Well-Known LVC Member
gotcha - thanks for the input guys
so might there be any benefit to staying in SST, only going from 3-5 instead of letting the car in D5 cycle through all the gears?
I slightly disagree and only for the reason that if you leave an overdrive tranny in overdrive all the time, barely cruising 45, and it goes in an out of overdrive then it can in time cause damage. It may not make it fail but being so close to the power band limit can damage the engine and matter what its still a automatic transmission, if you want the best millage, let it do its thing...
if you want the best performance, let it do its thing...
forcing something to do something it doesn't want to do on its own is rarely beneficial vs letting it do its own thing...
I slightly disagree and only for the reason that if you leave an overdrive tranny in overdrive all the time, barely cruising 45, and it goes in an out of overdrive then it can in time cause damage. It may not make it fail but being so close to the power band limit can damage the engine and transmission.
There's something wrong with yours if it keeps jumping out of 5th at 45 MPH without significant pressing of the gas pedal. Please note that from 4th to 5th is not the only shift that involves the "overdrive."
"bwoovf" @0:48
it seems to really be a Ford thing across all platforms. Who ever did the transmission program/calibration never seems to get aggressive enough... Like today driving the wife's 08 4 banger escape through the Kentucky/Tennessee Hills with the cruise control set, every damn time we started going back up a hill, the car would start to slow down (as you would expect) and you can feel/hear more throttle being applied but with the complete lack of torque and power, it still keeps slowing down and in your mind your like "come on already, down shift..." Then a couple more seconds later it finally down shifts, but only one gear (which is not enough) then if finally downshifts a second time then it takes off way too hard to try to get back up to speed (if your lucky enough for the cruise control to still stay active with how much speed was lost) but if as soon as I notice it loosing speed I reach over and hit the OD button quick enough, a single downshift is all it needs.Mine just never seems to downshift to where I would like it in that 25-40 MPH range.
it seems to really be a Ford thing across all platforms. Who ever did the transmission program/calibration never seems to get aggressive enough...
Well had they used a switch to select other programs (like other manufacturers) they could have had the sissy programming for emissions and sh!t and then could have also have performance that doesn't make people want to kick kittens...
The worse part is after driving cars that don't suffer from these problems... I've driven BMWs and Audis that don't suffer from this. Hell, my buddies 300 is much better about downshifting than any Ford I have ever owned...
If other manufacturers can get it right, it's not the standards keeping Ford from doing it right, it's their engineers dropping the ball, much like how they don't even want to create desirable cars anymore and would rather turn out a full selection of appliances...
I really need to just buy a tune for my car so I can tweak all that but meh, I'm lazy and like bitching.![]()
The problem isn't the transmission itself, it's the tuning in the computer...I believe the 300 still has a Mercedes transmission. Ours were given an Explorer transmission.
I can personally attest to my tune fixing this issue. Also for what it's worth, I only use D5 on the interstate, Everything else is D4.
In stop and go traffic, I'll put my LS (and/or TBird retro) in D2 rather than constant braking and up/down tranny shifting.
On mild up/downgrades, I'll drop to a lower gear depending on the grade. (Used SST a lot on the Mount Washington Auto Road.)
Normal driving, I'll use it occasionally when I need to slow down for an exit, or speed up to merge into traffic.
I'll also use it when I (rarely) drive in ice/snow.
Ummmmm....... There is no D2....... It's just 2nd.....
I'm perplexed. I've been reading this post so I decided to go through the paces of fully using the SST mode to experience how it behaves. In the past, I used SST when wanting to decelerate when the speed limit changed down in a known speed trap. In this post and in the service manual they state that when starting in SST from a stop it will do so in 2nd gear, and if one passes 60% throttle a 2-1 automatic kickdown will occur.... A shift to 1st gear when the vehicle is at rest is never allowed (Service Manual).
In my LS, when stopped and the gear selector is moved from D5 to SST mode, the display will show that the car is in 1st gear. I tried it today, started in 1st gear, accelerated gently to about 4K rpm, manually shifted to 2nd, continued to about 4K rpm again, shifted to 3rd, to 4K rpm, to 4th, to 3K rpm, and to 5th, rpm dropped to about 2K. I felt the shift points between all the gears from 1-5, without any indication that the car started from rest in 2nd and downshifted to 1st.
While moving, If I downshift just to 2nd gear, come to a full stop and start moving again, the car will start in 2nd. While moving, if I downshift to 3rd gear and stay there applying the bakes until I come to a full stop and start moving again, the car will start in 3rd gear. This agrees with the manual.