some overheating. car is sitting in a parking lot right now. item #9 below appeared soaked and appeared to be the source of the issue. but i'm not sure, i know item #12 below often comes up as an issue. does #9 ever present problems? how do i proceed? i know i know, tell me to replace all plastic components, etc. what are we looking at cost wise vs taking to dealer?

Item 9 is the AC receiver/dryer. It has refrigerant circulating through it. It does not have any coolant at all. Any coolant that you are finding on it is spraying there from somewhere else. If it's wet, then it's most likely the radiator or the upper radiator hose. "Item 12", the DCCV, certainly can leak (it did on my 06 just recently), but it's unlikely to be able to soak the AC part above it.
in terms of being a "mechanic", i'm probably a 4/10 - is this something i can do?
in terms of being a "mechanic", i'm probably a 4/10 - is this something i can do?

First, you or someone has to find the correct source of the leak. Until then, we don't know what "this" is.
i hear ya joe - thanks for the help. just went down there, took a few pics. coolant tank is very dry, after filling up to try and limp home. leak seems to be hitting the pavement just inside the front passenger wheel, maybe a little forward of that. coolant spewed EVERYWHERE on the left side of the engine bay.






You're going to have to start removing more stuff to find the source of the leak...
Speaking of which, did you just remove the top radiator supports, or have you been driving with those missing?
Anyway, need to start by removing the air intake and the engine cover. If you haven't already replaced all of the plastic cooling system parts...
just took the support off to see if i could easily see anything. ugh this is exactly what i needed right now.
in terms of being a "mechanic", i'm probably a 4/10 - is this something i can do?

a 4 or 5 out of 10 could probably handle replacing all of the plastic cooling parts, the degas bottle would probably be hardest part because of some hard to reach clamps (and hope no botls snap for the cowl support) but if the radiator needs replacing, that might be something you may want to pay to have done (while some have done it opy pulling it out of the top, its a bit easier for it to come out of the bottom which is even harder on stands if you don't have a lift...)
found a nice crack in the plastic part of the upper rad hose. hoping that's all there is. i know you guys will tell me to do the whole thing. is the fact that coolant sprayed on surrounding plastic pieces a very bad thing?
If you are asking if it hurt them, then the answer is almost certainly not. (However, your belt may be a different story.) We only tell you to replace the rest of it because of our experiences. You can do just the hose today, then make a post about the next big leak next week, and so on. If you don't mind being stranded a few more times and don't mind buying more antifreeze, then do it one part at a time.

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