Shift kit yeah or nay on a daily driver?

the one main drawback to a higher stall is Jerry's tranny book he states that for every 20 degrees over 170, fluid life is cut in half....i'm just guessing....but I bet you your stall has added ATLEAST 20 degrees. Think of it this way.....your stock cooler is trying to cool this fluid inside a hot environment....the hotter the fluid is, the less chance it has to do its job, maybe it is enough.....maybe it isn't. Chancing it is a expensive bet considering 100 dollars insurance (cooler) is available. It also lets you add another line to you mods list!!!!
+1 for the Baumann trans kit, Yhea blah, blah, blah Jerry was and engineer on this design, so was Baumann and he still works on them every day. Plus you get everything to recalibrate the transmission with great detailed instructions on how to do it, or you can rely on some sketchy write up on the net. Just my opinion, but Baumann + 24k cooler is a good choice.
+1 for the Baumann trans kit, Yhea blah, blah, blah Jerry was and engineer on this design, so was Baumann and he still works on them every day. Plus you get everything to recalibrate the transmission with great detailed instructions on how to do it, or you can rely on some sketchy write up on the net. Just my opinion, but Baumann + 24k cooler is a good choice.

Baumann SELLS a product.

Jerry created the "J mod" "FOR FREE" to GIVE to the community for the "Betterment" of the community and those with the 4R70w as a whole.

Ever see Baumann GIVE anything to this community or ANYONE for that matter??


Feel free to "send money" to someone though, that is your right as a consumer
Ever see this illustrious Baumann POST anything on a mark 8 message board?

Jerry used to come in and offer all kinds of great support for the community until people "such as yourself" drove him away from the internet by trying to argue with him by "parroting" bad information.

ALTHOUGH "YOU" are the only one I have ever heard referr to Jerry and his great modification in such a disrespectful manner.

all you "Jmod doubters" should be proud of yourselfs....

Now with that said...

One of the premier 4R70w builders in houston DOES use baumann....and says he likes the interface.
Driller uses baumann and also likes it.

I really dont have anything BAD to say about Baumann stuff other than I'd rather run "Jerry's stuff"..but I damned sure aint gonna sit around and not respond to BS bad information in regards to the J mod.

SKETCHY? was the word you used.. yea.. that's BAD INFORMATION!
The Bauman kit... it isn't going to hurt the trans like the crappy Transgo or B&M kit will....

I'd still do the JMOD though...
Ok a bad trans with good fluid says nothing either. So what if you put new fluid in a bad trans its not going to fix it. It may very well be a good idea to install an additional cooler but not a must. The shift kit will also help lower the fluid temps all by itself. Quick shifts less friction. WHY WOULD it be a must for a stock car DD duty need another cooler. It doesnt. Its also more SH!t to possibly leak.
I'll be putting a cooler on mine before the stall goes in... there really isn't such a thing as too cold as long as it stays above 140 degrees...
Ive had clean pink fluid on blown transmissions many times, means nothing. you need to know the temps. Play it safe and invest in a trans cooler.

when I blew up the one way clutch in my 95, the fluid looked just fine.
two words "cheap insurance"
admittidly i am a die hard fan of auxillary cooling, and its somewhat hard to argue the fact that even if it isn't 100% necessary it will without a doubt extend the usable side of the argument is $150 saves you $2000 from blowing the trans, the other argument is $150 buys you two more years before you have to spend $2000 on the blown trans....

the two fastest way to kill any tranny...heat and dirt, I see it as eliminating 50% of what could go wrong, and out of the 20 or so I have installed, I think i have had one leak do to a hose clamp not getting tightened.

In my cads I find great comfort seeing all of my temp guages (coolant, oil, and trans) stying low even when I go from beatting the hell out of it to immediatly sitting in traffic on a 110 degree day.
If you don't want to play with the JMod, I'd recommend the Baumann ReCal Pro on a mid-lower setting. It will do the same and the support (although hard to get a hold of at times) is amazing and they know these transmissions very well...
I'd vote for installing a cooler at the same times as well... :)

+1 baumann is the way to go
I din't bash the j mod just think baumann is the better choice.

you called the Jmod a sketchy online article and that's not bashing?

your welcome to "think" anything you like, but when you post erroneous bad information you do the community as a whole "no good".

Try to stick to facts, not personal opinion..especially when referring to one of the top tuners in the nation and a free mod that he went thru alot of trouble to bring to the community.

Again, have you seen Baumann giving anything to the Mark 8 community?
NOPE... he's a salesman.

and "as for him being an 4r70w engineer" means very little.
That is just ONE of the hats Jerry wore/'s not his "only" accomplishment.

Just because some guy works for ford, and SELLS something doesnt mean he knows more than Jerry... if you doubt this then you know very little about the man you choose to talk crap about.

Show me 1 single post where baumann came and helped ANYONE on ANY of the mark 8 boards..
and I can point you to 100's of posts where Jerry TRIED to help, but was bashed off the internet by the same kind of comments you make.

Comparing Baumann to Jerry is like comparing "APPLES to orange juice".


so... should I put the baumann in my car? LOL! :D
If it's not something created by Jerry or SCT it's garbage don't use it...

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