It concerns a pm shag - once again you are trying to justify your betrayal of a trust. I have never used anyone's pms out on a public forum. No matter what the provocation. As hard as you try shag, there is never any justifying the breach of privacy. I communicated with you in the past via pm, because I respected both of our privacy. You never stated that it was a one way street, you never 'warned' me that should the time arrive, that you would betray that trust because, you, as judge, jury and executioner deemed that I was no longer worthy.
There has to be some trust there for it to be betrayed. There has to be some sense of privacy there for it to be breached. When there is not civility or decency between two people, those two factors are absent. Again, you are either very naive to think that those qualities were there, or you are being disingenuous.
I can't argue this point, because you know I won't bring pm's into this conversation. I am predetermined to lose. The deck is stacked against me because I won't cross the privacy line, and you will shag.
So we are left with your word against mine. However, your word seems to always have an expiration date attached to it.
If you had some sort of compelling evidence to back it up, you could attempt to disprove what I say without bringing the specifics of a PM into it if you chose to do so. What I am accusing you of is not something you mostly exhibited in PM's, it was and is your constant rudeness and lack of respect in these thread when you mischaracterize, ignore, etc., etc. Then, I contrasted that with your PM's and concluded that you are very two-faced, by nature, and thus someone I don't have any desire to associate with.
All you have to do is show that you are not habitually mischaracterizing arguments, ignoring arguments, etc. etc. However, your trend has been to ignore the substance of those criticisms and use the crutch of playing the victim to attack the style of the critique, or you ignore the critique all together. Basically, you either dishonestly attempt to dodge the criticism by playing the victim, or you ignore it. Either way, you are clearly attempting to avoid confronting it.
That is how I get by in life shag - I play by the rules. You don't, and after you break the rules, you attempt to justify why you broke them.
What rules? The only norms (or "rules" if you wanna call them that) are those of civility, decency and good faith. You habitually break those rules on this forum when you rudely and dishonestly mischaracterize arguments, ignore arguments to perpetuate your false premises, deceptively attempt to reframe the debate, etc. However, you never even acknowledge the fact that you broke those "rules". The fact of the matter is that I am simply following your lead.
And, unlike you I realize the right to privacy is unalienable.
Privacy is unalienable?! WTH is that supposed to mean?
No wonder you have a hard time understanding the constitution's 'points' regarding this issue. It appears you see it as something that is earned or granted.
that is a logical inference.
I obviously can't earn or be granted something I view as unalienable, and on the other side of the coin, privacy to you isn't a right, but in this case some sort of gift that you can bestow or take back at any time. Your viewpoint on privacy is one that is difficult for me to understand. Especially since, up front, you never stated that my privacy was in jeopardy if I conversed with you off of the public forum.
So, because you supposedly view privacy as "unalienable" everyone is supposed to conform to you view of privacy? That is more then a little arrogant and presumptuous.
And again, none of this changes the key fact of that quote; that
you, in no uncertain terms lied. Then you counted on my extending to you some sense of decency that you had long since stopped extending to me here as a means of avoiding being called on it.
In fact, all this long-winded, disingenuous hand wringing on your part is nothing more then an attempt to deflect the valid criticism that
you lied. This is a deceitful pattern that you have shown constantly throughout this forum.
Why is it OK to habitually show a lack of respect for someone's argument (and by extension, them) and flat out lie to them but it is not OK for that person to then not respect some assumed sense of privacy on your part that is completely inappropriate given the state of the relationship between the two of you?
I will repeat what I said in my PM response to you; call me an "@$$hole", "rude" whatever you want but that doesn't mean that my critiques are not valid.
The fact of the matter is that you lied, and are now deflecting criticism for it in order to avoid being held responsible. That is something that you
constantly do; dodge and deflect in order to avoid responsibility for your actions. You see fit to try an label me as immature, but you are acting like a 21 year with no sense of responsibility. The fact that you are much older then 21 and cannot accept responsibility for your actions makes those actions all the more pathetic.