Trump for President!

Yeah, kind of like Ronald Reagan was, arguably, the most successful actor in history, having catapulted from a career as a Warner Bros. contract player and later television star into the governorship of California and two terms as President of the United States.

Is this where our problems started?
Yeah, kind of like Ronald Reagan was, arguably, the most successful actor in history, having catapulted from a career as a Warner Bros. contract player and later television star into the governorship of California and two terms as President of the United States.

Is this where our problems started?

our problems go back to the fall of 1962 when John F Kennedy's bleeding heart not content with a balanced budget decided to borrow against the future and run deficits to fund Big Government and called it the New Frontier which Lyndon Johnson transformed into the Great Society.
However no good deed goes unpunished. :p

The Great Society's programs expanded under the administrations of Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford but Reagan really got the ball rolling gutting consumer protection laws and handing out tax big cuts while increasing spending in a seemingly contradictory (for a time successful) policy Bush Sr called voodoo economics.
Since then the Witch Doctors have only grown in strength now using the strategy of demanding the impossible and getting most of it.
Yeah, kind of like Ronald Reagan was, arguably, the most successful actor in history, having catapulted from a career as a Warner Bros. contract player and later television star into the governorship of California and two terms as President of the United States.

Is this where our problems started?

On a side note, did you all know Ronald Reagan also did stand-up comedy?


I have one of his "Albums". I say "albums" because he did it at (I believe) the White house. It was actually funny.
On a side note, did you all know Ronald Reagan also did stand-up comedy?


I have one of his "Albums". I say "albums" because he did it at (I believe) the White house. It was actually funny.

And who can forget the immortal

Bedtime for Bonzo LOL!

Donald Trump: Not As Great A Businessman As He Claims To Be

Ed Morrissey notes that Donald Trump’s actual business history isn’t quite as great as he likes to pretend:
Trump’s Taj Mahal casino had to go through bankruptcy, which cost Trump half of the casino. The Trump Plaza Hotel next went through bankruptcy, which caused him to lose 49% of the hotel and resign from its management. Two years ago, Trump Entertainment Resorts filed for Chapter 11, and in 2008 his Trump International Tower in Chicago defaulted on a $40 million loan. In response, Trump blamed the global economic collapse and tried to have it declared an Act of God to relieve himself of responsibility for the default.
That’s not exactly a great track record for a chief executive. It’s worth noting that his own investors have booted him from management at these holdings after his risk-taking and failures.
That Chicago case is an interesting look at Trump’s business ethics:
Guess who is complaining that condominiums in Donald Trump’s latest big project are ridiculously overpriced.
Donald Trump is.
But he isn’t cutting the prices. He says the banks won’t let him.
The project is the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago, which is to be the second-tallest building in that city (after the Sears Tower). By Mr. Trump’s account, sales were going great until “the real estate market in Chicago suffered a severe downturn” and the bankers made it worse by “creating the current financial crisis.”
Those assertions are made in a fascinating lawsuit filed by Mr. Trump, the real estate developer, television personality and best-selling author, in an effort to avoid paying $40 million that he personally guaranteed on a construction loan that Deutsche Bank says is due and payable.
Rather than have to pay the $40 million, Mr. Trump thinks the bank should pay him $3 billion for undermining the project and damaging his reputation.
He points to a “force majeure” clause in the lending agreement that allows the borrower to delay completion of the building if construction is hampered by such things as riots, floods or strikes. That clause has a catch-all section covering “any other event or circumstance not within the reasonable control of the borrower,” and Mr. Trump figures that lets him out, even though construction is continuing.
“Would you consider the biggest depression we have had in this country since 1929 to be such an event? I would,” he said in an interview. “A depression is not within the control of the borrower.”
He wants a state judge in the Queens borough of New York to order the bank to delay efforts to collect the loan until “a reasonable time” after the financial crisis ends.
While we don’t know for sure what the specific language is in the contract between Trum and Deutsche Bank, there is a generally accepted legal understanding of what a force majuere clause is:
Force Majeure literally means “greater force”. These clauses excuse a party from liability if some unforseen event beyond the control of that party prevents it from performing its obligations under the contract. Typically, force majeure clauses cover natural disasters or other “Acts of God”, war, or the failure of third parties-such as suppliers and subcontractors-to perform their obligations to the contracting party. It is important to remember that force majeure clauses are intended to excuse a party only if the failure to perform could not be avoided by the exercise of due care by that party.
An economic downturn, even a severe one, would seem to pretty clearly not be within the traditional definition of events that would be covered by a force majeure clause, especially since economic downturns have happened before and, their consequences, by definition, are not something that “could not be avoided by the exercise of due care by that party.”
Unless your name is Donald Trump, apparently.
Trump and the bank eventually settled the litigation with a new loan agreement. After all, when you owe someone $40,000,000 you have a lot of bargaining power. Nonetheless, it is an excellent example of what Trump thinks is the proper way to do business:
In that filing, the bank quoted from a best-selling book Mr. Trump wrote last year, “Think Big and Kick Ass in Business and Life.” In it, the developer said he loved “to crush the other side and take the benefits” and mocked the banks that had lost money on loans made to him before another real estate downturn, in the 1990s:
“I figured it was the bank’s problem, not mine. What the hell did I care? I actually told one bank, ‘I told you you shouldn’t have loaned me that money. I told you the goddamn deal was no good.’ “
That may be considered an acceptable practice in the real estate development world, but it certainly isn’t the example of the business genius that Trump claims to be.

He's a pompous weasel with a cheezy garish and gaudy style.
Is Trump simply another Ross Perot?

If he runs as independent (as he has stated he likely will if he doesn't get the GOP nomination), he will guarantee a second term for Obama. We all suffer to stroke his ego.

In saying he would run as an independent, he went from an arguably entertaining/effective candidate, to an example of the absolute worst kind of person to be in office, IMO. Don't need someone who's ego is so big that the best interests of the country are secondary to it.
Is Trump simply another Ross Perot?

In saying he would run as an independent, he went from an arguably entertaining/effective candidate, to an example of the absolute worst kind of person to be in office, IMO. Don't need someone who's ego is so big that the best interests of the country are secondary to it.

That is all he is, he has filed for Bankruptcy more times than Cher having a facelift. He is nothing more than a financial slob. Whenever he sees a opportunity to gain a few million he jumps boat. Just like this Golf show and course he has ventured into. He knows jack sh*t about golf, he show is rigged, and he acts like he is the govenor of golf. But as long as he can make a buck off it, he will play the role as the golf historian.

Trump is nothing but a fake, and if you think that the tax cuts for the corporate america is obscene to the eye and wallet, think what it would be like if he became president. The Presidential race he wants to join is nothing more than a corporate scheme for him to be able to get his claws further in the melting pot.

Screw Donald Trump, and mark my words, if he is taken seriously and worst thought possible he be elected as President, this country would go to the dumps worse than now, no one, I mean no one outside our country would ever take us serious again and we would be considered a joke at the card table, like we are now but worse.
...this country would go to the dumps worse than now...

Virtually impossible to imagine!

And Trump, the dirty SOB, has actually had the temerity to be an entrepreneur! Obviously, no one should have ANY positive thoughts in his direction.:rolleyes:

Virtually impossible to imagine!

And Trump, the dirty SOB, has actually had the temerity to be an entrepreneur! Obviously, no one should have ANY positive thoughts in his direction.:rolleyes:


But when he fails he wants others to cover his losses.
A true politician!
But when he fails he wants others to cover his losses.
A true politician!

Yes Sir, and I just saw him on TV on the Golf Channel and a live seminar he just attended in the road to nomination hopes, and he said there that is is for Pro Life too, as he is always been against Pro Life. So he is already switch hitting to gain popularity votes. A true wantabee............
I have always heard him say he was pro-life. Is there a link where he said otherwise?

Either way, Obama is going to have us all crushed before there is an election. Gas prices are going up another 40% this summer or more. Along with that, it obviously means that everything else you buy goes up too but good ole Brazil will be doing wonderful.

I really think everyone that has the possibility of becoming the President should be looked into. Look into their past. Trump has had his share of bad times but he's not a monster. Can he play golf? I really don't care.

As the world focused on the devastation in Japan, and a possible nuclear meltdown, President Obama plays a round of golf.

That's right, the same man who said it's time to develop a serious energy policy, who resides over a government that is still without a long-term budget, and oh yeah who has sent military assistance to Japan felt he had the time to hit the links.

And we're not just talking about a hole or two. The President treated himself to a full 18 holes of golf! Unbelievable!!!

One thing I could almost say for sure is that Trump would not have a speaker for himself. You would always hear from him, unlike Obama. I would almost be willing to bet that Trump would "PARK" the Air Force One and take his own plane if he needed to travel.

I'm not saying Trump is the one and only but damn, he would stomp a mud hole in Obama and the job he's doing. I just hate seeing politicians get elected. In my eyes, all politicians are crooked. Trump might be a crooked business man but would he take that out on us or would he take it out on other countries?

Huckabee, idk... he seems to have good ideas with having governments spread out into places where they know what's going on where you live and not just one single government. Just not sure about him yet. He also has a show that he will need to leave soon and he's a book seller.

Romney, don't know about him either. I find it "cheap" to go on youtube and announce that you are running for president. Didn't he create some sort of health care that turned out to be sh!t? Just something I heard.

I just think EVERYONE besides only Trump should be checked out. Look at their past. We all know Trumps past, now lets study the others. No matter how you look at it, who ever runs is going to have a fault. Some worse than others but which one will actually get something done? I'm for the man that wants to drill for oil HERE! I'm for the man that wants to bring jobs back from Mexico, into the USA. I'm for the man that wants to tax China 25% on all of their imports.

Just my opinion lol. I'm still a good person so don't go hatin me because of what I think.
Late Returns: Trump's Clown Show Rolls On

What did real estate mogul Donald Trump intend his quasi-campaign for presidency to be: promotional tour, con job, a serious independent run? Regardless, he is learning some very painful lessons about what it's like to come to the table with little more than C-list celebrity and a pocketful of bluster.
His wild-eyed birtherism, juvenile spats with the press, and sub-Charlie Sheen level of self-awareness have been chewed up and spat out by the media, which is now in full-on backlash mode, with no end in sight. Salon's Alex Pareene expertly captures the state of play:

What was at first a horrible example of the political press's forced credulity is now an increasingly amusing example of a good old-fashioned pile-on. Politico is mocking him, Bill O'Reilly is mocking him, the New York Daily News put him in clown makeup on the front page, and now media outlets are purposefully printing his snippy letters to the editor, unedited, in order to publicly embarrass him. This kind of thing gets to Mr. Trump. He is a very sensitive soul. Trump is giving every journalist in the country the opportunity to delve into his past financial troubles, his old political donations, his marriages, his horrid books, his failed business ventures, his defaulted loans -- everything that the viewers of "Celebrity Apprentice" and the purchasers of Trump-branded crap don't quite remember through the mists of time.
This is Trump undoing the years of public image rehabilitation that allowed him to host a show -- on network TV, in prime time -- in which he hires and fires people to begin with. He's politicizing his straight-talking billionaire persona, and soon only Free Republic commenters will have him. There's money in being a right-wing folk hero, as Ollie North could tell you, but it's not Macy's national ad campaign money. General-interest celebrity "business" books surely come with fatter advances than vanity right-wing publishing books, even with all that Scaife money still sloshing around.

And again, this is all nothing but good news for the grown-up candidates who continue to edge around the race. Former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney must salivate at the thought of debating this guy.


I suppose publicity is good but good publicity would be better.
Having your dirty laundry derisively displayed to the public must be worth it to him.
He's purpously cherrypickingly courting the crackpot birther brainiacs who obviously would vote for a clown because they are easily led and he cynically confirms their prejudgements by telling them what they want to believe.
Given the intelligence of some of the voters that is not surprising.
I just think EVERYONE besides only Trump should be checked out. Look at their past. We all know Trumps past, now lets study the others. No matter how you look at it, who ever runs is going to have a fault. Some worse than others but which one will actually get something done? I'm for the man that wants to drill for oil HERE! I'm for the man that wants to bring jobs back from Mexico, into the USA. I'm for the man that wants to tax China 25% on all of their imports.

I couldn't care less about how he plays golf, or his hair style.
I, like you, think he is straight on with what he feels needs to be done for the problem places in the world.
He is the only one in years that shows he has balls when it comes to confronting the bashing of this once great country.
Of course, congress will have the final word on what any president does, but with the expected takeover by the repubs in the senate in 2012, getting the things he wants would be relatively easy.
I have always heard him say he was pro-life. Is there a link where he said otherwise?

Either way, Obama is going to have us all crushed before there is an election. Gas prices are going up another 40% this summer or more. Along with that, it obviously means that everything else you buy goes up too but good ole Brazil will be doing wonderful.

I really think everyone that has the possibility of becoming the President should be looked into. Look into their past. Trump has had his share of bad times but he's not a monster. Can he play golf? I really don't care.

As the world focused on the devastation in Japan, and a possible nuclear meltdown, President Obama plays a round of golf.

That's right, the same man who said it's time to develop a serious energy policy, who resides over a government that is still without a long-term budget, and oh yeah who has sent military assistance to Japan felt he had the time to hit the links.

And we're not just talking about a hole or two. The President treated himself to a full 18 holes of golf! Unbelievable!!!

One thing I could almost say for sure is that Trump would not have a speaker for himself. You would always hear from him, unlike Obama. I would almost be willing to bet that Trump would "PARK" the Air Force One and take his own plane if he needed to travel.

I'm not saying Trump is the one and only but damn, he would stomp a mud hole in Obama and the job he's doing. I just hate seeing politicians get elected. In my eyes, all politicians are crooked. Trump might be a crooked business man but would he take that out on us or would he take it out on other countries?

Huckabee, idk... he seems to have good ideas with having governments spread out into places where they know what's going on where you live and not just one single government. Just not sure about him yet. He also has a show that he will need to leave soon and he's a book seller.

Romney, don't know about him either. I find it "cheap" to go on youtube and announce that you are running for president. Didn't he create some sort of health care that turned out to be sh!t? Just something I heard.

I just think EVERYONE besides only Trump should be checked out. Look at their past. We all know Trumps past, now lets study the others. No matter how you look at it, who ever runs is going to have a fault. Some worse than others but which one will actually get something done? I'm for the man that wants to drill for oil HERE! I'm for the man that wants to bring jobs back from Mexico, into the USA. I'm for the man that wants to tax China 25% on all of their imports.

Just my opinion lol. I'm still a good person so don't go hatin me because of what I think.

Terry, playing golf is not the issue that I am making, the only reason I mentioned that is that is the whelm of expertise he is commited to now. He jumps around like a little street corner whore. Where ever the money leads him, he is there like a sniffing dog in heat.

I respect your opinion and I am not trying to step on it, so do not get me wrong.

And he was not Pro-Life in the past. He has only since his broadcast of the presidential running hopes. Which I do not give a sh*t if he is or is not, more important pigs to roast than taking someones ability to make their own choices away. As I watched the banquet this past week on America and his hopes of running, he is absent minded and can only use the knowledge of money as a firm stance of where he is able to stand and actually convince others that he knows what he is talking about.

When it comes to issues of Military, corporate america, medical health, and government growth I feel he has nothing to offer by a empty mind.

And anyone that has a combover for a hair style, can not be trusted, evidence of hiding something. HAHA

On a serious note, I much less would be willing to vote for my neighbor over any cataloged canidate that either the right or the left puts in front of us. The only reason they the canidates are being showcased is that they qualify above the rest as a good puppet. I can not stand for a puppet, either you have your own mind, education and views and let the public judge you of that than we being blind sided by trash talk, cat fighting, lies and the such. Our government is and has been a great let down and disappointment to me and many soldiers before me. I may not have the best education, nor background to talk about specific political events, but my ability for 15 yrs to fight for this country and am disabled because of it gives me the right to bitch, moan and point out my opinions about who the next round of jokers and puppets being lined up in front of me.

I seriously believe that at some time in the future, we as a country am going to lose everything that I and fellow soldiers before me faught for. As the government today does not give a rats behind for our way of life, soldiers, and freedom and liberty. Only thing they worry about is their next pay raise that the senate is going to give them.

And for some lame dick by the name of Forrest Trump, I do not have one once of respect for the man. If he was to be ever considered as a front runner, he would be thrown to the dogs for his life style, number of wives, multiple bankruptcies on failed ventures, and the switching of his views here in recent. And whatever else they are able to dig up. He is a very big target for media thrashing.
Time will tell I suppose. The president is about to speak. Again, watch the stock market when he speaks. It's all going to be about taxes and taxes and taxes. Glad I'm not rich lol. He's about to bust the rich with taxes and I think he should start with G.E. and make them pay taxes of the 5 billion they profited here in the US.

If it comes to Trump running and risking Obama being elected again, I would want him to dive out.

As for a stand up debate, I would love to watch that.
Terry, playing golf is not the issue that I am making, the only reason I mentioned that is that is the whelm of expertise he is commited to now. He jumps around like a little street corner whore. Where ever the money leads him, he is there like a sniffing dog in heat.

I respect your opinion and I am not trying to step on it, so do not get me wrong.

I seriously believe that at some time in the future, we as a country am going to lose everything that I and fellow soldiers before me faught for. As the government today does not give a rats behind for our way of life, soldiers, and freedom and liberty. Only thing they worry about is their next pay raise that the senate is going to give them.

That last paragraph Bill is pure truth. I do believe that with everything I have. Yes, I know you're not stomping on me lol. I see you don't like him and you have your reasons why. Many don't but many do. I just hope he gets the republican vote so that he can at least speak. If they can trash him with his past, then so be it. He might just come back and trash them on their past.

If not Trump, I guess I would have to go for Huckabee and I can't believe I'm even saying this. I wonder why Hillary isn't running again? I'm not all into politics either so maybe there's something I don't know that stops her from it or she just simply doesn't want to try and fix the "unfix able".
Time will tell I suppose. If it comes to Trump running and risking Obama being elected again, I would want him to dive out.

As for a stand up debate, I would love to watch that.

Time will tell, that is the statement of the century.

I guess I am just tired of hearing it will take time. By the time you and I will see positive change, the elctronic age teens are the ones that will be fighting for us and our rights, and theat is a scary thought if you ask me.

I wonder why Hillary isn't running again? I'm not all into politics either so maybe there's something I don't know that stops her from it or she just simply doesn't want to try and fix the "unfix able".

I think that she would be a great front runner, the forces to be would put a holt to her hopes. She is to be found by her party and the others as not a very good puppet. She would in their eyes be hard to control. It is a shame that is the world we live in.

That is why I respect you Terry, you and I speak our minds, and not blindfold the ass. :D
Time will tell I suppose. The president is about to speak. Again, watch the stock market when he speaks. It's all going to be about taxes and taxes and taxes. Glad I'm not rich lol. He's about to bust the rich with taxes and I think he should start with G.E. and make them pay taxes of the 5 billion they profited here in the US.

If it comes to Trump running and risking Obama being elected again, I would want him to dive out.

As for a stand up debate, I would love to watch that.

Actually GE did pay taxes on it's US earnings.

In fact, GE did not get a $3.2 billion refund. They also paid estimated taxes during the course of the year, as all companies do, and they’re pretty sure they’re not getting a refund, either. They will probably end up with a “small tax liability” for 2010, which means they have to write a check to the IRS on the 15th, like many Americans will do.So how did the Times get the story so wrong? Well, thanks to a ludicrous American tax code, it’s extremely complicated to analyze any company’s tax liabilities even from the inside, let alone from the outside. The Times apparently got confused by a report showing a $3.2 billion “tax benefit” in 2010, which they mistook for an after-profit credit. The term actually refers to estimated pre-profit deductions and credits, which lower the eventual taxable income number on which GE gets billed by the IRS. It’s roughly analogous to mistaking personal itemized deductions on a tax return for a refund figure.
And remember it's the politicians from both parties that demand large corporations donate money to political campaigns with their protection racket shakedowns.
If companies have to pay sleazy bribes to immoral politicians offering themselves up as whoors then they will demand something for their money.
It's the American Way as Microsoft found out by being called downright unpatriotic for refusing to play the washington lobby game until the Justice department did it some real damage with anti trust suits.
Earnings from offshore operations are not taxable if the money is not repatriated to the US.
Companies that can do operations offshore because of the 35% US corporate tax rate, one of the highest in the world.
High taxes was one of the reasons american companies outsourced their production to friendlier tax jurisdictions.
I'm seeing the same stuff regarding Trump as I saw regarding Reagan. After all, he was just an actor!

I'm seeing the same stuff regarding Trump as I saw regarding Reagan. After all, he was just an actor!


He was just an actor.
His simplemindedness was his genius.
He made people feel good about the country but it was just sentiment.
The Soviet Union was an easy target for him and ready to collapse.
He speeded it up a bit.
Reagan balloned the deficit violated his own principles, said one thing and did another.
He said we will not pay ransom but gave Iran arms for hostages which turned into the Iran Contra scandal.
He turned tail cut and ran from Lebanon after the bombing of the marine
barracks encouraging the terrorists to think of the US as a paper tiger having no stomach for casualties.
He was also a useful shill for corporate america undoing consumer and financial protection laws and encouraging corporations to move production offshore which ultimately led to the 2008 economic meltdown.
Funny how that seems to have been forgotten and these contradictions have not tarnished his legacy.
Trump on the other hand is just cynically exploiting voters by playing to their emotions and biases.
WTF, no one is perfect and anyone over twenty who doesn't have any baggage is probably spending all their time playing video games in virtual land.

I think anyone who WANTS to be Pres is suspect, it's a lousy gig unless you have a huge ego and some mental abnormalities. It looks like another election where you have to figure out whose the best of a rotten bunch.

As I heard from some old guy, Life is like a septic tank; All the big chunks rise to the top.
If he was ever nominated for the running, he would never be considered a legitimate contender. He is a joke, individuals that think he would make a great president has no idea of what a true leader is. The same goes for those that voted Obama. I have not seen a true leader in the making since Clinton, and for all that feel Trump is serious, I feel sorry for ya.

clinton a great leader? u mean slick willy the man who doesnt have a honest bone in his body? last i checked leaders lead by example and lying under oath wouldnt be the type of leader i would put up on a pedastle. you wana talk about shady check how clinton has made tons of money after being a very overrated president

christie/rubio president 2012

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