Well-Known LVC Member
So, by your own standard, I take you are a homosexual?![]()
NOW,NOW remember you want to keep don't ask don't tell:shifty:
So, by your own standard, I take you are a homosexual?![]()
We've addressed this in the other thread, no taking more from someone else doesn't constitute giving it to them, no more than my not robbing you in the street is the same as me giving you the money in your wallet.1st :EVERYTHING you speak of about how the economy is F'd up and they're not taking from the poor and giving to the rich in forms of tax incentives is proven wrong by the graph
I really don't want to have to discuss this is partisan terms. There is more than enough blame to go around, you certainly can not absolve the entire GOP of criticism.2nd : Funny how republicans became so fiscally responsible all of a sudden, what someone wrote states it best::::::
If the Bush tax cuts were so expensive, why did they extend them last year? It's because the lower tax rates increased economic activity and helped the economy. You probably don't remember, but when Bush took office, we were at the beginning of a cyclical recession followed by the economically devastating 9/11 attacks.It was Republicans who supported the Bush tax cuts, and added the costs to the national debt.
The last estimate I saw calculating the cost of both the Iraq and Afghanistan military operations was 1.2 Trillion dollars over the past decade. The current government is already deeper in the red this fiscal year alone.Republicans then chose to finance the war in Afghanistan by adding the costs to the national debt. They then put the costs of the war in Iraq onto the national debt.
So, let's clarify here.....The GOP supported a massive expansion of the government's role in health care, Medicare Part D, and piled all of its costs right onto the national debt, and then backed the financial industry bailout, and added the bill to the national debt.
What you should say is that the GOP refused to allow for a tax increase on higher earners. There were no tax cuts being discussed, only tax increases.In December, Republicans refused to allow for a middle-class tax cut unless it included more expensive breaks for the wealthiest people in America.
Not raising taxes didn't cost anything. There were no tax cuts, merely a continuation of the tax rates that had already been in affect for about ten years.The entire package, backed by the GOP, cost hundreds of billions of dollars, and by Republican design, all of the costs were added to the national debt.
As I've explained.If Republicans want to pretend to care about fiscal responsibility, that's up to them. But there's no reason to shamelessly lie, while claiming to be "honest," about which party's responsible for "screwing" the USA! "
Cheney said that deficits don't matter (only when your party's in power)
What does that mean? That's empty rhetoric.No, my point is,you can't do it on the backs of those that have not
You're profoundly mistaken if you think I'm defending our tax policy in this country. However, do you think that tax code should be used as a way of punishing success? Or that those who make over $250k (considered millionaires) can be taxed without limit and without consequence?Well they're the ones with no friends in high places cause 4,000 millionaires paid no federal income tax last year
Are you looking for someone here to defend that program? I'm not going to. The only positive is that there are some concepts of competition in the program that make it modestly more efficient than some other government programs. With that said, I don't support that expansion of government. I don't support big-government Republican policies.Medicare part D was nothing short of throwing money down the toilet,
Realize you are narrowly talking about the "Small Business Health Option Program. That's a program that won't possibly come online for another 3 years, and it mandates that states set up broader insurance pools for small businesses to buy into. There's so much more to the Obamacare bill other than that single, that it's really insignificant. Obamacare is not defined by a mandate that states set up a a SHOP Exchange.Seems someone has lied to you, because " The Congressional Budget Office has estimated that the exchanges would ease small business insurance costs, albeit only marginally: premiums in the small-group market are forecast to fall between 1% and 4% under the exchanges, while the amount of coverage would rise by up to 3%.
Use your search-engine prowess and simply look at federal revenue and see for yourself. Recognize that we went into a recession in 1999 and the terrorist attacks in 2001. Also not that there were significant tax cuts in the 80s, 60s, and it's just a coincidence that the tax breaks start around the same time your graph takes a bottle of Viagra? and you say it didn't cost anything?
I'm 100% in support of sweeping tax policy reform, I do not support the system in place.Well as i said, cutting alone isn't the answer no matter what, as Bush Sr. did, you have to raise money by getting rid of tax breaks
No. Clinton was able to pass a tax increase with his majority in Congress and it happened to coincide with the tech boom, which popped in 1999. The Republicans came into office in 1995 and then aggressively attempted to cut spending and reign in the Clinton agenda. That wasn't agreement.Clinton and the republicans agreed and it worked, the rich made money, and most everyone had money without too much pain BUT i know we'll agree to disagree