Dedicated LVC Member
fossten said:9/11 DOES give us the right to defend ourselves in any way we see fit, even up to and including pre-emptive strikes on threatening countries. .
I'm all for defending oneself from a threat, but killing people as a byproduct that have nothing to do with the said threat is wrong. I don't buy that 'you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs' bit. You wouldn't either if it was your 'eggs' being broken.
fossten said:I guess if somebody started beating up your wife in front of you, you'd say, "Well, that doesn't give me license to hurt him. Instead, I need to understand why he's having such a bad day. I need to try to compromise with him, show him that I mean him no harm. Maybe then he'll stop beating up my wife.".
No, I'd kick the $%% out of anyone beating up my wife, what I wouldn't do is punch the kid that happend to be walking by during the fight because he happened to be there.
fossten said:I dunno, you and Raveneyes spend so much time defending them and trying to protect their rights; if the shoe fits, wear it..
Yes, thats EXACTLY what we do, we defend terrorist. Man you're good!
fossten said:Personally, I don't think terrorists deserve even Geneva convention consideration. They are brutal maniacs who think that you and I deserve to die because we are Americans. They have murdered thousands of innocent people, and not in a "collateral" way, as you put it, but in a direct, intentional way. For that, they deserve to die..
Yes, I agree, people that disregardly kill innocent people should die.
fossten said:Let me ask you something:
If a terrorist leader was captured and it was found that he had some information that a terrorist atomic bomb was going to be detonated in your neighborhood while your wife/kids/parents were home asleep one night, what lengths would you go to to get that information out of him?
You're either going to answer this straight up or try to wiggle out of it. My guess is you wiggle.
I would wrench out his testicles with my bare hands to gain that factual information.