town hall meeting heckleing

So, maybe the system is working... try using it, it often will surprise you.
But the point is- the party in power is trying to manipulate and usurp it.
It's funny how you ignored that point.

Just like with the stimulus, cap/trade, ect- the idea was to rush it through, before debate, before review, and before the Congress men had to deal with their constituencies. The mere fact that it didn't go according to Obama/Pelosi game plan isn't comforting enough to disregard that.
Foss, have you gone to a town meeting or anything similar? You would see what I mean when I say it won't get passed as it stands... There is no way the Reps are going to put their heads on the chopping block for this legislation. They know they have to run next year -
I've seen the youtube videos, including the one where YOUR BOYS beat up a conservative.

So your boy Obama is just posturing? :rolleyes:

And yes, I did move the goalposts - I had forgotten about the Patient Choice Act - it came out in May, which seems like a while ago now. But, did you read it Foss - it really is Democrat solution 'lite'... I would think you wouldn't like it at all, it even praises many parts of European (socialist) health care systems.
So you've backpedaled from 'no plan' to 'I don't like their plan' to 'YOU won't like their plan.' That last bit is a straw man.

But while we're on the subject, what do you have to say about the FACT that the Democrats haven't even read the bill in its entirety yet?

And you still haven't answered the issue that the Democrats have SHUT OUT the Republicans' voices in this debate. This begs the question: How far back will foxpaws pedal? :rolleyes:
But while we're on the subject, what do you have to say about the FACT that the Democrats haven't even read the bill in its entirety yet?

And you still haven't answered the issue that the Democrats have SHUT OUT the Republicans' voices in this debate. This begs the question: How far back will foxpaws pedal? :rolleyes:

And I can tell you that many, many protesters on both sides haven't read the bill either - I haven't read the whole thing - have you Foss? Republicans haven't read it as well... It gets snipped, synopses-ed, distilled and regurgitated like all bills do.

Both sides are being whipped up into a frenzy by media and special interest groups, whether they are there because they are part of a union, or if they are there because they read something on Beck's website, they are all there because of polarizing factors which want to use those people who are at the town hall meetings.

I went to a meeting Foss - I talked to people on both sides. Maybe you should go and get first hand opinion instead of having it filtered through whatever media group you follow.

One side get's emails from the DNC - the other side gets emails from 9-12.

I, once again, think how the Dems are approaching this is very wrong. And now it has escalated to something that is way beyond what is healthy on either side. Discourse is fine, encouraged. But, when all you do is yell at each other, then nothing gets done. Now, for the time being, nothing happening on the bill is a good thing. But, the issue has been poisoned, an issue that does need to be addressed. Both sides know that. The system isn't healthy and needs reform. However, there is a good chance that we will continue to limp along with a flawed and costly system, that will only get more costly, and the opportunity to create a better system will have passed us by.

The congress was stupid (read Nancy) for trying to push this through before decent debate had occurred on it. It probably was at the direction of Obama - and I fault him as well.

If you haven't noticed - I am against this bill... I am not a robot, unlike your continued painting of me...
It's almost as if he WANTS a civil war.

He probably does. That would give justification for martial law and country shut down and at the same time fuel his propaganda machine that these "people" are radical extremists and need to be taken down. Just my opinion though.
And I can tell you that many, many protesters on both sides haven't read the bill either - I haven't read the whole thing - have you Foss? Republicans haven't read it as well... It gets snipped, synopses-ed, distilled and regurgitated like all bills do.

Umm...your logic fails when you consider that the people at the town hall meetings have read more than the very people that have pledged to vote on the bill. Again, THOSE PEOPLE WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO BE REPRESENTING THE CITIZENS HAVEN'T READ THE BILL. That's irresponsible and Congressional malpractice in the extreme. How in the world do you justify comparing citizens to those who supposedly represent them? And yet you try to equivocate. What an absurd joke your argument is.

Both sides are being whipped up into a frenzy by media and special interest groups, whether they are there because they are part of a union, or if they are there because they read something on Beck's website, they are all there because of polarizing factors which want to use those people who are at the town hall meetings.
Both sides haven't resorted to violence. Only YOUR side. Your side is being whipped into a frenzy by the White House astroturfing team. Our side is angry because of what THEY'VE READ IN THE BILL.

I went to a meeting Foss - I talked to people on both sides. Maybe you should go and get first hand opinion instead of having it filtered through whatever media group you follow.
Ad hominem and straw man. My coward Congressman, John Yarmuth (D) just announced today on the radio that he's cancelling his town hall meeting. I tried calling into the radio show but he scrammed as soon as he made the announcement. If the plan was SO GREAT, why wouldn't he want to sell it to his own constituents? So go pound sand.

One side get's emails from the DNC - the other side gets emails from 9-12.
What the hell are you talking about.

I, once again, think how the Dems are approaching this is very wrong. And now it has escalated to something that is way beyond what is healthy on either side. Discourse is fine, encouraged. But, when all you do is yell at each other, then nothing gets done.

Funny how during the Bush administration it was cool and patriotic to 'speak truth to power.' Now, however, according to YOUR Nancy Pelosi, it's 'Un-American.'

The people doing the yelling have a right to be angry when they get lied to right to their faces. When your Congressman lies to you, it becomes clear that listening to platitudes doesn't accomplish anything. The anger is righteous. Your side, on the other hand, has resorted to sending out 'brown shirts' to intimidate and beat people into submission. How's that Great Uniter? How's that Hope and Change working for you now? :rolleyes:

Now, for the time being, nothing happening on the bill is a good thing. But, the issue has been poisoned, an issue that does need to be addressed. Both sides know that. The system isn't healthy and needs reform.

The only people poisoning the issue are your Dems, who are lying their asses off about the bill. Furthermore, if the system is SO BROKEN, as your Dear Leader Obama puts it, why is he then offering to 'allow' people to keep their own programs? That is a self contradiction and defies common sense. :rolleyes:

However, there is a good chance that we will continue to limp along with a flawed and costly system, that will only get more costly, and the opportunity to create a better system will have passed us by.
Hahaha! The bill already proposed doesn't even take effect until 2013! So your 'sky is falling' approach fails as well. But now I wonder, fox. You sound like you're back on the 'we need to rush this thing through' bandwagon. Are you secretly in favor of this bill after all? And you think it's a better system than the one we have?

One of the main reasons the system is so costly is because of the drain on it by illegal aliens. But enacting a bill that will add $1 Trillion to the deficit while refusing to pay for the elderly is not even a solution - it's totalitarianism. Someone once said that there is no class of persons less qualified to run ANY industry than the political class, and that has proven to be true. You are stupid to believe that forcing me to pay for someone else's healthcare is somehow a better system than what we have now. You're pitching Hope but you're bait and switching it with Despair.

The congress was stupid (read Nancy) for trying to push this through before decent debate had occurred on it. It probably was at the direction of Obama - and I fault him as well.
They weren't being stupid. They knew nobody would like the bill, so they deliberately tried to sneak it through. They know that they can't be honest about their platform. Now they're sending people like Linda Douglass out to lie for them. It won't work either. How do you feel about your LYING Democrats in Congress and the White House? Do you not bear a sense of shame in electing such blatantly dishonest people?

If you haven't noticed - I am against this bill... I am not a robot, unlike your continued painting of me...
Ah, but you're still FOR the lying Democrats who dreamed up this monstrosity. And you undercut your own credibility when you mock the Republican alternative, which isn't as monstrous, all the while aware that the Democrat bill as written is an absolute disaster and a horrendous takeover of 1/6 of the economy.
Umm...your logic fails when you consider that the people at the town hall meetings have read more than the very people that have pledged to vote on the bill. Again, THOSE PEOPLE WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO BE REPRESENTING THE CITIZENS HAVEN'T READ THE BILL. That's irresponsible and Congressional malpractice in the extreme. How in the world do you justify comparing citizens to those who supposedly represent them? And yet you try to equivocate. What an absurd joke your argument is.

Have your reps or senators read the bill Foss - have you? You and I are dependent on our impressions from the media... Do you know how many bills the reps actually read - very few. They are dependent on their 'experts' to make sense of the legal gobility goo... Our legal system has made bills harder and harder for 'general' America to understand. The bills go through many committees and many re-writings to comply to legal standards... I think it would be a great idea if they were in English - unfortunately, simple English doesn't cut it in the courts..
Both sides haven't resorted to violence. Only YOUR side. Your side is being whipped into a frenzy by the White House astroturfing team. Our side is angry because of what THEY'VE READ IN THE BILL.
And foss - when did I mention violence - I said 'frenzy' not violence - read my post please... Once again - have you read the bill? Have your elected representatives, senators? I readily admit I haven't - and if I had, I wouldn't have understood half of what was in there.

Ad hominem and straw man. My coward Congressman, John Yarmuth (D) just announced today on the radio that he's cancelling his town hall meeting. I tried calling into the radio show but he scrammed as soon as he made the announcement. If the plan was SO GREAT, why wouldn't he want to sell it to his own constituents? So go pound sand.

McConnell should have town hall meetings - Bunning is stepping down - so he probably won't. Check up on your rep - see how he is leaning -

Once again - I don't think this is good legislation - so I can't defend it - nor do I understand why your rep is 'running away'... And is the 'pound sand' statement really necessary?

What the hell are you talking about.

How people found out about the meeting - I talked to people when I was there - I thought it was interesting on the reasons they were there, and how they found out there was a 'coffee' get-together. It was through email for everyone I talked to - it ran the gambit from the national party committees to union affiliation to the 9-12 group...

Funny how during the Bush administration it was cool and patriotic to 'speak truth to power.' Now, however, according to YOUR Nancy Pelosi, it's 'Un-American.'

She isn't 'my' Nancy - I don't like her - never have - you can go back through all my posts - I have been consistent here - I think that she was a bad choice for speaker from the get-go...

The people doing the yelling have a right to be angry when they get lied to right to their faces. When your Congressman lies to you, it becomes clear that listening to platitudes doesn't accomplish anything. The anger is righteous. Your side, on the other hand, has resorted to sending out 'brown shirts' to intimidate and beat people into submission. How's that Great Uniter? How's that Hope and Change working for you now? :rolleyes:

You continue to make this as though I agree with the party on this - I don't, I have said it many times - you continue to misrepresent this - I don't know why - would you like to tell me Foss? I am really curious why you have this huge amount of anger directed towards me.

The only people poisoning the issue are your Dems, who are lying their asses off about the bill. Furthermore, if the system is SO BROKEN, as your Dear Leader Obama puts it, why is he then offering to 'allow' people to keep their own programs? That is a self contradiction and defies common sense. :rolleyes:

Guess what - I am not in Obama's inner circle - I can only go by what I read and what I get from my friends who are higher in the party.

One of the main reasons the system is so costly is because of the drain on it by illegal aliens. But enacting a bill that will add $1 Trillion to the deficit while refusing to pay for the elderly is not even a solution - it's totalitarianism. Someone once said that there is no class of persons less qualified to run ANY industry than the political class, and that has proven to be true. You are stupid to believe that forcing me to pay for someone else's healthcare is somehow a better system than what we have now. You're pitching Hope but you're bait and switching it with Despair.

I think you are reading propaganda on this - I am pretty sure it doesn't refuse to pay for the elderly, but since you have read the bill - right - why don't you post the section of the bill that states that indicates refusal to pay for seniors. Once again foss - unless you get over your prejudice towards me and start to understand that I am not for this bill, it really doesn't make sense to discuss it any more.

They weren't being stupid. They knew nobody would like the bill, so they deliberately tried to sneak it through. They know that they can't be honest about their platform. Now they're sending people like Linda Douglass out to lie for them. It won't work either. How do you feel about your LYING Democrats in Congress and the White House? Do you not bear a sense of shame in electing such blatantly dishonest people?

I elected people who I believe will represent most of my ideals - we have separated on this - however I think my reps and senators will be listening and will not vote this through. This is representational government Foss - it isn't a democracy. You vote for people who most closely represent what you 'believe' in - you don't control them - you can work to get them removed from office if it comes to pass that they start to deviate too far from what you believe -

Ah, but you're still FOR the lying Democrats who dreamed up this monstrosity. And you undercut your own credibility when you mock the Republican alternative, which isn't as monstrous, all the while aware that the Democrat bill as written is an absolute disaster and a horrendous takeover of 1/6 of the economy.

So, foss - unless you can get it into whatever rational brain cells you have left that I don't like this bill - we can just end here....
Have your reps or senators read the bill Foss - have you? You and I are dependent on our impressions from the media... Do you know how many bills the reps actually read - very few. They are dependent on their 'experts' to make sense of the legal gobility goo... Our legal system has made bills harder and harder for 'general' America to understand. The bills go through many committees and many re-writings to comply to legal standards... I think it would be a great idea if they were in English - unfortunately, simple English doesn't cut it in the courts..

Your 'they do this all the time' answer is FAIL. Please twist yourself in knots justifying this kind of behavior.

And foss - when did I mention violence - I said 'frenzy' not violence - read my post please... Once again - have you read the bill? Have your elected representatives, senators? I readily admit I haven't - and if I had, I wouldn't have understood half of what was in there.
Huh. See below.
fren·zy (frnz)
n. pl. fren·zies
1. A state of violent mental agitation or wild excitement.
2. Temporary madness or delirium.
3. A mania; a craze.
So you're calling people crazy. And yet the only people who have taken it so far as to use actual violence are YOUR THUGS.
McConnell should have town hall meetings - Bunning is stepping down - so he probably won't. Check up on your rep - see how he is leaning -
Thanks for the unneeded advice.

Once again - I don't think this is good legislation - so I can't defend it - nor do I understand why your rep is 'running away'... And is the 'pound sand' statement really necessary?
It's because he's a lying Democrat weasel who hoped to get away with voting for this bill before the recess, and now he's been caught. Geez, you really are a piece of work.

How people found out about the meeting - I talked to people when I was there - I thought it was interesting on the reasons they were there, and how they found out there was a 'coffee' get-together. It was through email for everyone I talked to - it ran the gambit from the national party committees to union affiliation to the 9-12 group...
Hardly qualifies as 'astroturfing' if that's your point.

She isn't 'my' Nancy - I don't like her - never have - you can go back through all my posts - I have been consistent here - I think that she was a bad choice for speaker from the get-go...
She's no different than Obama.

You continue to make this as though I agree with the party on this - I don't, I have said it many times - you continue to misrepresent this - I don't know why - would you like to tell me Foss? I am really curious why you have this huge amount of anger directed towards me.
No anger, just contempt. You supported and helped these statists to get elected, and you continue to argue on their behalf. And you admit you haven't read the bill. Talk about an exercise in blind loyalty.

Guess what - I am not in Obama's inner circle - I can only go by what I read and what I get from my friends who are higher in the party.
Bingo. And you just admitted you haven't read the bill. So you're nothing but a shill for your Democrat friends.

I think you are reading propaganda on this - I am pretty sure it doesn't refuse to pay for the elderly, but since you have read the bill - right - why don't you post the section of the bill that states that indicates refusal to pay for seniors. Once again foss - unless you get over your prejudice towards me and start to understand that I am not for this bill, it really doesn't make sense to discuss it any more.
Awww...are you running away, fox? :rolleyes: Why don't you read the bill yourself.

I elected people who I believe will represent most of my ideals - we have separated on this - however I think my reps and senators will be listening and will not vote this through. This is representational government Foss - it isn't a democracy. You vote for people who most closely represent what you 'believe' in - you don't control them - you can work to get them removed from office if it comes to pass that they start to deviate too far from what you believe -
Duh. Thanks for the civics lesson. :rolleyes:

[/quote]So, foss - unless you can get it into whatever rational brain cells you have left that I don't like this bill - we can just end here....[/QUOTE]Suit yourself. Run away if you want, after your parting personal shot, of course. :rolleyes:
Wow foss - really loud shouting- my eyes hurt-

So, in kind...
Guess what...
I have friends high up in the Republican party as well -
Since we are apparently judging people by their friendships...;)

No anger, just contempt. You supported and helped these statists to get elected, and you continue to argue on their behalf. And you admit you haven't read the bill. Talk about an exercise in blind loyalty.
I have read the 'official' synopsis - from the House committee. You haven't read it either foss - yet, you believe whatever right wing source you have scrolled up at the time...

I helped them get elected - yep. You voted for Bush and you of course agreed with every piece of legislation that he worked to get signed into law - right? Same with your Senators - correct? Everything Mitch has presented is just great stuff.

Bingo. And you just admitted you haven't read the bill. So you're nothing but a shill for your Democrat friends.

So - you are a shill for your right wing sources - right? You haven't read the bill.

And, I would be curious to find out if you do read the bill if you understood half of it - I know I wouldn't. I started to read it - got about 100 pages into it and was lost... I noticed that you had dropped out of pre-law, so would your understanding of very specific legal text be all that much better than mine?

Awww...are you running away, fox? :rolleyes: Why don't you read the bill yourself.

Once again - I can't. I am not a lawyer, especially one who deals with complex health care issues. Why don't you read the bill foss - maybe I can find out what a couple of the really complex passages mean then.

There is this thing on page 58 that had my head hurting.
Suit yourself. Run away if you want, after your parting personal shot, of course. :rolleyes:

So, have you gotten it through those remaining brain cells that might be working on rational thought I am not for this bill?
the end is coming for you obama, the people have spoken and if you do not listen you will go down in history as one of the worst presidents, or leaders for that matter.

I heard the public option was back on the table in the Senate Bill.

MMM MMM MMM Barack Hussein Obama!
just when i thought i got that stupid song out of my head..... thank you


Come one, Come all
Down to the hall
We’re gonna make noise
We’re gonna bust balls
We’re gonna disrupt
We’re gonna jump in the fray
I got a list of all the things
that we’re supposed to say

We’re gonna get real rowdy
Have a barrel of fun
But we’re the USA
so by the way
be sure to bring a gun

And buddy…
We’re Number 37
We’re the USA
We’re Number 37​

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