THE Obama lawsuit to follow

Miranda warning for Obama:

You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you at government expense.

To think that Fact-Check and FightTheSmears may be his undoing tickles me pink. Just goes to show you that when you are as arrogant as Obama is, things will always come back to bite you in the end.
calabrio - I think you are either a natural 'born' citizen or one of many types of naturalized citizen. If you are 'born' on US Soil you are automatically a natural born citizen - there aren't two cases of citizenship when you are born here. Different types of citizens arise out of being born outside the United States.

The "I think" part is what makes me uncertain
It seems like there's a higher standard established by the founders for those serving as President, something more than just being born here. I don't think this has ever been established.
The "I think" part is what makes me uncertain
It seems like there's a higher standard established by the founders for those serving as President, something more than just being born here. I don't think this has ever been established.

Ding Ding Ding. We have a winner. Finally. Took a while but I knew I could count on Calabrio. (Me and you are going to get together some day and party. I'll buy.)

The Natural Born Citizen clause in the Constitution has never been challenged. It is about to be.

Hang on to your seat Dorothy, we are going for a ride.
so if it nullifies both mcain and obama, would biden become president, or would there be a new election as neither candidate should have ran?
"The Natural Born Citizen clause in the Constitution has never been challenged. It is about to be."

For the good of the state and to prevent an unprecidented parylizing crisis on top of the economic meltdown I believe the court will rule in Obama's favor regardless of any arguements to the contrary.

He won decicively which is more than Bush did in 2000 when the court gave him the presidency.
"The Natural Born Citizen clause in the Constitution has never been challenged. It is about to be."

For the good of the state and to prevent an unprecidented parylizing crisis on top of the economic meltdown I believe the court will rule in Obama's favor regardless of any arguements to the contrary.

He won decicively which is more than Bush did in 2000 when the court gave him the presidency.

So you think it's alright to let this dude be president if the court goes in his favor because they were afraid of what it would do too the country that is already mired in a crisis?
Would you feel the same if it were found at a later time that in fact he wasn't qualified to be president, but now he has sent your brother into Pakistan too fight because Mr.Obama decided invading that country was the only way to clean up the mess in the region?
Better give yoour position a lot of thought before making it.
What I just said here could be reality.
My feeling is,as in anything else mired in controversy, put everything on hold until all the facts are in, and have been fully examined.
Perhaps this will be cleared up, and he can become the president but, the American people derserve nothing less than a full investigation to get to the bottom of this issue, once and for all.
I believe the court will rule in Obama's favor regardless of any arguements to the contrary.
And forever open the door to any slimebag that wants to buy the AMerican Presidency. Very patriotic of you.:mad:

"He won decicively which is more than Bush did in 2000 when the court gave him the presidency.
Bush won every single damn recall there was. The Court didn't do diddly.
So you think it's alright to let this dude be president if the court goes in his favor because they were afraid of what it would do too the country that is already mired in a crisis?
Would you feel the same if it were found at a later time that in fact he wasn't qualified to be president, but now he has sent your brother into Pakistan too fight because Mr.Obama decided invading that country was the only way to clean up the mess in the region?
Better give yoour position a lot of thought before making it.
What I just said here could be reality.
My feeling is,as in anything else mired in controversy, put everything on hold until all the facts are in, and have been fully examined.
Perhaps this will be cleared up, and he can become the president but, the American people derserve nothing less than a full investigation to get to the bottom of this issue, once and for all.
My understanding of this arguement is his being born an american is not in dispute.
If the court rules in his favor he cannot later be found not qualified as we're trying to cut a distinction here between natural born american citizen(both parents american citizens) and born american citizen(1 parent american citizen)
I'm only saying what I think the court will rule.
That doesn't mean that it is my position.
And forever open the door to any slimebag that wants to buy the AMerican Presidency. Very patriotic of you.:mad:

Bush won every single damn recall there was. The Court didn't do diddly.

Romney wanted to buy the Republican nomination.
That's one of the reasons why Huckabee torpedoed his candidacy. I suppose he considered Romney a slimebag.

Bush won a controversial squeaker.
Obama won decicively by 7 million votes.

Under the circumstances this challenge is the most desperate of efforts and I stand by my assesment of how this will play out even if I disagree with it.
Romney wanted to buy the Republican nomination.
That's one of the reasons why Huckabee torpedoed his candidacy. I suppose he considered Romney a slimebag.
I've never heard any one call Romney a slimebag, in any circle.
Huckabee was motivated by self-interest. He had a small campaign that continued to generate momentum despite having virtually no money. Some speculate that he might have been running for a the VP spot, others though it might be so that McCain gave him a cabinet position if he won. I tend to think he did it because it gave him a very high profile position to get his name and message out, establishing him for another run for office in the future, or for speaking, media, and book deals.

Bush won a controversial squeaker.
Obama won decicively by 7 million votes.
The only controversy surrounding Bush's win was manufactured by those who lost. It was close, but it was a clear victory.

Obama certainly won.

Under the circumstances this challenge is the most desperate of efforts and I stand by my assesment of how this will play out even if I disagree with it.
For the good of the union, they have to decide it based on legal interpretation, not short term political consequence. To do otherwise would undermine the constitution and cause damage that wouldn't heal.

But that might very well mean that Obama is 100% eligible too. But the decision needs to be based on jurisprudence, not a concern of current events.

If they take the case, the decision should be unanimous... and in that event, the issue needs to be resolved after that, for either side.
It can't be something that hangs over the next administrations head the entire time, regardless the outcome.
Romney wanted to buy the Republican nomination.
That's one of the reasons why Huckabee torpedoed his candidacy. I suppose he considered Romney a slimebag.

Bush won a controversial squeaker.
Obama won decicively by 7 million votes.

Under the circumstances this challenge is the most desperate of efforts and I stand by my assesment of how this will play out even if I disagree with it.
Doesn't matter if Obama won by 99 million votes. If he's not a citizen, he's disqualified. We're a nation of laws, not ruled by a mob.

Sorry you don't get that.
Doesn't matter if Obama won by 99 million votes. If he's not a citizen, he's disqualified. We're a nation of laws, not ruled by a mob.

Sorry you don't get that.

We're also a nation of courts that rule on the laws.
Since this has never been challenged before it is up to a court if they so choose to decide what the law is.
We're also a nation of courts that rule on the laws.
Since this has never been challenged before it is up to a court if they so choose to decide what the law is.
That is correct. By the way, it was a court that ruled on Bush v. Gore. How do you feel about that?
That is correct. By the way, it was a court that ruled on Bush v. Gore. How do you feel about that?
I felt bad but I got over it.
However Gore was the most boring uncharismatic pedantic candidate who couldn't translate his 2 terms as vp of a popular administration into victory over the garble mangle speaking Bush.
As written by British Author Sir William Blackstone about the laws of England:

[ALLEGIANCE, both express and implied, is however distinguished by the law into sorts or species, the one natural, the other local; the former being also perpetual, the latter temporary. Natural allegiance is such as is due from all men born within the king's dominions immediately upon their birth. For, immediately upon their birth, they are under the king's protection; at a time too, when (during their infancy) they are incapable of protecting themselves. Natural allegiance is therefore a debt of gratitude; which cannot be forfeited, cancelled, or altered, by any change of time, place, or circumstance, nor by any thing but the united concurrence of the legislature.]

British citizenship cannot be renounced by the parents. That is why the grandfather clause in Article II was put in the Constitution.

Obama = not a natural born citizen
So argument is now-

1- he's not a natural born citizen due to his dual citizenship with Britain2
2- his birth certificate is also a forgery, but that's a separate and unrelated issue.

The question is, when does this move from the realm of conspiracy into the realm of public discussion and concern. Because the claims are so bold and outrageous that it's hard to imagine that it's legit.
If the SCOTUS rules against him, I'm sure we'll find who his real daddy is.

Same hair line.
Same jaw structure.

Same height. Malcolm 6'3", Obama 6'2", Obama Sr. 5'9"
Same build.
Same weight.

You tell me... Which lineage does he more closely resemble?

Point is, no one knows who this guy is and we are about to give him the most powerful job in the world.
If that was a joke... I think you need to ad a smiley.

Because if there is actually a group of people getting ready to argue that Barrak Obama is actually the biological son of Malcom X.... they all need to be institutionalized.

Having left the realm of the curious to the absurd... I'm going to go pour a drink.
If there are people seriously trying to link Malcom X and Obama, I'm offering a picture of Fossten jumping the shark.

I know, Fossten never said anything to support the theory but I didn't have a picture of anyone else ... and it just seemed like it'd be funny.:p

that transformation from X to Barry is eerie and weird...

but since his transcripts are sealed, and his actual birth records are hidden from any public disclosure, I doubt a DNA comparison will ever happen...Barry needs his lackeys to scoop up the cigarette butts, coke cans, etc...
that transformation from X to Barry is eerie and weird...

but since his transcripts are sealed, and his actual birth records are hidden from any public disclosure, I doubt a DNA comparison will ever happen...Barry needs his lackeys to scoop up the cigarette butts, coke cans, etc...

Well, then you'll be entertained to learn that the Secret Service actually does that for all Presidents. Any glass, silverware, DNA that they are aware of (blue dresses not included) are scooped up and disposed off, lest they fall into the wrong hands.
So argument is now-

1- he's not a natural born citizen due to his dual citizenship with Britain2
2- his birth certificate is also a forgery, but that's a separate and unrelated issue.

The question is, when does this move from the realm of conspiracy into the realm of public discussion and concern. Because the claims are so bold and outrageous that it's hard to imagine that it's legit.

Bigger question, will it end if it is shown he isn't a dual citizen and/or that doesn't disqualify the 'natural born citizen' clause, since being born in a U.S. state still makes him a natual born citizen, or will we simply have another case pop-up to add to the list of 1) He's Indonesian 2) He's Kenyan 3) He's has dual citizenship 4) His father is really {insert name of someone controversial}?

I have a feeling these type of accusations will still pop-up 3+ years from now.

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