You know I have to say, it's my car, my windows and if I want them so dark you can't see your hand in your face sittin in it, then that is up to me.
Each state has a different law, some none! So WTF! Why is it their business when collectively they can not come up with a decision, let alone justification, even in the states that do have laws, the laws are crap. Cops you can agree with me here, no BS. If homie is gonna wipe you, he's wipen you regardless of what his f'in tint is.
It does really P me off if they are that freaked out about a car's windows, another way to make money off citizens. If you are that freaked out then pull your rods and make them lay in the friggin road, you will anyway! Just like the seat belt law, a way to make $$$. I believe it is my choice, it's my car, my insurance, my responsibility! and I do wear mine and my passengers do to, but not for one second because the law says so.
You still a-skarred to tear the mattress label off?????? I'm old school, it's mine, I paid for it, I insure it and protect (well as much as the da mn law will allow!!!), label is in the friggin trash here.
Struck a raw note here on that one.