Mother Nature seem's to be working against me this weekend with 40 degree weather and ice rain! (come on, give me a break)!
Dressed in winter cloth's I managed to get her up on jack stand's and take some pic's before stopping because of a possible problem!
Pic 1 and 2...up on jack stand's (doesn't look safe to me but WTH)!
Pic 3...LCA ball joint. (no knocking but a badly rotted boot, so it need's changed).
Pic 4,5 and 6...SRB's. (to the frame don't look bad at all. To the lower control arm's I hear a knock when I turn it all the way to the right or left). I bought all new bushing's so they all get changed! Can't wait to see if those "home made" spacer's work!
Pic 7...metric crescent wrench to hold strut rod flat as suggested!...

Pic 8,9 and 10...camber adjustment bolt and nut (marked).
Doe's it look like my Camber Adjustment on the front (the nut) side is broke???
Will this be a problem? Should I get a new set?
Dealer can't get one...AZ can't get one...O'reilly's can't get one. My only choice is rock auto, another week away since I'm only able to work on this on the weekend.