The return of the CobraStar embems?

Two for me. I want to put red LEDs in the eyes, and an N2O purge system out the mouth. I kid you not. :D
Is the color RED on the side of a car illegal? I can't find any reference in the Texas code :confused:
in most places yes it is

but it shouldnt be a problem if you wire them to come on when it purges
Im in for 2 (next week that is) and possibly a third for the grille, Whats my total for all now that I'm a Gold Member:cool:
I'd go for another left and right side to have as spares... Count me in!

Just PM me when you have everything set up for the order and I'll send the money.
I'll take 2, how much are they anyway? Know if they make cobrastars for the centercaps on wheels?
i want 2, one for each side. unless you are doing trunk and grill emblems. then i want one of each of those instead.

glad to see these going again :D
Wait!!!!...Geno, are these gonna be both Left and Right facing towards the car???...if it is then I'm in but otherwise explain what it is we're buying
All right now its on again!!

Give me two sets Geno. Almost feel I should buy 10 and hoard them seeing as how they became rarer than hen's teeth last time, everyone was looking for these during the dry spell.:shifty: But I am down for 2 sets. Give me the pay pal addy. I am ready to pay for mine now.
I want two sets Gino. Send the Pay pal or CC info I'll pay now. I'm calling a friend now that wants a set also. make that 4 sets
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I'd like a set but can I buy a single one also? If I ever they this car running again I'd like to put one on the Cobra intake.
I'm in.

I will buy two pair immediately.

I remain...

Murderously Yours,


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