So when is Obama going to be finished?


Dedicated LVC Member
May 17, 2005
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Santa Rosa, Ca
Just curious as there has been thread after thread over Obama being finished due to some new damaging and destructive information. So?
That is a known possibility; I was referring to the claims of him being disqualified from the nomination.
Republicans can't touch him before the convention because he is not the nominee and don't want to until after the convention as The Messiah is the weaker candidate.

Hillary can't touch him for fear she ruins 2012. If somebody has the balls in the MSM to go after Obama before or during the convention, then she has a better than 50/50 chance of winning the Super-Delegates over.

Stay tuned. Lawsuits have been filed already so things will start heating up soon.
Deville, that is my prediction. Unless Hillary secretly gets the Super Delegates to revolt against Obama, his dream will end on 11/04/08. There will be no procedural scandal. He'll simply get creamed in the general.
I talked to a couple of Republicans muckity-mucks over the last couple of days and they are afraid of the backlash. They say Hussein can be beaten easily (I have always stated he is unelectable). They tell me if Hussein is critically damaged after the nomination, he'll drop out which would allow the Dems to pick whoever they want.

As it stands, Obama is already down 5 points according to Zogby.

Hussein has the ability to hand the Republicans a landslide, with the Hillary folks joining in.

His citizenship issue is still floating out there.
Obama desecrates the flag at every opportunity.....

Btw, this is the Obama ticket for his upcoming sermon on the mount speech at the convention.

I talked to a couple of Republicans muckity-mucks over the last couple of days and they are afraid of the backlash. They say Hussein can be beaten easily (I have always stated he is unelectable). They tell me if Hussein is critically damaged after the nomination, he'll drop out which would allow the Dems to pick whoever they want.

As it stands, Obama is already down 5 points according to Zogby.

Hussein has the ability to hand the Republicans a landslide, with the Hillary folks joining in.

His citizenship issue is still floating out there.
Yeah, and don't understate the value of allowing the DNC to waste literally hundreds of millions of dollars of campaign money on ads to bolster a loser candidate like Obama. They still think he can win. If they didn't, they'd either do what you say and pick another candidate, or just focus their money on keeping the majorities in Congress. This way, they can lose both.

It's really too bad, you know. Obama really is a loser. We coulda had a real conservative. We didn't need McCain.
The Hillary people are going to send a message to the Dems this election.

McCain is far more palitable than Obama to them. Lots of people crossing the aisle in this election.
Obama desecrates the flag at every opportunity.....

Btw, this is the Obama ticket for his upcoming sermon on the mount speech at the convention.

Is that an upside-down flag on his ticket? I remember something about that from being in Boy Scouts years ago.

Here we go...

"The upside down U.S. flag is an official signal of distress. It is not meant to be, and is not officially recognized as any type of disrespect when so displayed for the right reasons. "

So you see, he's not being disrespectful. He just knows he's in trouble.:D

Yawn, Johnny.

This, however, is legit. This is Obama's buddy, Bill Ayers, self confessed terrorist bomber of American targets.

Yawn, Johnny.

This, however, is legit. This is Obama's buddy, Bill Ayers, self confessed terrorist bomber of American targets.


Yawn? And you come back w/ the Ayers "connection"?? LOL. Since when did Ayers start running for president, or start working the Obama campaign? Trying to pull a McDiversion like John Boy did w/ Paris??

Obama spokesman Bill Burton said:
Senator Obama strongly condemns the violent actions of the Weathermen group, as he does all acts of violence. But he was an eight-year-old child when Ayers and the Weathermen were active, and any attempt to connect Obama with events of almost forty years ago is ridiculous.

Besides, Ayers who back in the day advocated violence for political gains sounds more like a conservative than a liberal, kinda like this guy........
KNOXVILLE, Tennessee (CNN) -- A man accused of fatally shooting two adults and wounding seven others at a Knoxville church told police the church's liberal teachings prompted him to attack, according to court papers.

Seems like that'd be a plus in your book.
Yawn? And you come back w/ the Ayers "connection"?? LOL. Since when did Ayers start running for president, or start working the Obama campaign? Trying to pull a McDiversion like John Boy did w/ Paris??

Originally Posted by Obama spokesman Bill Burton
Senator Obama strongly condemns the violent actions of the Weathermen group, as he does all acts of violence. But he was an eight-year-old child when Ayers and the Weathermen were active, and any attempt to connect Obama with events of almost forty years ago is ridiculous.
LOL just like he did with Reverend Wright, eh? "This isn't the Bill Ayers I thought I knew." ROFL You forget that Obama was Ayers' PROTEGE.

If the Ayers/Dohrn-Obama meet and greet took place in November, 1995, it cannot have been the first time that Obama met Ayers. By that time Obama was already Chairman of the Board of the $50 million Chicago Annenberg Challenge Grant program that was designed by Ayers. Ayers began the grant proposal design process in December 1993 and the grant was formally announced in January, 1995. Barack Obama was identified as the Chair in press reports in June of 1995.

So, unless Ayers helped pick a board chair he had never met and would never meet until the “meet and greet,” Obama, in fact, met Ayers well before the launching of his state senate campaign. Of course, it is very likely that there would have had to have been a very close working relationship between Ayers, as the lead architect of the Annenberg proposal, and the first board chairman. They would have had to have agreed on basic educational policy issues. And Obama would have been crucial in leading fund raising efforts since the $50 million grant was conditioned on a 2-1 match from other donors (and something they were quite successful at - raising an additional $60 million by 1999).

As I have written here before, my hypothesis is that Ayers and Obama had an older relationship and a deeper political affinity than has been made clear until now. The attempts by so many around Obama, and by Obama himself, to portray this as an arms length relationship simply do not fit the facts that are available.

For example, the Annenberg Challenge grant money was aimed at solidifying the school reforms put in place in Chicago in 1988 when a campaign for “local control” emerged in the wake of a teachers’ strike that galvanized business and community opposition to the power of teachers’ union and the Chicago school bureaucracy.

Both Obama and Ayers were active in that reform post-strike campaign. Ayers helped organize a major force in the lobbying for that 1988 campaign, the Alliance For Better Chicago Schools, or ABCs. The Developing Communities Project which Obama headed at that time was a member of the ABCs, apparently one of the few members of the ABCs that worked with the black community. Many in the black community knew that teaching, the unions and school administration were one avenue to the middle class for blacks and thus were wary of the reform effort.

Certainly support for “local control” would have been a pre-requisite to allowing Obama to chair, at such a young and untested age, the Annenberg Challenge. Thus, I think we can safely date the beginning of the Obama-Ayers relationship to at least 1988 when the ABCs effort was underway in Chicago schools. That was also when Ayers and Obama would have met up with the future Executive Director of the Annenberg Challenge, who would have been hired by Ayers and Obama, Ken Rolling. Rolling in 1988 was on the staff of the Woods Fund which provided several grants to the school reform effort and to Obama’s Developing Communities Project at that time. Of course, a decade later, in 1999, as is already widely known, Ayers would join Obama on the board of the Woods Fund itself.

Why won't the University of Illinois release the records of the connection between the two? Oh, that's right, because any documentation revealing the connection between Barack "Above my pay grade" Obama (May the Holy Lamb Live Forever) is sequestered inside the Richard C. Daley (Mayor of Chicago, most corrupt city government in the country) Library. We know that one Chicago machine politician will definitely protect another Chicago machine politician. There have already been reports of Sandy Berger sneaking out of the building with a suspicious bulge in the back of his pants.

Besides, Ayers who back in the day advocated violence for political gains sounds more like a conservative than a liberal, kinda like this guy........

Seems like that'd be a plus in your book. topic much? Non sequitur much? Smear much? McCarthyism much? What is this, six degrees to Al Qaeda? Please explain your ass-umption that I'm somehow in favor of violence for political gains. I await with bated breath. Not.
Here's another interesting tidbit, courtesy of Steve Diamond:

One of the first grants awarded in 1995 was a $175,000 Implementation Grant to the Small Schools Workshop. The Workshop had been founded by Bill Ayers in 1992 and was headed up by his former SDS comrade and hardcore Maoist, Mike Klonsky. Klonsky actually visited China and met with its stalinist leaders in the early 1970s. Klonsky still heads up the Small Schools Workshop and, until it was summarily removed, hosted a blog on “social justice” and education issues on the official Barack Obama Presidential campaign website. Hundreds of thousands of dollars more would be forthcoming from the CAC for the Klonsky group.
Guess who was the chairman at the time and had the power to approve this grant?
August 19, 2008

Conservative Scholar Takes On U. of Illinois in Fight Over Papers Linked to Obama

Stanley Kurtz suspects that the Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is playing down his ties to the radical left. The conservative scholar just can’t prove it.

That’s because the University of Illinois at Chicago, which houses the papers of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge — a defunct education foundation with ties to both Mr. Obama and the former Weather Underground leader Bill Ayers — won’t let him see the papers.

Mr. Kurtz, a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, says the university initially said he could review the records, but then revoked the permission just before he left for Chicago, explaining that portions of the files were restricted. When Mr. Kurtz suggested that the restricted documents be removed from the files, he was told that the donor had informed the university that it did “not have a signed deed of gift,” and therefore had no legal right to release the documents, he recounts in an article in the National Review.

Ultimately he was allowed to peruse only a single folder from the records. In the article, Mr. Kurtz speculates that Mr. Ayers, a longtime professor of education at the college, may have been the interfering donor. He asks readers to write to the president of the University of Illilnois system demanding that he release the donor’s identity and make the records public.

“Not only would these files illuminate the working relationship between Obama and Bill Ayers, they would also provide significant insight into a web of ties linking Obama to various radical organizations,” he writes.
Yawn? And you come back w/ the Ayers "connection"?? LOL. Since when did Ayers start running for president, or start working the Obama campaign? Trying to pull a McDiversion like John Boy did w/ Paris??

So who Obama surrounds himself with is irrelevant? It says nothing about his judgment or the type of thinking that he is surrounded by in his close circle of friends?

Have you ever heard the phrase, "You know someone by the company they keep"?

Besides, Ayers who back in the day advocated violence for political gains sounds more like a conservative than a liberal, kinda like this guy........

"violence for political gain" is at least as much a part of modern day leftist extremism as it is on the far right of American conservatism. In fact, you could easily argue that it is more prevalent on the left.

You have the Unibomber, the ELO, the Black Panther's, the Weatherman organization, violent "anti-war" protesters and many other groups.

In fact, Communism and Fascism are a both rooted in violence for political change and stem from the same political views and principles as modern day "egalitarianism" and "progressivism" (both leftist views).

It is rather obvious that you are simply attempting to smear here and spin things 180 degrees out of whack. nothing more then obfuscation, cheap shots and baiting...
That's okay, he won't come back and back up his assertion.

Buh-bye, troll.

Guarantee if McCain had befriended an unrepentant terrorist, the media (and Johnny) would be covering him with frothy spittle.

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