Think Shrub will apologize? Nah.


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Apr 23, 2004
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High Bridge, NJ
White House Plays Down New Quran Reports

By DEB RIECHMANN, Associated Press Writer Sat Jun 4, 7:49 PM ET

Pentagon report detailing incidents in which U.S. guards at Guantanamo Bay prison desecrated the Quran is creating another public relations challenge for
President Bush.
Two weeks ago, the White House was thrown on the defensive by a now-retracted Newsweek report alleging that U.S. interrogators at the detention center for alleged terrorists in Cuba had flushed a Quran down a toilet.

The story stirred worldwide controversy and the Bush administration blamed it for deadly demonstrations in
Afghanistan. Saying America's image abroad had suffered irreparable damage, the White House responded with a verbal offensive against the media.

On Saturday, a day after the Pentagon described a series of cases of U.S. personnel mishandling the Quran, the White House downplayed the issue.

"It is unfortunate that some have chosen to take out of context a few isolated incidents by a few individuals," presidential spokesman Scott McClellan said in a statement.

Joe Lockhart, former press secretary for
President Clinton, said that when a news organization — such as Newsweek — makes a factual mistake, White House officials are tempted to try to discredit the entire story.

"I think on this issue, they fell into a trap," Lockhart said. "They saw a way to push back on a damaging story by making it look like it was just out-of-control journalists, and now they've had to admit that it has happened."

McClellan's statements after the Newsweek report left an impression that no desecration at all had occurred at Guantanamo, Lockhart said.

"While the news organization got an example wrong, they got the practice right," he said. "I think certainly the public is within their right, in this case, to believe they were misled."

The Pentagon confirmed Friday evening — after the networks' evening news shows had aired — that a U.S. soldier had deliberately kicked a prisoner's holy book. The report also said prison guards had thrown water balloons in a cell block, causing an unspecified number of Qurans to get wet; a guard's urine had splashed on a detainee and his Quran; an interrogator had stepped on a Quran during an interrogation; and a two-word obscenity had been written in English on the inside cover of a Quran.

Pentagon officials said the problems were relatively minor and U.S. commanders have gone to great lengths to enable detainees to practice their religion.

White House officials noted that the investigation last month, by Brig. Gen. Jay Hood, the commander of the detention center, also found 15 cases of detainees mishandling their own Qurans.

"These included using a Quran as a pillow, ripping pages out of the Quran, attempting to flush a Quran down the toilet and urinating on the Quran," Hood's report said. It offered no possible explanation for the detainees' actions.

McClellan declined to answer questions about whether the White House issued misleading statements, whether the credibility of the Bush administration had been tarnished or whether the Pentagon report would hamper Bush's efforts to spread democracy in the Middle East.

On her goodwill trip to the Middle East last month, first lady Laura Bush said Newsweek should not be solely blamed for the deadly protests that followed its report.

"In the United States if there's a terrible report, people don't riot and kill other people," she said. "And you can't excuse what they did because of the mistake — you know, you can't blame it all on Newsweek."

"We've had terrible happenings that have really, really hurt our image of the United States," she said. "And people in the United States are sick about it."
Vitas said:
Get us an apology for the act of war on the UNITED STATES of AMERICA on September 11, 2001.

Catch that SOB OBL first, then maybe we'll have a chance of that happening. Or maybe if GW quits kissing Saudia Arabia's behind we might get one.

Assault On the Media

By E. J. Dionne Jr.

Friday, May 27, 2005; Page A27

So it turns out that the FBI has documents showing that detainees at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, complained about the mistreatment of the Koran and that many said they were severely beaten.

The documents specifically include an allegation from a prisoner that guards had "flushed a Koran in the toilet."

And yesterday, Pentagon officials said investigators have identified five incidents of "mishandling" the Koran by military guards and investigators. It was the first time Pentagon officials had acknowledged mistreatment of the Muslim holy book, though they insisted that the episodes were minor and occurred in the Guantanamo facility's early days.

What, then, is one to make of the Bush administration's furious assault against Newsweek magazine for bringing allegations about the abuse of the Koran to popular attention?

Let's be clear: Newsweek originally reported that an internal military investigation had "confirmed" infractions alleged in "internal FBI e-mails." The documents made public Wednesday include only an allegation from a prisoner about the flushing of the Koran, and the Pentagon insisted that the same prisoner, reinterviewed on May 14, couldn't corroborate his earlier claim.

But it's also clear, to be charitable, that not all was well in Guantanamo. That's why the administration and its apologists -- more about that word in a moment -- went bonkers over the Newsweek story.

The war on Newsweek shifted attention away from how the Guantanamo prisoners have been treated, how that treatment has affected the battle against terrorism and what American policies should be. Newsweek-bashing also furthered a long-term and so far successful campaign by the administration and the conservative movement to dismiss all negative reports about their side as the product of some entity they call "the liberal media."

At this point, it is customary to offer a disclaimer to the effect that my column runs in The Post, is syndicated by The Washington Post Writers Group and that The Washington Post Co. owns Newsweek. I resisted writing about this subject precisely because I do not want anyone to confuse my own views with Newsweek's or The Post's.

I write about it now because of the new reports and because I fear that too many people in traditional journalism are becoming dangerously defensive in the face of a brilliantly conceived conservative attack on the independent media.

Conservative academics have long attacked "postmodernist" philosophies for questioning whether "truth" exists at all and claiming that what we take as "truths" are merely "narratives" woven around some ideological predisposition. Today's conservative activists have become the new postmodernists. They shift attention away from the truth or falsity of specific facts and allegations -- and move the discussion to the motives of the journalists and media organizations putting them forward. Just a modest number of failures can be used to discredit an entire enterprise.

Of course journalists make mistakes, sometimes stupid ones. Dan Rather should not have used those wacky documents in reporting on President Bush's Air National Guard service. Newsweek has been admirably self-critical about what it sees as its own mistakes on the Guantanamo story. Anonymous sources are overused. Why quote a nameless conservative saying a particular columnist is "an idiot liberal" when many loyal right-wingers could be found to say the same thing even more colorfully on the record? If the current controversies lead to better journalism, three cheers.

But this particular anti-press campaign is not about Journalism 101. It is about Power 101. It is a sophisticated effort to demolish the idea of a press independent of political parties by way of discouraging scrutiny of conservative politicians in power. By using bad documents, Dan Rather helped Bush, not John Kerry, because Rather gave Bush's skilled lieutenants the chance to use the CBS mistake to close off an entire line of inquiry about the president. In the case of Guantanamo, the administration, for a while, cast its actions as less important than Newsweek's.

Back when the press was investigating Bill Clinton, conservatives were eager to believe every negative report about the incumbent. Some even pushed totally false claims, including the loony allegation that Clinton aide Vince Foster was somehow murdered by Clinton's apparatchiks when, in fact, Foster committed suicide. Every journalist who went after Clinton was "courageous." Anyone who opposed his impeachment or questioned even false allegations was "an apologist."

We now know that the conservatives' admiration for a crusading and investigative press carried an expiration date of Jan. 20, 2001.

When the press fails, it should be called on the carpet. But when the press confronts a politically motivated campaign of intimidation, its obligation is to resist -- and to keep reporting.
Can someone tell me why in the world liberals are so worried about thier religion when liberals don't give a crap about our religous centric services? Huh! PLEASE.

Why in the heck are our tax dollars paying for religious literature if we can't send our kids to a relgious backed education program or religious centric service for drug addiction can't use US tax dollars.

This is another bright shinny example of liberal double standards!

Liberals permit artists to place a picture of christ, the virgin marry or the bible in urine and call it art but rush tot he aid of terrorist religous rights. Nice work Liberal terrorist sypmpathizer. Nice job supporting your fellow citizens... In Afhganistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Syria.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Catch that SOB OBL first, then maybe we'll have a chance of that happening. Or maybe if GW quits kissing Saudia Arabia's behind we might get one.


Ya know my state reps have heard from me about this by phone, mail and email. Ya don't own Vitas on this as but I do agree with you on this matter. The House of Saud needs to pack sand!
Wanna take a look at this Quran you libbies wanna protect while we are trying to defend our country against terrorism??

This is the religion that muslims claim is a religion of peace. This is not a small minority belief of Islam. This is straight from the Quran -- The book of Surah -- the essence of the Quran.

Don't bother to warn the disbelievers. Allah has blinded them. Theirs will be an awful doom. Kill disbelievers wherever you find them. If they attack you, then kill them. Such is the reward of disbelievers.
War is ordained by Allah.
We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Their habitation is the Fire
Allah will bestow a vast reward on those who fight in religious wars
Have no unbelieving friends. Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them.
If the unbelievers do not offer you peace, kill them wherever you find them. Against such you are given clear warrant
When you fight with disbelievers, do not retreat. Those who do will go to hell
Exhort the believers to fight. They will win easily, because disbelievers are without intelligence.
Slay the idolaters wherever you find them.
If you refuse to fight, Allah will afflict you with a painful doom.
Fight the disbelievers and hypocrites. Be harsh with them. They are all going to hell anyway.
Don't pray for idolaters (not even for your family) after it is clear they are people of hell-fire.
Fight disbelievers who are near you, and let them see the harshness in you.
Allah does not hear the prayer of disbelievers.
Allah sends some people astray
Iblis will lead humans astray. Only perfect Muslims will be safe from him. The rest will go to hell.
Allah could have led everyone to the truth, but he chose not to
Allah destroyed entire towns, yet the people still disbelieved.
The people cried out for mercy, but Allah killed them anyway.
Whoever thinks that Allah will not give Muhammad victory should go hang himself.
It's okay for believers to own slaves
Allah leads those who do not believe in the Hereafter astray by making things work out OK in this life, so that he can torment them forever in the next. They will get the worst punishment and will be the greatest losers.
Allah will taunt Christians on the day of their doom, saying: Where are My partners whom ye imagined?
Never help disbelievers.
Allah will tear Christians apart for ascribing partners to him.
It's OK to own slaves.
Allah does not love disbelievers
Allah will give disbelievers a little comfort for a little while, and then he'll torment them forever with a heavy doom.
Allah sends whoever he wants astray.
If Allah feels like it, he will drown everyone
Allah sends some people astray and then punishes them for it by burning them in the Fire.
Allah will taunt the disbelievers that he torments in the fire, saying: "Taste the doom for that ye disbelieved."
Smite the necks of the disbelievers whenever you fight against them. Those who die fighting for Allah will be rewarded.
Allah curses people by making them deaf and blind.
If you refuse to fight for Allah, he will punish you with a painful doom.
But if you're willing to fight for Allah, he will provide you with lots of booty.
Don't make friends with Allah's enemies. For those who do so, Allah has prepared a dreadful doom.
On the Last Day good Muslims will not love their non-Muslim friends and family members, not even their fathers, sons, or brothers (or their mothers, daughters, or sisters).
Don't be friends with disbelievers. They are your (and Allah's) enemy.
Don't be friends with those who have warred against you because of religion. Whoever makes friends with them is a wrong-doer.
Don't be friends with those who disbelieve in the Hereafter. They are Allah's enemies.
Allah loves those who fight for him.
A hypocritical Jew looks like an ass carrying books. Those who deny the revelations of Allah are ugly
Allah seals the hearts of those who believe and then disbelieve so that they can understand nothing.
Don't bother to ask Allah to forgive the disbelievers. He will never forgive them.
Muhammad's wives need to be careful. If they criticize their husband, Allah will replace them with better ones
Exhort the believers to fight. They will win easily, because disbelievers are without intelligence.
excuse me? Education is nominal over there! they come here for education!

It's rediculous!
Gruuvin8 said:
excuse me? Education is nominal over there! they come here for education!

It's rediculous!

Yepper! You will find that the majoirty of educated terrorist get their education from your homeland. mmm mmm mmm all warm and fuzzy now!
HOW the F$%!K do you guys turn respecting other's religions into a "liberal agenda"???

Respect for ALL religions is one of the FOUNDATIONS upon which this GREAT COUNTRY was BUILT ON!!

This is NOT a "liberal" vs "conservative" issue. Get off your high horses and pull your heads out.
The prime constiuents of the Liberal party are always attempting top shut out reliious services in the US. Refusing them tax dollars that could help them help more people. My gripe is that the left leaning media is all over the Koran like they have always supported religion and it just isn't so. The same folks that are complaining about the koran being abused are trying to sgut out christians in America. It isn't a high horse it is the truth.

JohnnyBz00LS said:
HOW the F$%!K do you guys turn respecting other's religions into a "liberal agenda"???

Respect for ALL religions is one of the FOUNDATIONS upon which this GREAT COUNTRY was BUILT ON!!

This is NOT a "liberal" vs "conservative" issue. Get off your high horses and pull your heads out.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
HOW the F$%!K do you guys turn respecting other's religions into a "liberal agenda"???

Respect for ALL religions is one of the FOUNDATIONS upon which this GREAT COUNTRY was BUILT ON!!

This is NOT a "liberal" vs "conservative" issue. Get off your high horses and pull your heads out.

So, lemme ask you this, johnny If I had a manual for my religion that told me to kill liberals, and I followed it and started killing liberals, would you respect me for killing liberals because I said it is my duty according to my religion? Would you? because that is what you are saying about terrorist islam and their quran. Why don't you go back and read what is in that quran, and tell me why you respect it! Then you can tell us you would respect a religion that demands death to liberals. It is the same thing.

Do you deny that the quran is about hating and killing Christians or Jews? Or do you respect the act of hating and killing Christians and Jews? Which is it, johnny? It's either one or the other, or you are just spewing drivel, without thinking! Pick one!

Your logic is amazingly stupid, !!!

Edited by Admin. The rules in the forum are such that we encourage our participating members to refrain from personal insults and name calling. This forum has survived and thrived over the last year because we respect each other's opinions and positions. So please, fight hard but fight fair. No personal attacks. Thanks/
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they are so enraged with their loss that they are blinded by their own ignorance and are not acting in ways that reveal their true intentions which we all know to be Anti-American. Can't remember where I heard it but someone once said "if it is good for America it is bad for liberals and if it is good for liberals it is bad for America".

I do not think you could pursuade me to think otherwise especially after reading the garbage these guys post. You prove the observation of the person that the quote came from.
eL eS said:
The prime constiuents of the Liberal party are always attempting to shut out reliious services in the US. Refusing them tax dollars that could help them help more people. My gripe is that the left leaning media is all over the Koran like they have always supported religion and it just isn't so. The same folks that are complaining about the koran being abused are trying to shut out christians in America. It isn't a high horse it is the truth.
Yep!!! two faced liberals want to put and end to religion, and support the followers of the quran who want to see this end by killing all followers of other religions.

don't tell me the liberal agenda supports freedom of religion, when the only religion they support is the one that wants to kill all the religious!
Islam is not a religion... it is a will to kill! Islam is an excuse for war, and it's goal is to wipe out the world.... that's what you support, johnnyfoolz? thats what Bush should appologize to and respect? Johnny, what are you saying, man!!!??? are you a closet terrorist too?
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It sickens me to hear the liberals cry that the holly book of islam which we had to pay for with our tax dollars is being desecrated yet they cry foul when prisons try to host religious services and by Bibles with our tax dollars. Where was your activism when so call artists desecrated the Bible, the cross, and the images of Jesus and Mary in your tax dollar funded museums. TWO FACED!
Gruuvin8 said:
So, lemme ask you this, johnnyFoolz.... If I had a manual for my religion that told me to kill liberals, and I followed it and started killing liberals, would you respect me for killing liberals because I said it is my duty according to my religion? Would you? because that is what you are saying about terrorist islam and their quran. Why don't you go back and read what is in that quran, and tell me why you respect it! Then you can tell us you would respect a religion that demands death to liberals. It is the same thing.

Do you deny that the quran is about hating and killing Christians or Jews? Or do you respect the act of hating and killing Christians and Jews? Which is it, johnnyfoolz? It's either one or the other, or you are just spewing drivel, without thinking! Pick one!

Your logic is amazingly stupid, JohnnyFoolz!!!

:eek2: So you have to resort to name calling when you get backed into a corner? You don't know much about Islam, PAL. All you are talking about is the beliefs of the extremists, who've put the religion of Islam up on their pedistal. Ask any Islamic leader about what the teachings of true Islam are about, I guarantee you it is NOT about the vile you spew.
Gruuvin8 said:
Yep!!! two faced liberals want to put and end to religion, and support the followers of the quran who want to see this end by killing all followers of other religions.

don't tell me the liberal agenda supports freedom of religion, when the only religion they support is the one that wants to kill all the religious!
Islam is not a religion... it is a will to kill! Islam is an excuse for war, and it's goal is to wipe out the world.... that's what you support, johnnyfoolz? thats what Bush should appologize to and respect? Johnnyfoolz, what are you saying, man!!!??? are you a closet terrorist too?

BTW, your hero GWB and the rest of his administration are falling over themselves claiming that AMERICA RESPECTS ALL RELIGIONS, INCLUDING ISLAM and the KORAN. So I guess if I'm a "closet terrorist", so is the BuSh administration?

eL eS said:
The prime constiuents of the Liberal party are always attempting top shut out reliious services in the US. Refusing them tax dollars that could help them help more people. My gripe is that the left leaning media is all over the Koran like they have always supported religion and it just isn't so. The same folks that are complaining about the koran being abused are trying to sgut out christians in America. It isn't a high horse it is the truth.

DAMN you right wing whackos are so stupid!

So you want ALL religious programs to become the new "welfare recipients"??? Didn't think so.

Liberals are NOT "attempting to shut out religious services in the US", they are standing TRUE to the FOUNDATION OF THIS GREAT COUNTRY and our DECLARATION OF INDEPENDANCE which states that ALL religions need to be treated EQUALLY. In contrast, the REPUKIBLANS want to foster only THEIR religion programs and shut out all others while shoving their religion down everyone's throat. That's BIASED, and UN-FRIGGIN AMERICAN.

Gruuvin8 said:
Wanna take a look at this Quran you libbies wanna protect while we are trying to defend our country against terrorism??

This is the religion that muslims claim is a religion of peace. This is not a small minority belief of Islam. This is straight from the Quran -- The book of Surah -- the essence of the Quran.

Don't bother to warn the disbelievers. Allah has blinded them. Theirs will be an awful doom. Kill disbelievers wherever you find them. If they attack you, then kill them. Such is the reward of disbelievers.
War is ordained by Allah.

(edited for length)

Muhammad's wives need to be careful. If they criticize their husband, Allah will replace them with better ones

Sounds alot like some of the same crap I've read in YOUR BIBLE.

First what was that about name calling, jeez you guys are always found on that crime scene first.

Second you boy genius I work for those religous services agencies that treat crakc addicts and help people up out of a hard time and they do not push their religion. So you have no freaking clue what you are even commenting on.

I would ask you to stick to topics you know but the margins of your intelligence are clearly narrow.

Further our government hardly treats all religions equally thanks to the liberals that do all they can to shut the doors on religous programs but you all are all to excited to supply terrorist with their hate mongering reading material.

JohnnyBz00LS said:
DAMN you right wing whackos are so stupid!

So you want ALL religious programs to become the new "welfare recipients"??? Didn't think so.

Liberals are NOT "attempting to shut out religious services in the US", they are standing TRUE to the FOUNDATION OF THIS GREAT COUNTRY and our DECLARATION OF INDEPENDANCE which states that ALL religions need to be treated EQUALLY. In contrast, the REPUKIBLANS want to foster only THEIR religion programs and shut out all others while shoving their religion down everyone's throat. That's BIASED, and UN-FRIGGIN AMERICAN.

JohnnyBz00LS said:
:eek2: So you have to resort to name calling when you get backed into a corner? You don't know much about Islam, PAL. All you are talking about is the beliefs of the extremists, who've put the religion of Islam up on their pedistal. Ask any Islamic leader about what the teachings of true Islam are about, I guarantee you it is NOT about the vile you spew.

You silly Johnny!! still never read that Quran yet have ya? it is their bible! it is their authority, it is the book the islam leaders consider true islam :N why would I ask an islam leader when i read that their authority bible tells them to lie to me?

if im the one backed into a corner, (LOL) then why are you the one kicking and screaming? *owned*

DAMN you right wing whackos are so stupid!

who is name calling? you done kicking and screaming yet? lol

Sounds alot like some of the same crap I've read in YOUR BIBLE.
you obviously have not read either!!! poor you!! no wonder you don't know anything about religions and how to tell the difference between a simple religion, and a vendetta to kill everybody..... silly you, johnnyfoolz!

Why should the govt. treat all religions the same when one is about peace and one is about war? they, -- we -- would like to support the religions that are out to help people, and the religions that want to kill people deserve no support, (they get enough of that from all the yous). So if you are fooled into believing that a belief system that requires death to America and Isreal is just a harmless religion that we should respect, and you are fooled into believing that the Christian and Jewish roots of america should be shat upon and abandoned..... well.... I think I'm being quite insightful by calling you johnny, and not just namecalling. Just calling it like it is.

*owned* again!! :N
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