Tax Day Tea Party?

A) A significant number of these protesters are merely spewing hate towards Obama and/or his proposals to increase income taxes on those making more than $250K/yr.
B) Obama has never proposed raising income taxes on families making less than $200K/yr, and in fact is proposing tax CUTS for those people.
C) Tax rates in effect this year are the result of the Bush administration, NOT Obama.
D) Even IF Obama gets his proposed tax hikes on those making more than $250K approved next year or the year after, the resulting rates will only be 3% higher than under Bush, and STILL lower than they were during the Reagan administration.
E) The last 8+ years of Republican-driven tax-cuts for the rich and the resulting crumbling of the economy have proven themselves to be a failed policy for a healthy economy for this country.
F) All the crys of "socialism" and complaints about "bail-outs" are mis-directed towards Obama when they were actually initiated during and by the Bush administration.

Let me add:

G) All Obama is attempting to do WRT raising taxes is to keep BuSh's original promise for his tax cuts to last only until 2010. There was plenty of time for BuSh to "make those cuts permanent" before Obama took office, can't blame Obama for Bush's lack of leadership. :D
But most importantly, the Tea Parties ARE NOT Republican events.
These events are not partisan.

Yeah, right, only in your bizzaro world..........

GOP Hopes to Pick Up Steam After Tea Parties
Republicans have lost their grip on Congress and the White House, but they claim to have American anger over taxes and the economy on their side as tens of thousands turned out for anti-tax "tea parties" around the country.


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wednesday's rallies used the dreaded April 15 -- the U.S. deadline to file income taxes -- as a hook to vent about government spending and corporate bailouts in an homage to the Boston Tea Party.

The tea parties were promoted by FreedomWorks, a conservative nonprofit advocacy group based in Washington and led by former Republican House Majority Leader Dick Armey of Texas, who is now a lobbyist.

Organizers said the movement developed organically through online social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter and through exposure on Fox News and promotion from conservative pundits and bloggers.

Click here for photos.

While FreedomWorks insisted the rallies were nonpartisan, they have been seized on by many prominent Republicans who view them as a promising way for the party to reclaim its momentum against President Barack Obama's administration and other Democrats.

"All you have to be is a mildly awake Republican candidate for office to get in front of that parade," said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform.

Some Republicans considering 2012 presidential bids and others with upcoming campaigns for state and congressional offices hitched a ride with the movement.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich took the podium in front of New York's City Hall while the crowd of about 2,000 chanted, "We are America!"

He urged people to tell their lawmakers to vote against big spending or else "we're going to fire you."

As the former House speaker left after his 11-minute speech, passers-by yelled, "2012, Newt!" and "Run for president!" But when asked about a run, Gingrich shook his head emphatically and said, "I'm just part of a citizen movement."

Another possible candidate, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, sent an e-mail to his supporters, letting them know about tea parties throughout the state. South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford attended two tea parties.

"This is critically important, what you're doing," Kansas Republican Sen. Sam Brownback, a likely candidate for governor in 2010, told the crowd in Topeka. "You've got to keep it up."

Texas Gov. Rick Perry, facing re-election next year, told protesters in Austin that officials in Washington have abandoned the country's founding principles of limited government. He recently rejected $550 million in federal economic stimulus money slated to help Texas' unemployment trust fund.

While the political implications of the rallies remain to be seen as Obama's administration pursues its economic recovery plan, thousands of protesters turned out in loud and colorful ways to express their frustration with Obama and Washington in general.

Indianapolis small business owners Ben and Bree Finegan brought their two children to a local rally. Two-year-old Kate held a sign from her stroller reading, "In diapers & in debt."

The crowd in Carson City, Nev., included a 5-year-old boy holding a sign that read, "My share of the national debt is $36,500." Some wore cowboy hats with tea bags dangling from them.

In Boston, a few hundred protesters gathered on the Boston Common, a short distance from the original Tea Party in 1773. Some dressed in Revolutionary garb and carried signs that said "Barney Frank, Bernie Madoff: And the Difference Is?" and "D.C.: District of Communism."

In Atlanta, thousands of people gathered outside the Capitol, where Fox News Channel conservative pundit Sean Hannity broadcast his show Wednesday night. One protester's sign read: "Hey Obama you can keep the change."

Julie Reeves, of Covington, Ga., brought her Chihuahua, Arnie, who wore a tiny anti-IRS T-shirt. "I want the government to get its hand the hell out of my wallet," Reeves said.

Duncan Philp, of Carpenter, Wyo., carried a flag in Cheyenne reading "Don't Tread on Me" and dragged a United Nations flag on the ground. Philp said he's a member of the Wyoming Tyranny Response Team, a group dedicated to the Bill of Rights.

He said Congress ignored Americans' request not to bail out financially troubled banks.

"Bush and Obama have done the same thing," Philp said. "They've given out loans for money they don't have."

In Helena, Mont., protesters stomped on boxes labeled to represent various taxes, such as income and a proposal to tax carbon dioxide output.

"It's a stepping stone to one day being able to tax you for the very air that you breathe," said event organizer Jim Walker.

There were several small counter-protests, including one that drew about a dozen people at Fountain Square in Cincinnati. A counter-protester held a sign that read, "Where were you when Bush was spending billions a month 'liberating' Iraq?" The anti-tax demonstration there, meanwhile, drew about 4,000 people.

Some Democrats said the Tax Day rallies offered little substance.

"The Republicans are going to have to do more than their standard rhetoric about taxes in order to be successful. They need some new ideas," said Brian Schatz, chairman of the Hawaii Democratic Party. "It's a tired old line of attack."


No plans, no ideas, no leaders, just blowhards. :sleep:
The Tea Parties were remarkably successful.
The coverage by the media was very telling. It wasn't simply biased, it was dishonest and completely inaccurate.

If anyone had any doubt that the MSM has an agenda, this should have demonstrated it very clearly.

Have some links Cal?
Very simply, you've missed the point of the "Tea Party Protests."
They were not organized by the GOP. They consisted of hundreds of independently organized grass root events. This was not a centrally organized event.

Nor were they specifically about the increase in the top margin tax rate. Taxation was a concern, but so was size and power of the federal government, integrity of the politicians, and the generation theft associated with running up 14 digit federal debt.

However, I can understand why you might believe that based upon the incredible poor reporting and biased coverage presented by most of the media.

We can and have discussed the wisdom associated with raising tax rates during a deep recessionary cycle, but regardless your opinion, that doesn't take away from the Tea Parties.
actually I did make fun of the code pink group - weird bunch, but apparently wilier than Republicans - they got into prime time at the GOP convention - but at the Dem convention (where they were out in force as well) their security was able to keep them away from the cameras.

And I have never mentioned Cindy Sheehan in anything - would you like to go after her Foss? Go ahead...

Oh, as far as your fat white guys post...

Cal...yes the evil emperor does bear an uncanny resemblance to Bryd, I never noticed. Perhaps this deserves some investigation... ;)
"Et tu" doesn't apply to this conversation. You need to study up on your Latin.

It is interesting that I posted ACTUAL EXAMPLE PICS and you had to post a fictional sci fi movie character. :rolleyes:
It is interesting that I posted ACTUAL EXAMPLE PICS and you had to post a fictional sci fi movie character. :rolleyes:

I haven't seen too many beauty queens on either side of the aisle in Congress. Let's not get into a pissing match on that point. about the Tea Parties.
"Et tu" doesn't apply to this conversation. You need to study up on your Latin.

It is interesting that I posted ACTUAL EXAMPLE PICS and you had to post a fictional sci fi movie character. :rolleyes:

Foss, did you know that the words "et tu Brutus" are actually a shorten version of what Caesar is reputed to have said... "Tu quoque, Brute, fili mihi"

Very apropos in this instance... And as you can see, my latin is actually extremely good - maybe you should do some 'boning up' yourself...;)

And wow - I am with Cal - let's not get into a posting frenzy of old white guys from either party, I really would rather not do searches on them, blick... That is why I used Jabba - as a comic interlude.

Oh, I think there are nudes of Limbaugh out there ... oh let's not go there, please... :)
Cal - this is the type of link I was talking about - I would hope there were lots of these types of stories if the media had been so 'terrible' about their coverage.

This example seems a bit whimpy -
So first you demand an example, and then when one is given, you dismiss it and demand greater proof, a la moving the goalposts.

Typical fox, tsk tsk, you FAIL.
Foss, did you know that the words "et tu Brutus" are actually a shorten version of what Caesar is reputed to have said... "Tu quoque, Brute, fili mihi"

Very apropos in this instance... And as you can see, my latin is actually extremely good - maybe you should do some 'boning up' yourself...;)

And wow - I am with Cal - let's not get into a posting frenzy of old white guys from either party, I really would rather not do searches on them, blick... That is why I used Jabba - as a comic interlude.

Oh, I think there are nudes of Limbaugh out there ... oh let's not go there, please... :)
Oh yeah, your jokes are always so funny, you really know how to lighten up a crowd.

So first you demand an example, and then when one is given, you dismiss it and demand greater proof, a la moving the goalposts.

Typical fox, tsk tsk, you FAIL.

Foss - this is what Cal said
The coverage by the media was very telling. It wasn't simply biased, it was dishonest and completely inaccurate.

If anyone had any doubt that the MSM has an agenda, this should have demonstrated it very clearly.

So, your little article at HotAir really doesn't address MSM in this case - a single report by CNN where the crowd is getting unruly.

Plus - and I just have to throw this in, because it is sooo funny - the guy in the clip is rather ignorant about Lincoln and his view on taxes (Lincoln was the first president who instituted federal income taxes... I guess the guy in the video forgot that little tidbit of history...)

Where is 'the coverage' by 'the media' - that is why I asked for 'links' Foss -

I am not sure - but it sounds like Cal is talking about most of MSM. Not an isolated case or two... A single case does not make "The coverage by the media"
Foss - this is what Cal said
The coverage by the media was very telling. It wasn't simply biased, it was dishonest and completely inaccurate.

If anyone had any doubt that the MSM has an agenda, this should have demonstrated it very clearly.

So, your little article at HotAir really doesn't address MSM in this case - a single report by CNN where the crowd is getting unruly.

Plus - and I just have to throw this in, because it is sooo funny - the guy in the clip is rather ignorant about Lincoln and his view on taxes (Lincoln was the first president who instituted federal income taxes... I guess the guy in the video forgot that little tidbit of history...)

Where is 'the coverage' by 'the media' - that is why I asked for 'links' Foss -

I am not sure - but it sounds like Cal is talking about most of MSM. Not an isolated case or two... A single case does not make "The coverage by the media"
Yeah, well your precious reporter forgot that Lincoln isn't a STATE. Ooooohh...tooooooooo funny!

Here's an example of some of this same precious little 'reporter's' previous work on activism.
F) All the crys of "socialism" and complaints about "bail-outs" are mis-directed towards Obama when they were actually initiated during and by the Bush administration.

Yes, they may have been initiated by Bush, but they were tripled in weeks with wreckless abandon by your buddy Obama. As Cal said, you missed the point of the Tea Parties.
So Bryan - did you end up going? I guess Denver's got about 5,000 to show up -

Nope, too busy being a capitalist. But dad and bro went.
I never expected Obama would be able to stuff so much money in my pocket in such a short time. It's going to be a great 4 years.

Madison, WI

Madison Tea Party_1.jpg
Cal - this is the type of link I was talking about - I would hope there were lots of these types of stories if the media had been so 'terrible' about their coverage.

This example seems a bit whimpy -

First, are you challenging that point I was making. Do you think the coverage was fair and honest? Because otherwise, you're just trying to make busy work.

To provide you "examples" - I either need to rely and find clips posted online that people recorded, uploaded to the internet or watch and record all media, encode the video and upload it myself.

You asked for an example, Fossten posted one.
I will argue that the tone of the coverage was consistent with that of the rest of the media.

Misreporting and condescension:

Misreporting the turnout.
Misrepresenting and report the focus and meaning.
Misleading and misreporting the organization.
Implying the audience was made of racists and kooks.

At the NY Tea Party, Yahoo News (AP) reported 2000... another news source said 5000.
The NYPD estimated 12,500!

And how about some condescending sexual puns:

How about Anderson cooper:
YouTube - Anderson Cooper: It's hard to talk when you're teabagging

How about this jerk from MSNBC:
YouTube - Schuster: If You're Planning Tea Bagging Across The Country, 'You're Going To Need A Dick Armey'

The events were hugely successful and, clearly, liberals in the media don't "get it."
They don't understand grass root events like this, apparently they don't understand how anything might happen without "central planning."
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WOW Cal, that CNN lady is a prime example of how blatantly ignorant and biased the media is.. I dont know how that guy held himself together, I would have wanted to grab the mic out of her hands or something to get my point across.. I bet the only reason he didnt was because he had his kid with him... STATE of Lincoln??? That lady is a whackjob and she probably got paid waaay too much money to do what she did.
That was awesome, I just watched the rest of that video and that lady should have knocked the CNN reporter on her ass for being such a brainwashed toy doll. Im ecstatic to see people actually standing up and making their opinion heard against the government thieves!
There were also 'standard reportings' of the issue on tier one...



I couldn't find ABC


I love the footage you posted in post 45 Cal - it was great - it really showed what happens when you get in the trenches of a protest. It is a whole lot different when you get a national news team compared to the indy guys footage. People act so differently in front of a national camera. I see it all the time.

So, I would say that yes, you are correct Cal, there were some rather biased reports of the events, it looks like it was by tier two - CNN and MSNBC. And not just an individual event, like Foss had posted. I had just seen the national stuff, the basic tier one, big 4, which was pretty 'white bread' about their reporting on this issue... and Fox was rather glowing actually. However, it was once again nice to see David Gergen... sigh... a voice of reason, and at least he got the teabagging joke...

So - back to my post #20...
So, what is next - to do anything 'real' the protesters do need to get political... A new political party- or a strong arm segment within a party (sort of like the Christian Coalition in the Republican Party)?​
I assume you went to one Cal. Did they give you what the next date was for an event? When you have the crowd - you always give them what is next. Perhaps a march on the state house for the next vote on taxes, a get together during the next televised Obama speech, there is always a 'next' event that they should be promoting.

Foss - 'Land of Lincoln' - state motto - but, she did get it wrong, it isn't 'state of Lincoln' - But, I still love the guy with the idea that Lincoln felt that people should "share in the fruits of their own labor and government should not take it." Does he know how Lincoln went for really high tariffs (read taxes) for the south, to protect manufacturing in the north, and that the federal government's unfair tax policies in the south were one of the defining issues in the Civil War? Did he know that federal employees, such as the president, didn't pay Lincoln's newly instated income taxes because they were 'exempt.' I bet the guy on the video would be surprised to hear those facts. Lincoln was pretty 'pro-tax'.
From HotAir:

Wouldn’t you know it, Roesgen’s taking a little break right now. CNN claims the vacation was “pre-planned.” Really? How often do you take a vacation that starts in the middle of the week?

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