Why weren't these people protesting about this last year? Or 25 years ago?
Because the situation has changed. Call it a "
tipping point."
They were not "Anti-Obama rallies. If you stood infront of the crowd and said "Democrats suck no more than the Republicans SUCK" you'd have gotten the crowd to cheer.
YouTube - Glenn Beck - The Democrats suck no more than the Republicans Suck
Ah, Foss - Lincoln's record on the national debt - he increased it by 15 times... His children ended up paying for it.
During a
CIVIL WAR, let's not forget that critical distinction. I think the debt went from $65million to about $2.8 billion during the civil war.
Are you equating the situations?
I have been paying for Reagan's runaway spending. My children will be paying for Bush's runaway spending - my grandchildren will be paying for Obama's spending.
Elaborate on this point, because it really fails on several levels.
First- what "runaway spending" was Reagan responsible for? Tax revenues were cut, but federal revenue increased, so it can't be that. He did increase military spending, but that wasn't what busted the budget.
It was the negligent social spending that came from the Democrat controlled congress. Reagan did not embrace or support deficit spending as a policy. He sought policies that would expand the economy and sough to LIMIT federal spending. He clearly was not entirely successful at limiting the Congress.
In contrast to Obama and the Congress who are engaged in reckless deficit spending as a matter of policy. The government has committed tens of trillions of dollars that we don't have within the past few months. The fed is printing TRILLIONS of dollars.
This is a mad economic policy that will likely have profoundly negative consequences. And if McCain had won the election and continued such policies, then I can assure you, these "tea parties" would have been taking place as well.
But another point is that you said you're stuck with the "Reagan deficit" and you're grandchildren will be stuck with the Obama one... as though they are equal. Fact is, you will NOT have paid off the debt run up during the 60s, 70s, 80s or 90s, before your grandchildren start paying the trillions of dollars in interest on the Obama debt. So they aren't equal.
Not even getting into the difference in size of the two deficits, your grandchildren will also be paying off the socialist ponzi schemes like social security and medicare in addition to the tens of trillions of dollars of Obama debt, plus the 11 trillion the preceded it.
That is, of course, provided the dollar doesn't crash- then we're left to discuss an entirely different nightmare. Inflation is inevitable, hopefully it never resembles the Weimar Republic.
Borrowing against our future is something we have been doing for a long, long time.
First, that doesn't mean it's right to do in every situation.
And in this case, we're running up debt and expanding government at a rate that isn't just reckless, it's dangerous.
Why people are protesting it now?
They've had enough and they realize that common sense seems to have no voice in Washington. Republicans are alienated because the people we elected failed to do as they promised. And Democrats and independents who voted for "Change" have begun to realize that they are getting more of the same, but at a super accelerated rate.
Regular people are seeing that we're on an unsustainable path, and it's leading us away from what makes America great in the first place.
And Cal, you didn't answer - did you go to your local tea party?
Yes I did.