sure you know what you are talking about? can't even keep your assertions of predictions straight.
Theorizing is making assertions. You statement here makes no sense. It is simply inarticulate condescension.
i see, that's your explanation for how id works. if it's improbable, by one mans mathematical probability filter, or LOOKS designed, then it's id at work. that's not much of an explanation.
That is an oversimplified mischaracterization of what Dembski argues which has been spelled out already in this threat.
You cannot make an argument through honest means, apparently.
so, how does this designing take effect in the world? random mutation? how does that work. it's well understood how it works under the evolutionary theory.
Again, you are going beyond the scope of ID and making an arbitrary standard. That standard is nothing but a false premise, as has been spelled out a number of times. First, Darwinism cannot meet that standard; it can only provide speculation. Second, ID doesn't attempt to prove a specific mechanism. A scientific theory in this field doesn't have to prove a specific mechanism and none has. Your standard is disingenuous and arbitrary and, if accepted, disproves Darwinism as well.
All you are doing is creating a "cloud of doubt" to then be able to claim ID is unscientific.
and as usual, there goes your goalpost rhetoric. a little old shag. fossten falls for it, but i don't.
It is not simply rhetoric, it is fact. You are trying to inject arbitrary standards (false premises) into the debate that are not appropriate and only cloud the issue by allow you to claim ID is not a science. You have yet to provide any justification for your standards. All you are doing is repeating them over and over as fact. It seems you are learning from foxpaws.
behe and dembski's system's ARE NOT TEST"S OF PROOF. i'm not moving any goalposts, just asking you to prove YOUR assertion that id IS TESTABLE.
i haven't heard anything from you on it.
dembski and behe say they think they can tell id, NOT PROVE IT OR TEST FOR IT.
I never said that ID could be tested for proof! I said it could as much as Darwinian evolution could. Since Darwinian evolution cannot be tested for proof, my point stands. the only way you can logically disprove my point is to prove that Darwinian evolution can and has been empirically verified. Since you can't do that, you are resorting to mischaracterization and moving the goalposts.
ID simply applies the same scientific methods of design detection used in other sciences to the field of speciation.
and evolution is beyond's mechanism has been proven within genetic drift and as you call, adaptation.
No, it has not been proven. You are asserting a lie and you know it. While the claim has been made that genetic drift, adaptation or whatever else "proves" Darwinian evolution, the fact of the matter is that when the facts are looked at, that evidence hardly proves Darwinian evolution unless you start making assumptions and huge logical leaps. So scientifically, Darwinian evolution has not been proven. You know this, but I wouldn't expect you to question your Atheist dogma.
And, all we are left to go in when it comes to this "proof" of Darwinian evolution is your work. Considering the amount of blatant mischaracterization in this post alone, anyone would be a fool to take you at your word here.
it's true, full speciation could be said to be unverified. but try mating a great dane with a chihuahua. without outside intervention, it's physically impossible. and there are many other examples where speciation of a form have occured.
WTH does that prove? Bot a great dane and a chihuahua are the same species. Any mating (natural or otherwise) wouldn't prove speciation. And the fact that they would need "outside intervention" would, if anything, prove ID over Darwinism. What is your point?
You seem to be simply repeating those Atheist/Darwinist talking points that sound good to you but you don't fully understand.
really? do you truly understand what gibberish you just posted?
asserts unproveable? wtf?
Sorry, I got a little ahead of myself in typing that. I was originally going to say "makes assertions", then I shortened it to "asserts" but forgot to remove the "makes". Let me correct it; Basically you are asserting that because one theory asserts unprovable, unscientific speculation as fact in an area where the other doesn't, it is scientific and the other isn't.