What you're saying doesn't make sense and you just keep distorting a rather simple and general analogy to the point it makes no sense.
If I reluctantly am forced to pay into a program that promises a safety net, I have the reasonable expectation that, in the event of a natural disaster, assistance will be provided. And because I'm coerced to pay into this program, I'm LESS able to provide for myself because the involuntary involvement in the program reduces the amount of resources available to me, or the state.
Even if I want the program cut, so long as I'm funding it and am forced to abide by the limitations that result from it, it's not hypocritical to expect to be offered some protection from it.
I don't know specifically what program(s) your talking about, the application, or who's actively arguing to have their budgets cut. As far as I know, there's no national interest in having emergency relief because of a disaster defunded.
You next point has to deal with taking "savings" and then "giving' them to corporations in the form of tax cuts.
First, if I don't take something from you, am I actually giving it to you?
If I don't steal your wallet, did I just give you the money that was in it? If so, you should thank everyone who doesn't rob you walking down the street.
But, more importantly, the country is bankrupt.
That's not hyperbole, it's true. Our government isn't just running out of money, it's nearly $15 TRILLION in on-book debt.
So far, this fiscal year, we're already $1.4 TRILLION in the red.
When you calculate the on-book unfunded liabilities that debt is actually about $114 TRILLION
And, as I mentioned early, about half of our budget is spent on entitlements and interest on the debt.
You seem to think that any savings will simply be "given" back to a corporation or rich person. As I pointed out, there's a flaw to this logic, because they aren't seizing anything from the poor and giving it to a business or "rich" person. According to your premise, they simply wouldn't take it from the "rich" person in order to redistribute it. But let's not let reason get in the way of your point.
You can't tax your way out of this financial crisis. It's cliche and oft repeatedly, but the problem in Washington isn't a lack of revenue, it's spending. They need to spend less.
First, what ever they spend needs to be done in the most efficient way possible.
And second, the federal government needs to shrink back to the size and roll established in the constitution. These "safety nets" that you appear to endorse should be the responsibility of the states. Some states may be very redistributive, others not. You can institute change locally, or move somewhere that appeals to your sensibilities.
So how much should someone pay in taxes?
10% 25% 45%
Why not just take 80% or 95% of their income?
Why not just take EVERYTHING a family earns over $75k?
That's an interesting point your making.
Traditionally, families felt a moral obligation to take care of their elderly. What's changed?
We've passed the responsibility off to the federal government to take care of it for us. For the past century, I didn't need to worry about my parents as they grew old. I paid a little bit into this ponzi scheme and I could leave their care and well being to the government.
And parents had no reason to maintain or build strong relationships with their adult children because, as they grew old, they could turn to their government to care for them?
Is that more moral? Is it more moral to deflect that personal responsibility to the political powers in Washington?
And again, you back to point about taxes.
You seem to think that if we just seized more assets from people, if we just redistributed more wealth, we'd be a stronger country for it.
This is economically illiterate thinking.
You didn't answer the question. Are you a marxist or a
"useful idiot?"
There are many ways to help the economy, but expanding the size of the federal government is not one of them. In fact, it impedes the economic correction.
Is your argument that the federal government should be responsible for those things? If so, where does it get that responsibility in the constitution?
That the assets of one person should be ceased against their will at increasingly exorbitant rates and redistributed to another? If so, where do the limits of private property exist?
And do you even think the federal government can, or does, these things efficiently? Are you defending the programs in place because they are the best way to do it or just because you don't want to consider anything else?
It's Christian for you to go volunteer. It's Christian for you to go donate your time, money, and energy. Christian teaching has to do with the individual being charitable, not the individual being forced by the government to surrender their assets, and to then have them inefficiently and corruptly redistributed.
And do you really care. Speaking of hypocrites, you use the arguments of "morality" and "Christianity" in this thread, but in the same breath you speak critically about any kind of regulation on the act of abortion.
We can discuss tax policy in another post, I've already touched on it in this thread.
So, just to be clear, you are saying it's MY responsibility to take care of YOUR parents? Do I have that right?
They raised you, they fed, they clothed, sheltered you and wiped your ass. But it's up to someone else to take care of them?
Are the tribes in the jungle more moral than you?
But none of those programs are "on the chopping block" when it comes to your parents. So long as it's possible, so long as we reform the systems soon, it's pretty universally agreed that those in the system and those without sufficient time to prepare accordingly, will be able to stay in the programs they anticipated. An 80 year old doesn't have time to restructure or accommodate for any radical change in the system, however someone who is 45 still does.
And if we don't reform or reinvent these 'safety nets' now, there will be nothing available. If the system collapses because we don't make changes now, there will be NOTHING for anyone. Not only will there be nothing available when you get old, there will be nothing for your parents.