THE Obama lawsuit to follow

Some interesting things about conspiracy theories...

To be angry is more bearable than to be uncertain, or to be afraid.

A conspiracist view can suppress awkward pieces of information by toying with the notion that events have been covered up by the authorities to suit their own ends.

The theory must be difficult, better still, impossible, to understand at first glance.

It must contain a spaghetti-heap of leads, all of which cannot be followed up. There must always be one more lead left to chase.

Failure is more bearable if 'the truth' is that fill in the blank have conspired against you, it allows you to ignore the fact that your lederhosen are too tight. ;)
To be angry is more bearable than to be uncertain, or to be afraid.

This is absolutely true and relevant to virtually all modern conspiracy theories. Usually a conspiracy ends up with a handful of people who have a firm control over what's going on. It's reassuring to know that someone is in control, deaths and misfortune aren't just random.

911 truthers are a great recent example of this.
I re-iterate, the surpreme court has had this case for at least three or four weeks, and still no response.
Do any of you really think this natural born crap is all that important?
I hardly think so and, apparentlythe surpreme court agrees with me.
All these internet groups are spinning their wheels if they think anything is going to come of it.
It is a dead issue.
Oh Bryan, I certainly hope you didn't give this group money to place this ad.

Well, at least the Trib is happy - full page single run isn't cheap...

Oh Bryan, I certainly hope you didn't give this group money to place this ad.

Well, at least the Trib is happy - full page single run isn't cheap...

Just to be clear, are you saying that he was absolutely born in Hawaii.
And are you also saying that there is no issue regarding the citizenship of his father and the natural born citizen definition?

Because you can't deny that there is some curiosity regarding both those things. I don't see how you can completely dismiss either of those two completely out of hand.
No, I don’t know if he was born in Hawaii, and natural born citizen by current definition doesn’t have caveats applied to it – however the Supreme court could change that…

But, whatever the case – nothing, and I mean nothing, ever gets legitimized by placing an ad for it…

I know, I work in advertising…

And in this case it just makes the whole group look desperate… They can't get inches as news or editorial, so, they end up 'buying' inches - usually the last gasp of a dying cause...
The lack of a message from SCOTUS regarding Obama "is" the message.
By not taking this up they are saying they're ok with Obama as president.
This natural born citizen stuff is not important enough to throw the whole country into turmoil.
No, I don’t know if he was born in Hawaii, and natural born citizen by current definition doesn’t have caveats applied to it – however the Supreme court could change that…

And in this case it just makes the whole group look desperate… They can't get inches as news or editorial, so, they end up 'buying' inches - usually the last gasp of a dying cause...

So even you don't have complete confidence he was born in the country.
And you don't know if he is legitimately eligible to even serve as the President. Yet despite these tremendously important questions remain unchallenged and unresolved, none of these court cases can get "inches as news or editorial." Why is that?

This is clearly an effort to go over the heads of the gate keepers in the media that have an agenda to protect the Obama. It's won't be effective, the same people who won't report the lawsuits certainly won't talk about the open letter.

You continue to contradict yourself in this thread in your desire to defend Obama. You imply that Bryan is a conspiracy kook in one post, yet you can't say with any confidence that he's wrong.

You imply that this issue is a tinfoil hat issue, but then when challenged, you back pedal and just say that open letters are ineffective.

In all candor, I still don't know what to make of this issue. Because of the significance of it, and the interesting argument associated with the "natural born citizen" argument, I find this a very compelling issue. And because the challenge has been made, the outcome, the precedent, regardless what it is, will be hugely important.
The lack of a message from SCOTUS regarding Obama "is" the message.
By not taking this up they are saying they're ok with Obama as president.
This natural born citizen stuff is not important enough to throw the whole country into turmoil.

The court isn't supposed to decide whether something is "important enough." It's either constitutional or not. Any indication that they are making decisions or hearing cases based on political convenience is further demonstration that the judicial branch has been profoundly corrupted by activists.
No, I believe he was born in Hawaii - Would I bet on it - yes. Do I personally know for a certainty - no.

I can't believe the SCOTUS will place this into argument - the whole natural born citizen thing. It appears to be clear that he is - there aren't any asterisks in the law on this point - or little footnotes. It is either yes or no, there isn't a 'sort of'...

The news is pretty careful not putting conspiracy theory into their pages or give it air time. There is a good reason for that. I don't think that anyone has gone beyond conspiracy theory in this case, that is why there isn't any 'legitimate' coverage.
The court isn't supposed to decide whether something is "important enough." It's either constitutional or not. Any indication that they are making decisions or hearing cases based on political convenience is further demonstration that the judicial branch has been profoundly corrupted by activists.

SCOTUS doesn't live in a 19th century vaccuum.
They have to think of the repercussions of their decisions especially this one.
There could be a revolution if Obama is disqualified which could lead to SCOTUS being sacked (among other things)for thwarting the will of the people.
But then some people here are secretly hoping for a revolt.
It would be a shame not to have to use that stockpile of food and weapons that have been accumulated in anticipation of a US collapse:rolleyes:
No, I believe he was born in Hawaii - Would I bet on it - yes. Do I personally know for a certainty - no.
So you aren't 100% convinced based just on his word and the certificate of birth posted on the internet.

I can't believe the SCOTUS will place this into argument - the whole natural born citizen thing. It appears to be clear that he is - there aren't any asterisks in the law on this point - or little footnotes. It is either yes or no, there isn't a 'sort of'...
You're right, it's a yes or no.
Obama appears to be the "sort of" example.
But neither of us are 100% confident that he meets the specific requirements and conditions reserved for the Presidency.

The news is pretty careful not putting conspiracy theory into their pages or give it air time. There is a good reason for that. I don't think that anyone has gone beyond conspiracy theory in this case, that is why there isn't any 'legitimate' coverage.
Again, nonsense. You don't see the media putting "conspiracy theories" into print or broadcast when it has to do with a liberal that they are protective of. I can put together a list of "conspiracy" nonsense (proven nonsense) that has been broadcast by the media regarding Republicans as long as my arm.

Want one big example- how about the Air National Guard nonsense that Dan Rather broadcast? They have had no reservations running those stories and DEFENDING them in the press- so long as it smeared someone they were politically opposed to. So, you're wrong. The refusal to even mention this story, even in passing, is not because of some journalistic standard.

Again, I don't know. But I do find this story compelling and a little concerning.
And while I think I know the ultimate outcome, I'd really like to see how it's achieved.
SCOTUS doesn't live in a 19th century vaccuum.
They have to think of the repercussions of their decisions especially this one.
There could be a revolution if Obama is disqualified but then that's what some people here are secretly hoping for.
It would be a shame not to have to use that stockpile of food and weapons that have been accumulated in anticipation of a US collapse:rolleyes:

A 19th century vacuum?
Is that because the population was more civil and less prone to riot in past centuries???

And I don't think anyone here wants to see a violent revolution. But if make exceptions to the constitution for any reason, the entire documents becomes worthless.
The constitution isn't about political or social expediency or convenience. They are defining principles and the foundation for EVERYTHING else.
Well, I don't know of the Dan Rather story - sorry - links? And Rather is rather a sad case - and yet another good reason why conspiracy theory is usually delegated to the dust bin. Blick. And how about all those right leaning media outlets - the WSJ, the Washington Times, New York Post, Fox, heck, even the Trib... they haven't picked up on this little tidbit either...

I actually believe FactOrg or who ever it was that posted his birth certificate and looked at it... And I certainly don't blame Obama and his people for not turning it over to nutcases - like Berg, that does set bad precedent. I wish the Supreme Court would ask for it - it would make all this go away, but they haven't yet, because they haven't seen need for it yet.

You're right, it's a yes or no.
And he isn't a 'sort of' natural born citizen. Since he was (going by everything I have seen) born in Hawaii he is a natural born citizen. Period. No gray area in this arena, like you agreed, yes or no.
If they refuse to hear it then they are making a ruling without making an official ruling about an exception to the constitution.
Fuc#ing Zealot Sheep

The problem with zealots is; you can never change their minds. They believe so stongly in what ever it is, thet they are blinded to the truth. It is a waste of time to try to change them.
The issue here is that the Republicans are sore losers. Along with the racist pigs out there are still happy to malign our future president. No matter what LIES thay have to tell, or fake videos they post on You Tube.
All you
Neo Nazi's
and Republicans,
the world is changing

News flash: Earth is found to be round, not flat.
The lack of a message from SCOTUS regarding Obama "is" the message.
By not taking this up they are saying they're ok with Obama as president.
This natural born citizen stuff is not important enough to throw the whole country into turmoil.

Either get yourself educated on the issue or STFU.

You obviously don't know crap of what is going on.

Put your head back in the sand and we'll wake you up in 4 years in time for the next election so you can again vote to get more money redistributed from other people to you.
The issue here is that the Republicans are sore losers.

Just another misinformed Obamobot. People like you are screwing up this country big-time by running around without a clue.

The Republicans are nowhere near this issue. It has been the Hillary supporters since day one on this.

All hail the Messiah.
If they refuse to hear it then they are making a ruling without making an official ruling about an exception to the constitution.
Dear Misinformed Obamobot, they are meeting on the issue on Friday.

The DONOFRIO lawsuit will be discussed ON FRIDAY.

The BERG lawsuit will also be discussed ON FRIDAY (although not on the docket yet)!

The WROTNOWSKI lawsuit has finally been received in Justice Scalia's office today, even thought the papers were filed on the 29th of November.

Some a$$hole in the Justice Department tried to stonewall the filing by claiming it had to go thru 'Anthrax Screening' but Wrotnowski went to the main gate of the Justice Department today and hand delivered 10 copies.




Even Foxpaws thinks it would be too much trouble to ask the Messiah to request the State of Hawaii release his 'vault' certificate and settle this in 5 seconds. Better to defend yourself against 18 lawsuits and spend over a $1,000,000 doing it.

All you Obamaislamofacists make me laugh. You'll get yours in the end. I wish you much economic pain these next 4 years, maybe lose your job, house, etc. Don't worry, Obama will come to your rescue.

Whatever bad karma comes your way, don't worry, you've earned it.

Even Foxpaws thinks it would be too much trouble to ask the Messiah to request the State of Hawaii release his 'vault' certificate and settle this in 5 seconds. Better to defend yourself against 18 lawsuits and spend over a $1,000,000 doing it.

You know Bryan - if any of those guys asked to see my birth certificate - I would say the same thing - see you in court...;)
The problem with zealots is; you can never change their minds. They believe so stongly in what ever it is, thet they are blinded to the truth. It is a waste of time to try to change them.
The issue here is that the Republicans are sore losers. Along with the racist pigs out there are still happy to malign our future president. No matter what LIES thay have to tell, or fake videos they post on You Tube.
All you
Neo Nazi's
and Republicans,
the world is changing

News flash: Earth is found to be round, not flat.
Nice to see an agent of tolerance lecturing everyone else with such hate speech.

/sarc :rolleyes:
You know Bryan - if any of those guys asked to see my birth certificate - I would say the same thing - see you in court...;)

If you are running for an office that constitutionally requires you be born naturally, then they have every right to demand to see proof if there is anything questionable about your birth. If you can't or won't provide it, then you should not be allowed to run for that office.

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