Why would they disown and attempt to discredit and disgrace one of their own - Ted Guy - a POW who has been dead for nearly a decade -- in order to establish cover for John McCain? For shame! But now, Ted Guy has risen from the grave to tell the truth about John McCain. And whether the NAM-POW leadership likes it or not, one's credibility is based on TRUTH, not heat and emotion in the midst of a political battle - no matter how crucial the outcome! click here to visit Patriots Revolt and read more of this story.
Palin: Liar or Misled?
Submitted by Eagle II - Comments? Click on blog click on same title.
NAM VET Newsletter / VETLINK #1
Page 28
Volume 5, Number 9
September 17, 1991
By Mike Blair
August 26, 1991 Exclusive to the Spotlight
During her acceptance speech at the RNC, Palin told a tall tale about John McCain and torture. It's hard to believe that this charming lady is a liar.. so for the moment I will opt for misled.
Lets see.. John McCain was viewed being marched down a corridor through a "pinhole" by another PoW... then marched back "after torture" where in he, John McCain, looked at the "pinhole" fresh from being "tortured" winked at the pinhole and gave it a thumbs up? Read below for an example of what "torture" is.. see what happened in "one instance below" to Col. Ted Guy, Then try and convince any one you looked at a "pinhole" smiled and gave a thumbs up.. (Some one ask for boots - cause the BS meter has gone on overflow) - I will be making a cut of that part of her speech tomorow and it will be posted here along with other true stories from PoW's who were tortured.
Text from transcript of Palins Speech: (BOOTS ON)
"A fellow...A fellow prisoner of war, a man named Tom Moe of Lancaster, Ohio...
Tom Moe recalls looking through a pinhole in his cell door as Lieutenant Commander
John McCain was led down the hallway by the guards, day after day. And the story
is told, when McCain shuffled back from torturous interrogations, he would turn
towards Moe's door, and he'd flash a grin and a thumbs up, as if to say,
"We're going to pull through this.""
The basis of my statement comes from first common,(unless McCain was beaten with a feather duster) sense and secondly from two PoW's who were McCains Senior Ranking Officers, Col. Ted Guy and Col. Gordon "Swede" Larson. The post-war life of McCain affirms as well. His treatment of the PoW/MIA Families(Click here to view video's). His urge, along side Sent. John Kerry, despite McCain had found evidence that a tiny handful of men were left behind, to abandon the PoW/MIA issue and thus a "tiny handful of men". What if one was you father? What if there was only "one" and he was your father or other relative? In my humble estimation any one in harms way is my countryman, my brother or sister by birthright and deserves every measure our great nation has available to insure they are freed.
Two former POWs, Air Force Colonels Ted Guy and Gordon "Swede" Larson, said in a March 25, 1999, Phoenix New Times feature article that while they could not guarantee that McCain was not physically harmed, they doubted it. Both Guy and Larson were senior ranking officers (SRO's) in McCain's POW camp at a time he claims he was in solitary confinement and being tortured. Larson told the New Times,
"Between the two of us, it's our belief, and to the best of our knowledge, that no prisoner was beaten or harmed physically in that camp [known as 'The Plantation']. "My only contention with the McCain deal is that while he was at The Plantation, to the best of my knowledge and Ted's knowledge, he was not physically abused in any way. No one was in that camp. It was the camp that people were released from."
(Col. Ted Guy (The Fox was his code name then) was the exception. Col Guy spent most of his internment years in solitary confinement and was brutally beaten - even at the Plantation.) That's because Col. Guy was a hero who pledged death before dishonor. He also issued an order as SRO that no one accept early release or face court martial if and when repatriated. McCain didn't accept early release as he was ORDERED not to and would have been court martialed had he accepted any offer and left. Doug Hegdahl was one of the Few Col. Guy allowed to leave.
In March, at the Plantation, Doug Hegdahl had received a message from Dick Stratton: "The Fox says go home with his blessing." Fox was the code name of Air Force Lt. Col. Theodore W. Guy, who was senior to Hervey Stockman and had succeeded him as SRO. Guy had not been immediately agreeable to Stratton's proposal that Hegdahl leave early, but Beak, now codenamed Wizard, had been persuasive. With Guy persuaded, Hegdahl had only to sell the Vietnamese on the idea. (Read the entire story here: The Hanoi Hilton & Surrounding Villa's Click on Doug Hegdahl (Picture of Doug in story )
For more information from 1999 when Ted Guy went after John McCain just before Col. Guy died Click Here
Where is "Hero" John McCains Name? I See Col. Ted Guy's.
Col. Ted Guy, McCains SRO at the Plantation in North Vietnam Camps is #33 on the right in the list of Medal Honors below. Col. Ted W. Guy, was abandoned and belittled by NAMPoW members for his stance on PoW's and MIA's who were left behind and his strong opinion John McCain would only harm our nation if President. Of course most of the bad mouth came after his death. Col. Guy started the first real "SwiftVet movement with his campaign to "Just say NO to John McCain" in 1999 just before he passed away. Col. Guy was a Veteran Air Jock of Korea & Vietnam wars. Col. Guy was not a medal seeker nor one to brag about what he earned. If you looked over his ordeal and what he did he should have been awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. For more info on Col. Ted Guy click on Home. and here: Tribute to PoW Ted Guy or The Hanoi Hilton & Surrounding Villa's
Air Force Cross
Col Theodore W. Guy, USAF
Air Force Distinguished Service Medal
Col Theodore W. Guy, USAF (2 awards)
Silver Star
Col Theodore W. Guy, USAF (2 awards)
Distinguished Flying Cross
Col Theodore W. Guy, USAF (6 awards)
Bronze Star
Col Theodore W. Guy, USAF (4 awards w/V)
Purple Heart
Col Theodore W. Guy, USAF (4 awards)
(Note: nearly all POWs were authorized 1 Purple Heart )
Top 50 Most Highly Decorated U.S. Military Personnel of All Time
[ Compiled by NAM PoW Historian Mike McGrath of MAC'sFacts Fame ]
On this page I have used my Medal Points System to list the Top 50 Most Highly Decorated U.S. Mlitary Personnel in American History. This includes all military branches and all time periods. Although I believe the list to be inclusive of all Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines, it is still a work in progress. As I research new personnel, it is possible I will find someone new that will make the top 50 list. My master list I work from includes over 300 military personnel. There are two lists: the first list requires that the person has to have been awarded the Medal of Honor; the second list simply totals up the person's points, no matter what their highest decoration is.
Top 50 With Medal of Honor: Top 50 by points, regardless of highest decoration:
1. GA Douglas MacArthur, USA 1. GA Douglas MacArthur, USA
2. Col Edward V. Rickenbacker, USAAS 2. Col David H. Hackworth, USA
3. CDR Samuel D. Dealey, USN 3. Col Edward V. Rickenbacker, USAAS
4. Col Robert L. Howard, USA 4. CDR Samuel D. Dealey, USN
5. VADM John D. Bulkeley, USN 5. Col James H. Kasler, USAF
6. RADM Richard H. O'Kane, USN 6. LtGen Lewis B. Puller, USMC
7. Maj Thomas B. McGuire, Jr., USAAF 7. Col David C. Schilling, USAF
8. VADM James B. Stockdale, USN 8. Gen John C. Meyer, USAF
9. Maj Gen Smedley D. Butler, USMC 9. Col Robert L. Howard, USA
10. Maj Richard I. Bong, USAAF 10. Gen James A. Van Fleet, USA
11. SgtMaj Daniel J. Daly, USMC 11. VADM John D. Bulkeley, USN
12. RADM Eugene B. Fluckey, USN 12. RADM Richard H. O'Kane, USN
13. Gen Raymond G. Davis, USMC 13. BG John T. Corley, USA
14. Col George E. Day, USAF 14. Gen William E. DePuy, USA
15. Col George A. Davis, USAF 15. Col Francis S. Gabreski, USAF
16. PO1 James E. Williams, USN 16. Maj Thomas B. McGuire, Jr., USAAF
17. Col Leo K. Thorsness, USAF 17. VADM James B. Stockdale, USN
18. VADM Lawson P. Ramage, USN 18. Gen John R. Deane, Jr., USA
19. LTC Raymond Harvey, USA 19. MajGen Smedley D. Butler, USMC
20. MajGen James L. Day, USMC 20. Col Ralph S. Parr, Jr., USAF
21. LCDR John C. McCloy, USN 21. RADM Roy M. Davenport, USN
22. Col Lloyd L. Burke, USA 22. Maj Richard I. Bong, USAAF
23. VADM Joel T. Boone, USN 23. Maj Gen Robert M. White, USAF
24. Col Gordon Johnston, USA 24. SgtMaj Daniel J. Daly, USMC
25. Capt Joe R. Hooper, USA 25. RADM Eugene B. Fluckey, USN
26. Maj Gen Merritt A. Edson, USMC 26. Gen Raymond G. Davis, USMC
27. BGen Herman H. Hanneken, USMC 27. Gen Creighton W. Abrams, Jr., USA
28. Maj Audie L. Murphy, USA 28. Brig Gen R. Stephen Ritchie, USAF
29. Col Lewis L. Millett, USA 29. Col George E. Day, USAF
30. CAPT David McCampbell, USN 30. Col George A. Davis, USAF
31. Col James E. Swett, USMC 31. Lt Gen John P. Flynn, USAF
32. CPL John H. Pruitt, USMC 32. Brig Gen Robin Olds, USAF
33. Maj Louis Cukela, USMC 33. Col Theodore W. Guy, USAF
34. LTC Matt L. Urban, USA 34. PO1 James E. Williams, USN
35. MG Patrick H. Brady, USA 35. ADM Bernard A. Clarey, USN
36. MG William F. Dean, USA 36. Col Leo K. Thorsness, USAF
37. Gen James H. Doolittle, USAF 37. Maj Gen Frank O. Hunter, USAAF
38. MajGen Wendell C. Neville, USMC 38. VADM Lawson P. Ramage, USN
39. ADM Jonas H. Ingram, USN 39. Gen Lemuel C. Sheperd, Jr., USMC
40. Sgt Matej Kocak, USMC 40. Lt Gen Jay T. Robbins, USAF
41. Gen Leon W. Johnson, USAF 41. Gen Wayne A. Downing, USA
42. 1stLt Henry L. Hulbert, USMC 42. Brig Gen Robinson Risner, USAF
43. MG William J. Donovan, USA 43. Maj Gen Raymond L. Murray, USMC
44. CDR Howard W. Gilmore, USN 44. Gen Walton H. Walker, USA
45. LtCol Kenneth A. Walsh, USMC 45. Gen Matthew B. Ridgeway, USA
46. MG Frank D. Baldwin, USA 46. LTC Raymond Harvey, USA
47. LtCol Thomas W. Custer, USA 47. Maj Gen James L. Day, USMC
48. CAPT Ludwig A. Olsen, USN 48. LTG Hanford MacNider, USA
49. CAPT Albert Weisbogel, USN 49. LTG Henry E. Emerson, USA
50. 1SG Henry Hogan, USA 50. LTG Welborn G. Dolvin, USA