Think Shrub will apologize? Nah.

barry2952 said:
He's still an idiot.

Yeah we all know how easy it is to get through Yale and to fly jets. Idiots do that all the time. Since he got through Yale with a 77 and Kerry a 76 what does that make Kerry? 1 point shy of ranking as high as an idiot!
The White House shouldn't be trying to hide the fact that the Quran was abused... Ever heard of "All is fair in love and WAR?" I say piss on the Quran, wipe your a$$ with it, burn it, eat it, or even shove it up the enemy's a$$es!!!!! This is WAR, don't hold back nothing!!! The White House is being childish denying allegations of "mistreated" Qurans. The Middle-East has tortured or prisoners, so is pissing on the Quran that big of a deal??? I say let it all hang out!!! :soapbox: :headbang:
well there are a number of folks out there so worried we might offend those people that want to kill us all and let Allah sort us out.

I agree with the philosphy of walk softly but carry a big stick.
eL eS said:
You question, although how I make my money is none of your business, would have better been stated. How is it that you are afforded the time to engage in online conversation so frequently.

You've already told us you're on the public dole working with agencies that distribute charity.

FYI, I have lived the American Dream. I am a third generation American whose family came here to escape the oppression in Europe. My father disowned me when I wouldn't follow in his his foosteps and go to his college and go into his business of advertising.

I married my highschool sweeheart 33 years ago and she worked hard and contributed significantly to our success. I started my business with nothing but the knowledge of a working electrician (my father hated blue-collar workers) and a '68 Ford station wagon (he drove Lincolns).

Since I have an 8'6" reach flatfooted I was always given the light fixtures to hang. That turned into a sales opportunity selling hallway lighting for apartment complexes. Over the next 20 years we (my wife and I and then employees) installed many thousand light fixtures. It got to a point where we kept busy just servicing what we installed. I changed the company into a lighting maintenace concern and still have the same customers I started with. I bought real estate and equipment and paid tons of property taxes. Now I have everything that I need and more.

No one handed me anything. I am semi-retired at 53 and I spend as much time as I like on-line. That's one of the luxuries I've earned. I worked hard and long for my dough. How many jobs have you created?

You, while claiming to be a Repuglican, the party of the wealthy, are nothing but a wannabe who is obviously jealous of what I have attained in life. True Republicans don't talk the way you do. How can you begrudge success that doesn't drain the public coffers? I do my honest part to fill the coffers that you suckle at.
I am an independent software consultant for these organizations some are public, private and religious, jewish, christian etc. I work for them get it they are my customers so don't preach to me. I know exactally where I stand in the world of liberal entitlements, completely outside, no where near them and the most some of my clients see is tax exempt status. Oddly it is the same status most of the liberal constiuents but my clients actually performa service and make the community a better place.

Further, these people work from chairitable donantions from private individuals as well corporate donations see the liberals have made it impossible for religious organizations to get tax dollars. I rcan see you know knothing about chairty.

I am neither envious or jealous of you , you are absolutely delusional if you really think otherwise. I have consultants that work for me and we do well for ourselves. I also have other endeavours which require the services of other local business. how I make my money, spend it and my time is none of you damn business.

Again, all I hear from you is what you got, how much better you are than me and how jealous we all are of you. You absolutlely personify the self-centered elitist liberal and serve their agenda well. Brag all you want it obviously serves you well.
eL eS said:
Yeah we all know how easy it is to get through Yale and to fly jets. Idiots do that all the time. Since he got through Yale with a 77 and Kerry a 76 what does that make Kerry? 1 point shy of ranking as high as an idiot!

I learned to fly. Big deal! Damn near everone in Australia knows how to fly. Does that make them smarter than us?

Kerry is an idiot, too. The only reason I voted for him is that it made me sick to my stomach to vote for a liar. WMD remember? I listened to every one of his speeches and I listened to that puppet Colin Powell tell us about the imminent danger of Saddam using his massive stockpile to destroy us and his neighbors. I listened to him lie about his involvement with religion and reversing RvW. He lied about his education record in Texas. Now we have faithed based initiatives and I have to contribute, whether I like it or not.

Faith based initiatives may prove to be a good thing but I resent having it shoved down my throat. No child left behind has slightly helped the undereducated but has severly hurt the middle and higher level students by forcing teachers to teach to the test, and nothing else.

There's a lot wrong with this President. You see, I capitalize President because I have respect for the office, but not for the man.
That fact of the matter is all people are liars including politicians so beleaguering over he lied about this they lied about that serves no one.

You have to reduce it to its lowest common denominator which is Iraq and the Taliban. They both were and are a threat to the security of this nations citizens at home and abroad. The leaders of Iraq and the Taliban themselves are bad people and they were doing bad things to good people. If this sort of behavior is allowed to go on indefintely it is bad for us and would be in bad taste for us to not do something about it.

The war is not about christianity and Isalm this isn't some conversion crusade and it is certainly not about colonization. This deals with the growing problem of tyranny, oppression and the stabilaztion of the mid-east. Other than the greenies show me one red blooded American that can live without oil. The world would collapse if terrorist and states that habor terrorist gain control of this vital resource.

Please stop beleaguering over who lied, yeah we should all tell the truth more often but the fact of teh matter it has gone on sincne the dawn of time and will go on till the end.
barry2952 said:
Now we have faithed based initiatives and I have to contribute, whether I like it or not.

I resent having to pay to programs that expect no results and do not teach responsibility and allow the recipient to stay on the program without end. I absolutely detest government programs that pay to have babies killed yet I have to accept that.

The fact of the matter is that you are too narrow minded to accept other peoples solutions. You expect us to accept yours and at the same time refuse us equal access to the solution. I do not expect you to accept the Lord, Jesus or the fact that intelligent design is a possibility but I do expect that the money I make can make it to folks that need help and want to explore those possibilities.
OK, can we agree to disagree that you think it's OK for the President to lie and I fundamentally disagree with your position.
It isn't right for anyone to lie it just does. How could it be so bad that we try to bring an end to terrorism? How could it be a bad thing that we try to stabilize the Oil driven economy by stabilizing the distribution points.

There are thousands of men and women that have volunteered to serve in our nations military if this were such a bad philosphy certaily being the adults that they are they would stand in mutiny against it.
eL eS said:
It isn't right for anyone to lie it just does.

Does what?

How could it be so bad that we try to bring an end to terrorism?

I believe there were other methods

How could it be a bad thing that we try to stabilize the Oil driven economy by stabilizing the distribution points.

Not worth it. Not our job. Too many other potential power sources. You just posted on the benefits of nuclear power. Your position seems confusing.

There are thousands of men and women that have volunteered to serve in our nations military if this were such a bad philosphy certaily being the adults that they are they would stand in mutiny against it.

When the truth comes out BuSh will be impeached and the military will be the first to turn on him. They've been his pawns in a nasty chess game.
How could it be so bad that we try to bring an end to terrorism?

barry2952 said:
I believe there were other methods

Can you give us one that already hasn't been tried?

How could it be a bad thing that we try to stabilize the Oil driven economy by stabilizing the distribution points.
barry2952 said:
Not worth it. Not our job. Too many other potential power sources. You just posted on the benefits of nuclear power. Your position seems confusing.

It would take many years to birng nuke power online and there are many greenies out there still willing to block this on every attempt. Nuke is pie in the sky right now.

There are thousands of men and women that have volunteered to serve in our nations military if this were such a bad philosphy certaily being the adults that they are they would stand in mutiny against it.

barry2952 said:
When the truth comes out BuSh will be impeached and the military will be the first to turn on him. They've been his pawns in a nasty chess game.

The truth is is that this fight had to take place becasue there are no alternative solutions which above you implied exist but did not follow up with any examples.

Saddam was a threat, Taliban and OBL were and are a threat. I would say ask the 3000 folks that died on September 11 but you probably believe that stuff never happened the way it did.
barry2952 said:
eL eS said:
It isn't right for anyone to lie it just does.

Does what?

Takes place in every house, car, office and political party. Where ever you go people lie. The UN, the French, the Russians, the US you name it. Lies are happening right now could be a liberal and could be a conservative. The point is that as the only super power wow need to take a proactive role in defending our country and eliminating terrorism because just like every movie it will have a sequel. In fact this country and other countries have had to watch this for a mighty long time. To date no one has stepped up to teh plate and been willing to take ownership of the problem.

Republicans and Liberals alike have all turned a blind eye to even at the birth of this nation. The same attitudes existed in Europe as well and frankly live today.
Black87LSC said:
Ever heard of "All is fair in love and WAR?" I say piss on the Quran, wipe your a$$ with it, burn it, eat it, or even shove it up the enemy's a$$es!!!!! This is WAR, don't hold back nothing!!!
Heck, the libs like to burn books, bras and flags. It is probably the libs toasting up the qurans too.

No really, I am all for psychological warfare. If we can take a fanatic and use a tool such as a book to elicit information we otherwise might not be able to get, I say go for it. Or I'd sic Jack Bauer on them. He gets results.

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