Top speed


KD00LS said:
I did 142 in my 00 ls v8 in 4th gear in sst, prolly 1k rpm from redlining in that gear. I'm sure the mark vIII can pull somewhere near there.
The speedo in my 1997 Mark onely goes to 150MPH so I had it over that at least 5 min. but when it was stock it would not go above 120MPH. Oppon consalting with some of the people who achiley wrote the code for the ECU ( my father in clouded) It was confirmed that 120 was governed. it will not cut fule, so if you have a big hill that might help you get to 121 or so. :woowoo2:
bmw036 said:
I got my stock 94 Mark VIII up to about 135 then got governated.

mine too but it can be removed! just make sure your front end is good if your going to be doing that , my tie rods, ball joint and every thing else was bad when i did it once, very stupid of me, i am wis in my old years now. i got the whole suspension is almost fixed now, thanxs to max :Beer :Beer
dont most rears melt at arround 137 or so? come the mark is diffrent?
MrWilson said:
dont most rears melt at arround 137 or so? come the mark is diffrent?

Melt??????? Wow, thats a new one on me. I had mine at 152 before I shut it down. I was reading the speed off of my GPS unit.
I had a '95 MKVIII and had it up to 130 on I-287 heading to the NY Thruway.
Got that cold feelin in my stomach and backed off, but the car was like... (C'mon Baby!)
Never had my '98 up that fast, but plan to hit the track to test her out soon!
Jamler3 said:
I had a '95 MKVIII and had it up to 130 on I-287 heading to the NY Thruway.
Got that cold feelin in my stomach and backed off, but the car was like... (C'mon Baby!)
Never had my '98 up that fast, but plan to hit the track to test her out soon!

I had the AssassinVIIIor up to about 150MPH (according to the speedo) before I backed her off. I had to, because what I thought was a regular Camaro SS that I was planning on hunting down and racing, was actually a NY State Trooper. Do not ask me why he did not chase me, but as soon as I saw the reflection I got off the gas, and slammed the brakes (thank God for good brakes!!!).

I am not so sure how fast I was actually going, one reason being is I had the 18 inchers on my car with 235/40/18's on it so the tire size was a bit off with the difference in size. And the other one was I did not look back down after hitting 140 because if anyone knows I-84 in the Orange County area going towards Middletown from Newburgh (84 West) then you know that there are alot of curves....and at that speed they can be a bit dangerous. According to the tire size calculator my speedo is off by the faster direction. What I mean is if my speedo said I was doing 60, then my actual speed was only about 57MPH. So, at 150 (according to the speedo) I was only doing about 143ish MPH. I am sure that I was going over 150 (according to the speedo), but I am not totally sure......but that was the fastest I have ever gone in my old Mark VIII.....but it did have a chip in it as well.
Mine has hit 132 a few times, which I believe is the normal limit for all non LSC Mark VIIIs. The LSCs poop out at somewhere around 118 due to the 3.27 gears.
So what would top speed on say a 96 be with 4.10's and a chip to remove the factory limiter? Anyone know? I would like to go with 4.10's like on my AOD LX Mustang but I want some top end as well.
scott9050 said:
So what would top speed on say a 96 be with 4.10's and a chip to remove the factory limiter? Anyone know? I would like to go with 4.10's like on my AOD LX Mustang but I want some top end as well.

Assuming 6K rpms and stock wheels, it calculates out to 112 mph in 3rd and 160 in 4th.
Scott, I just came from the Mustang world. 4.10s cut off the top speed of Mustangs. 3.73's are perfect in those. You don't have to be as rev happy to get the same satifaction. My 95 Cobra Clone went 152 with 3.08s and 140-144 with 3.73s. Is your car stock? The stock motor will fall flat on it's face at 5250 rpm.
DOHCtor_Mark said:
Is your car stock? The stock motor will fall flat on it's face at 5250 rpm.

5250 RPMs in 4th gear w/ 4.10s calculates to be 140 MPH with stock wheels.

Do not fear the 4.10s! :Beer
dertyclown said:
The speedo in my 1997 Mark onely goes to 150MPH so I had it over that at least 5 min.

DAMN! where were you able to go 150 for AT LEAST 5 min, im going there!

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