Cal, obviously our founding fathers thought of the 'electric car' when it came to government structure. They thought outside the box. They based many of their concepts on Locke, etc., but I believe they certainly went beyond those ideas which were almost 100 years old by the time the Declaration was penned.
You believe?! That is a strong argument.
You also are distorting the analogy. If you wanna run with it, they
created the internal combustion engine driven car; before that it was all horse and buggy. Your electric car would be more akin to socialism or facism; a newer technology that has yet to be proven successful.
I don't seek radical change - I am looking at this with what change did the founding fathers enact. By the time the constitution was written, God was out of the equation entirely.
I have shown plenty of evidence to counter that; you have yet to show anything other then speculation to support it. If you understood the philosophical underpinnings of what the Framers created you would know that God and religion was what underpins the republic they created and that the country relied on it for that freedom.
Our rights are not given to us by some deity, our rights are ours, within ourselves we find those rights.
We don't gain our rights through some "strength of character" or soul searching. They were understood by the Framers as being a due to being human; a creature created in God's image. They viewed the rights as being externally given; not internal. So it is either government, or something greater then the government. The political theory they based their view on assumed that external force to be God.
We are endowed with those rights because we are human, not because of a judeo christian God.
Your baseless speculation does not change the historical fact that the Framer's believed that our right extended from our nature as a creature created in God's image.
If our rights are given to us by anything other than what we find within ourselves, then it is no different than saying our rights stem from a monarch.
If rights extend from the government, then the government can take away those rights as they see fit. If rights extend from God (a power greater then the government) then the government cannot take away those rights (except through due process on an idividual basis).
Now, according to Shag, we should revert or devolve and go back to using God as a 'crutch'. That is not right, we need to take ownership of our rights. They are fundamentally our human rights.
Ignoring the obvious mischaracterization...
You have any proof (other then assumption, baseless assertions and speculation) that we would be "devolving" in that instance? Or that it is "not right"?
The Framer's rightly assumed that increasing autonomy through increasing freedom would lead to an increase in both the inherently good
and evil aspects of human nature. Government can
only counter that increase in evil through more laws and reductions in freedom. In order to have a free society, the Framers viewed a religious and moral society as necessary because religion would curb those evil aspects of human nature while allowing for a free society.
It is quite annoying and insulting when you ignore and disregard the opposing point of view (POV) without first fully understanding and critically analyzing that POV. When you don't extend that common courtesy, it shows that there is no "good faith" on your part in the debate and that you cannot be trusted. When you don't understand the alternative POV, you cannot reasonably counter it; you can only fallaciously, dishonestly and decietfully counter it. However, it is a very effective way to avoid any critical analysis of your
own POV.
Why should I extend some courtesy to you when you are not extending it to me? You actively work to rationalize your clearly immediate disregard of every premise in the theory I am laying out; therefore you cannot understand the theory. You have absolutely no reason to think that I am lying or being dishonest and you know I am well versed in this subject. Still you disregard out of hand anything I say. Am I not supposed to be insulted?