So challenge my argument.Fer cat's sake '04, give it a rest. You work too hard being cynical and disaffected.
You know I like to be sportingly provocative and even combatative
and duplicitious.
Last time I poked the Bear on Reagan no one took the bait.
But since you brought up Reagan I decided to kick the can again.
Take it with a grain of salt
Everything I said is true.
Reagan did cut and run and violate his own principles and lie to the
American public as well as gut consumer protection laws.
He unwittingly set the stage for some of the damage the country has gone through since his presidency.
He taught Americans that deficits don't matter and that we can have something for nothing just because we're God's chosen country or something.
I liked him when he was in power but looking back now I have a different conclusion about what he did to the country but we can't redo the past.
He cut the tax rates and brought back optimism and pride which was good but he increased spending a lot which is bad and contradictory.
Maybe you could spin or attempt to spin these things in a positive light.
In my personal life I'm not cynical and disaffected but happy and cheerful.
My life has been a fortunate accident (serendipity)
I am cynical about the political people we wind up with as our "leaders" unless they prove otherwise like Chris Christie and now even democrat Mario Cuomo.
I just see things with IMO a depth and clarity you don't.
You of course are free to have your opinion and interpretation.
You're a Reagan Palin fan based on what I gather from what you have posted
in the past.
Pride in Reagan is misplaced.
He was just a man as flawed if not more than the rest of us but with a disarming geniality.
His sentimentality about America was charming but shallow.
Simplemindedness is not genius.
Man is a complex, at times contradicted being with plusses and minuses.
I hear more air traffic controllers are falling asleep another of Reagan's legacies going back to Patco.