The Hyperbole of a Conservative

Liddy's quote - from his talk show... 1994
“Go for a head shot. They're going to be wearing bulletproof vests. They've got a big target on there: ATF. Don't shoot at that, because they've got a vest on underneath that. Head shots, head shots.... Kill the sons of bitches.”

It could have be in regards to WACO - although WACO occurred a year earlier...

Liddy has claimed, in I believe 2004, to have said that while talking about the ATF entering your home illegally, but, I have never seen the entire quote - I would love to - have you seen it Foss?

And, as I said, I wasn't agreeing or disagreeing with that particular statement, since I don't know the whole story behind the allegation.
Yes I have seen it. And you can too.

Google is your friend.
Which is scarier - the certifiable nut case, or the man who is intelligent enough to work the system? That is a really interesting question...

I don't think intelligence is at issue here. Liddy isn't a stupid man, nor would I argue that Ayers is either.

The question is, which is scarier.
This is an easy question.

Ayers is.

Liddy comes right at you. and tells you what he thinks. You know what he supports, and he'll tell you in a direct way.

Ayers works in the shadows through deception and deceit. He'll do anything to advance his cause even if it means killing or maiming totally innocent people. He doesn't even want you to know his cause because he's aware that most people will reject it.

In fact, he's not even interested in convincing someone like me the value of his philosophy. No, he knows of an even better and more effective route. He'll brainwash our kids. I know better, but a kid doesn't. He'll get them while their still impressionable and shape their world view through the schools.

There's no doubt. Ayers is infinitely more scary that Liddy ever was.
I don't think intelligence is at issue here. Liddy isn't a stupid man, nor would I argue that Ayers is either.

The question is, which is scarier.
This is an easy question.

Ayers is.

Liddy comes right at you. and tells you what he thinks. You know what he supports, and he'll tell you in a direct way.

Ayers works in the shadows through deception and deceit. He'll do anything to advance his cause even if it means killing or maiming totally innocent people. He doesn't even want you to know his cause because he's aware that most people will reject it.

In fact, he's not even interested in convincing someone like me the value of his philosophy. No, he knows of an even better and more effective route. He'll brainwash our kids. I know better, but a kid doesn't. He'll get them while their still impressionable and shape their world view through the schools.

There's no doubt. Ayers is infinitely more scary that Liddy ever was.

I don't think intelligence is at issue here. Liddy isn't a stupid man, nor would I argue that Ayers is either.

The question is, which is scarier.
This is an easy question.

Ayers is.

Liddy comes right at you. and tells you what he thinks. You know what he supports, and he'll tell you in a direct way.

Ayers works in the shadows through deception and deceit. He'll do anything to advance his cause even if it means killing or maiming totally innocent people. He doesn't even want you to know his cause because he's aware that most people will reject it.

In fact, he's not even interested in convincing someone like me the value of his philosophy. No, he knows of an even better and more effective route. He'll brainwash our kids. I know better, but a kid doesn't. He'll get them while their still impressionable and shape their world view through the schools.

There's no doubt. Ayers is infinitely more scary that Liddy ever was.
Who the hell did Ayers "maim or kill" either directly or indirectly? Answer the goddamned question!
Who the hell did Ayers "maim or kill" either directly or indirectly? Answer the goddamned question!
Cut out the language, jerkoff. And do your own research, or make your point if you're being rhetorical.
Cut out the language, jerkoff. And do your own research, or make your point if you're being rhetorical.
I HAVE done the research dipsh!t. If you're gonna make a case that Ayers has "maimed and killed innocent people", it's your burden of proof not mine.
I HAVE done the research dipsh!t. If you're gonna make a case that Ayers has "maimed and killed innocent people", it's your burden of proof not mine.
Who are you talking to? I didn't make that claim. Who claimed that he "maimed and killed innocent people? At least know who you're addressing before you attempt to be clever.

Dipsh!t, indeed.
Who the hell did Ayers "maim or kill" either directly or indirectly? Answer the goddamned question!

I'm reluctant to respond to this because I simply can't believe that you don't know. That you're issue this challenge simply to waste my time.

Ayers was a founder of the Weather Underground. Just for the sake of clarity, I'm going to refer to everything as Weather Underground. The groups name evolved over the years, but I'm not going to bother track it in this little synopsis of the pain they caused. Regardless the name, it was a radical and MILITANT leftist group in the late 1960s and 1970s that engaged in a campaign of terror, bombings, and violent riots.

During the "Days of Rage" riots, 28 policemen were injured by the mob and 6 brainwashed protesters were shot by the police.

When the Weather Underground detonated a pipe bomb at the San Fransisco Police Department in 1970, Sgt. Brian McDonnell was killed. Officer Robert Fogarty was severely wounds and was left partially blind.

They through moltov cocktails at the home of Judge Murtagh while his entire family was home. They also fire bombed police cars and military recruiting stations. Fortunately, no one was injured, but the intention was to burn this judges family to death in their home.

They bombed the National Guard Association building.
They also planted a bomb at the San Fransisco Hall of Justice but it failed to go off.
They bombed the Presidio.
A traffic court building in Queens was bombed.
The Harvard Center for International Affairs is bombed.
The U.S. Capitol was bombed.
They bombed the California Office of Corrections.
They bombed the NY Department of Corrections.
The Weathermen bombed 103rd Police Precinct in New York
They bombed the ITT headquarter in the NY and in Italy.
They bombed the Dept of Health, Education and Welfare in San Fransisco.
The Weather Underground bombed the office of the California Attorney General.
They bombed a company associated with Rockefeller Corporation.
They bombed a bank in New York.
They bombed the office of the Kennecott Corporation
The bombed the headquarters of Gulf Oil.
They bombed the State Department.
They exploded a bomb inside the Pentagon.

After the Weather Underground declared a "State of War" with the American government they were actively preparing to bomb a non-commissioned officers' dance at Fort Dix in New Jersey. They wanted to "deliver the most horrific hit that the United States government had ever suffered on its territory." That was a quote from them. They were preparing for mass murder.

But while they were putting the finishing touches on the bomb, there was a short circuit. These terrorist were building and stock piling high powered explosives in the basement of their townhouse in a residential neighborhood. There were enough explosives in that basement to blow up the both sides of the street, according to the FBI. Among the things they found were 60 sticks of dynamite, a live military antitank shell, blasting caps and several large metal pipes packed solid with explosives.

Three more people were killed in the explosion. Theodore Gold, Terry Robins, and Diana Outin. Of course, these radicals didn't actually report the accident or even tell law enforcement that there was anyone still in the building after the explosion. The police only discovered the identity of Outin when they found part of her finger buried in the rubble and it matched a finger print they had on file.

After this, the government, the FBI, and even the President became completely aware of just how dangerous these people were and that they were preparing to engage in a campaign of mass murder and random killing. It was then that guys like Ayers and the rest of the leadership went deep into hiding.

Law enforcement soon found ANOTHER bomb making factory in Chicago.
And they found another bomb making factory in San Fransisco.

After they nearly blew up the city block in Greenwich and made it to the top of the FBIs most wanted list, they did make an effort to not kill any longer. Not on moral grounds, but because they it was hurting their cause and the leaders of the movement, like Ayers, couldn't handle the intense heat from law enforcement.

So, by my count, I have 39 people here who were injured or killed because of the actions of the Weather Underground during a relatively short period of time. There's also one family who they attempt to burn alive in their home. And there were plans in place to engage in a mass murder at Fort Dix. Thankfully, there was an accident and the bomb detonated in the basement, three people were almost vaporized by the blast.... fortunately all of the ordinance didn't explode or scores of innocent people would have been killed.

And this one I take personally-
On October 20, 1981, members of the Weather Underground and the Black Liberation Army robbed a Brinks armored truck and stole over $1,000,000. This was extremely violent attack was done at the Nanuet Mall, right down the street from where I grew up.

When the police engaged the robbers a second shoot out took place. Three good men were killed that day. Officers Edward O'Grady and Waverly Brown and a Brinks guard, Peter Paige.

Now, I am aware that Ayers is not associated with the Brinks robbery. I included that in the story because of it's relevance. Obama was a student at Columbia University at the time of this. Columbia University is just a few miles away from this blood bath associated with the Weather Underground. So the violence associated with Ayers' group wasn't just limited to when he was a nine years old kid.

I hope that helps answer your question.
And it looks like you've framed the question in such a dishonest way that there is little point in answer it.

No more dishonest than the statement you made. Already you're backpedaling.....

Bill Ayers was a radical who financed and help plan terrorist operations.

I never disputed your claim that Ayers was a terrorist.
I never disputed your claim that Ayers was a terrorist.
Glad we agree.
Obama worked with and maintained a long term relationship with a domestic terrorist. One who supported the mass murder of innocent Americans.

Now convince the rest of your knee-jerk liberal buddies.
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