Trump for President!

Fer cat's sake '04, give it a rest. You work too hard being cynical and disaffected.

So challenge my argument.
You know I like to be sportingly provocative and even combatative
and duplicitious.
Last time I poked the Bear on Reagan no one took the bait.:p
But since you brought up Reagan I decided to kick the can again.
Take it with a grain of salt ;)
Everything I said is true.
Reagan did cut and run and violate his own principles and lie to the
American public as well as gut consumer protection laws.
He unwittingly set the stage for some of the damage the country has gone through since his presidency.
He taught Americans that deficits don't matter and that we can have something for nothing just because we're God's chosen country or something.
I liked him when he was in power but looking back now I have a different conclusion about what he did to the country but we can't redo the past.
He cut the tax rates and brought back optimism and pride which was good but he increased spending a lot which is bad and contradictory.
Maybe you could spin or attempt to spin these things in a positive light.

In my personal life I'm not cynical and disaffected but happy and cheerful.
My life has been a fortunate accident (serendipity)
I am cynical about the political people we wind up with as our "leaders" unless they prove otherwise like Chris Christie and now even democrat Mario Cuomo.
I just see things with IMO a depth and clarity you don't.
You of course are free to have your opinion and interpretation.
You're a Reagan Palin fan based on what I gather from what you have posted
in the past.
Pride in Reagan is misplaced.
He was just a man as flawed if not more than the rest of us but with a disarming geniality.
His sentimentality about America was charming but shallow.
Simplemindedness is not genius.
Man is a complex, at times contradicted being with plusses and minuses.
I hear more air traffic controllers are falling asleep another of Reagan's legacies going back to Patco.
Trump to make 2012 announcement on ‘The Apprentice’

Ever since Donald Trump began soaking up media attention around his possible 2012 presidential run, he's faced plenty of detractors claiming that he's simply using all the 2012 speculation to shore up his celebrity brand.

The latest turn in the Trump political saga isn't exactly going to silence that line of criticism.

The real estate mogul has chosen the season finale of his NBC reality show, "The Apprentice" as the venue for announcing his presidential decision, Newsmax reported late Wednesday. The show is set to air May 15. Newsmax reports that Trump will announce plans to hold a press conference to announce his candidacy in the Trump Tower in New York "a few days after" the finale.

Trump had previously stated he would wait until June to make a final decision about about a presidential campaign.

Newsmax's Ronald Kessler defended Trump from charges of cynical media manipulation. Kessler noted Thursday that even after Trump announces his campaign, he'll still be accused of staging a campaign for publicity. "But that defies the facts and common sense," Kessler wrote. "Of all the people on the planet, Donald Trump is the last person who needs more publicity. And if he is riding a groundswell of support, why would he—or anyone else—decide not to run?"

But Trump has a famously insatiable appetite for publicity. He's leveraged his business renown into a series of books, and merchandised a host of products under the Trump name, ranging from water to chocolate to wine. Oh, and yes--he is also the star of his own reality TV franchise; something that the slew of news reports about his prospective announcement plans are certain to mention (as this one just has).

And meanwhile, Trump's fortune--the basis for most of his celebrity empire--is still a mystery, with various reports unable to confirm his actual net worth.

This past Monday, Trump yet again slapped down the suggestion this is all a stunt. "I don't need to do this for ratings on 'The Apprentice,'" he told the Wall Street Journal. "This is too important. Our country is in trouble. Our country is not being properly led. It needs help."

Trump began his potential campaign courting conservative Republicans. This week, he revealed he is open to running as an independent if he fails to win the GOP nomination.
It will be interesting to hear what Trump has to say on Limbaugh's show tomorrow...
"We must have universal healthcare," wrote Trump. "I'm a conservative on most issues but a liberal on this one. We should not hear so many stories of families ruined by healthcare expenses."

The goal of health care reform, wrote Trump, should be a system that looks a lot like Canada. "Doctors might be paid less than they are now, as is the case in Canada, but they would be able to treat more patients because of the reduction in their paperwork," he writes.​
Well, serious or not Trump is polling pretty well atm. If anything he would get voted in just because he is who people see on tv more...
Well, serious or not Trump is polling pretty well atm. If anything he would get voted in just because he is who people see on tv more...

American Idol!

America's Got Talent!

Let's vote by TV this time.

I saw him on NBC this morning and he seems to be rising to the occasion and trying to show he's doing his homework.
"And of course I have billions at my disposal"
Could Donald Trump be the contradiction that works?
We'll have to stay tuned....;)
I saw him on NBC this morning and he seems to be rising to the occasion and trying to show he's doing his homework.
"And of course I have billions at my disposal"
Could Donald Trump be the contradiction that works?
We'll have to stay tuned....;)

Looks like someone might be having a slight change of heart. :shifty:

I feel like Trump is going to go further than people think. Not saying he will be elected but there is that possibility. The one topic that I wished Trump would leave alone is the birth certificate. If and when his "investigators" in Hawaii come up with something to actually prove he was born in Kenya, he really needs to leave it alone. I don't think Obama was born in Hawaii either but I can't prove that.

The ideas I do like about trump is that he wants to take control of Iraq's oil fields and pay the US back the 1.5 trillion we spent over there to help free the country. I think he is correct that Iran would take it over if we leave from there.

Trump is all about bringing in Osama Bin Laden and I would like to see that.

He wants to tax China 25% on goods that are imported and that might not go over so well but at least he is willing to stand up to China. He could get the 1.5 trillion back from Iraq and pay China back what we owe them and then what can they do or say?

He wants to bring jobs into the US, back from Mexico. Being the business man he is, I'm almost positive that he can do this.

He wants to drill for oil and I think he would drill for oil. All you ever hear people talking about is the BP oil spill but what most don't realize is that there have been more devastating oil spills from tankers importing oil to the US. The BP situation has been fixed. They learned from that mistake, besides the fact that they haven't compensated everyone yet and lost a laptop with thousands of names of the "to be compensated" people inside the laptop. Not sure if they ever found that or not.

Trump wants to completely get rid of the so called "pirates" that take over vessels and yachts. That's stupid to have people from Somalia running around the oceans and taking over ships. This is 2011 and I know we are better than that. Fly over Somalia and bust them people or send a Tomahawk directly over the territory of the pirates every time they make a move. So what if they have a yacht and hostages. They're going to kill them anyway and who ever is going through the waters and or area where the pirates are do have plenty of other waters to venture. They're just asking for it by going through there. Sad to say but it's true.

Just because Trump has filed bankruptcy in the past means nothing. You do know that marriage and "some women" do play a part in things like that... I'm sure he had his reasons and you might find something printed out explaining why he done it but that doesn't mean it's really the reason why he did. Look at Obama. He's taking the US into bankruptcy. That man is setting us up. I don't care what anyone says, he is setting us up. He is just doing entirely too much wrong stuff to hurt us all. The federal government borrows $51,000 per second. Why?

Trump knows business, Obama does not and anyone running against him does not know business like Trump does. Trump is a worldwide business man, not a small time politician. If people would get off his hair, past bankruptcy's and him having a reality show, being married three times, we might get somewhere. The man isn't scared and isn't going to let other countries run us over. If anything, he will run them over and take what they have, such as oil and bring us back to the richest nation in the world with jobs everywhere and $2.50 gas. He has the most popular reality show, maybe he could bring the US back to reality.

Anyone that wants to bash Trump can only use the past. He did this and he did that. I think you should look at what's happening now. Check this out.

March 22nd 2011

April 19th 2011
Obama has not released the long form of his birth certificate which lists the doctor present and so on.
There is something there that intrigues people as to what it is he doesn't want the american public to see.
The newspaper announcements of his birth trump(no pun intended:D)
any conspiracy theories and are incontravertable proof he was born in Hawaii.

However the american public is lazy and easily carried away so Trump has shrewdly used the birther intrigue everyone else has dismissed as a serious issue to raise his profile and form a base.

Brilliant!!!:p;):cool: So far...
I don't see why it is such a big deal to come up with his birth info unless there is something askew. I was watching MSNBC last night and they kept bringing up how Trump was pushing this issue and how most of them didn't think it was a big deal because Obama had produce some sort of short form birth certificate. Last week a news program said that Obama had spent like $2mil to hide or come up with the birth info, I don't remember what it was. All I know is with the amount of time before he produced a document and some money I could have produced a form like that from scratch. It's not that hard to forge a document like that. You need to be born in America to be President and If he wasn't, he shouldn't be President plain and simple. I doubt there is a conspiracy that Obama was put into office by some group to destroy this country, he's doing that just fine on his own.

Trump should continue his search for the truth.
I don't see why it is such a big deal to come up with his birth info unless there is something askew. I was watching MSNBC last night and they kept bringing up how Trump was pushing this issue and how most of them didn't think it was a big deal because Obama had produce some sort of short form birth certificate. Last week a news program said that Obama had spent like $2mil to hide or come up with the birth info, I don't remember what it was. All I know is with the amount of time before he produced a document and some money I could have produced a form like that from scratch. It's not that hard to forge a document like that. You need to be born in America to be President and If he wasn't, he shouldn't be President plain and simple. I doubt there is a conspiracy that Obama was put into office by some group to destroy this country, he's doing that just fine on his own.

Trump should continue his search for the truth.

The truth is he was born in Hawaii but for some reason doesn't want to show his long form birth certificate.
Maybe it's just as simple as the name Hussein or that his father was a muslim stated on the cert, people's reasoning on shame and/or vanity(an emotion) is not easily explainable sometimes.
The birth announcement in the Honolulu papers could not have been faked.
It is prepostorous to suggest it was a plot.
There is something on his long form that he wants to keep private
which is his right but being elected president his evasiveness has only fueled theories he steadfastly won't put to rest by releasing the long form.
However even with all that or because of it you FALECF4 and millions of others have your doubts.
People love a mystery and that is all this is.
Trump has used the birther controversy masterfully for his own purposes so far but he has to run on more sustantative issues if he's serious about running for real.
...and who thinks that Trump is actually going to file a financial disclosure form in order to run for the Presidency? Do you really think he wants the public to have such evidence that he's not the financial genius that he presents his brand as representing?

Can anyone, particularly those NOT from New York, begin to explain how Trump made his fortune or how he makes it now?
I would love for Trump to uncover whatever the "truth" really is. Trump called to get his own birth certificate and all he had to do was verify his social security number and a few other things and paid $38 and it was given to him.

Instead, Obama has paid out $2 million or more to hide it and only produce a certificate of live birth which is not the same as the real birth certificate. If the American people request it from the president, it should be produced and if in doubt, inspected for any type of fraud.

His parents didn't have money. Is it policy that every birth be placed in the newspaper? I was born in 68 and my name wasn't put in the paper. My father was in Vietnam when I was born and should give even more reason for me to be placed in the paper, not that I'm special or anything but I really don't get why his name would be placed in any paper back then. Is there a link to a pic of this? Has it been validated by anyone outside of Hawaii? Are we supposed to go by the word of another politician in Hawaii? You know that money can make a person say just about anything.
Is there a link to a pic of this? Has it been validated by anyone outside of Hawaii? Are we supposed to go by the word of another politician in Hawaii? You know that money can make a person say just about anything.

This announcement of President Obama’s birth, left column, center, appeared in the Sunday, Aug. 13, 1961, edition of The Honolulu Advertiser. The identical announcement appeared the next day in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin.


...and who thinks that Trump is actually going to file a financial disclosure form in order to run for the Presidency? Do you really think he wants the public to have such evidence that he's not the financial genius that he presents his brand as representing?

Can anyone, particularly those NOT from New York, begin to explain how Trump made his fortune or how he makes it now?

It all started when he borrowed $4 to $10 million from his father. Yes, he said he would disclose all financial records. Trump entered low-level real estate and, after graduating from the University of Pennsylvania in 1968, he started to build a real estate empire which earned him his fortune. #1 best selling books.

During his college years, Donald Trump and his father decided to purchase an apartment complex in Ohio which was in bankruptcy. The purchase of this complex is striking because they obtained financing above the purchase price so they could do the necessary remodeling to the run down complex. The development purchased by Donald Trump with his father’s aid was called Swifton Village, a 1,200 unit apartment in Cincinnati, Ohio. It was purchased at a foreclosure sale for less than $6 million and sold within a year and half for about $12 million dollars. Without a penny of their own invested they were able to turn the apartment complex around by taking a strict approach at rent collection and by remodeling the appearance of the complex. Trump was able to see how the government would assist buyers in purchasing property with little or no financial backing. and best of all how do get such aid. This incident was the beginnings of the Donald Trump we know today.

Trump’s goal, was to make his mark on New York City. His persistence proved fruitful. At the age of 28 New York City finally gave Trump his chance. He had convinced the city to build a convention center on what use to be the defunct Penn Central Rail yards, which he had secured for his own benefit with options. But, that was not all Trump was able to do, he also convinced the city and the Hyatt Corporation to renovate the Commodore Hotel, which later became known as the Grand Hyatt Hotel. Finally, after these two projects were accomplished Donald Trump’s presence and skill was known. He had proved that he was someone to be reckoned with and was rapidly becoming New York’s newest real estate tycoon.

Donald Trump’s ultimate show of power was when he built the Trump Tower, on Fifth Avenue. This project was what finally provided him with the national attention he had dreamed of for so many years. It contained a mixture of stores and million-dollar apartments; this building became Donald Trump’s trademark. Trump Tower brought forth masses of tourist and was his final show of what great financial success is. When competitors tried to beat him out of the market and lowered their prices he simply raised them. Donald did not once lower his prices. He felt that affluent people, which was the market he was trying to attract would not be concerned with price. This proved he had the ability to understand the psychology of the wealthy. Donald Trump had found his niche and was going to exploit if for as long as he could.

At the peak of his wealth in the year 1989, Trump's billion dollar empire included Trump Parc which contained more than 24,000 rental and co-op apartments, the Trump Shuttle Airline, ownership of the New Jersey Generals of the United States Football league, casinos in Atlantic City, Trump Castle, and his luxurious private homes. Trump's The Art of the Deal was his way of educating the public on business dealings and how to achieve success. I believe this was his conceded attempt to lecture America and rub his financial success in the faces of all who snubbed him. Trump states his style is very basic, in his own words he describes his approach by saying, "I aim very high, and then I just keep pushing to get what I am after" (The Art of the Deal). Donald Trump is a firm believer the deal making is an ability you are born with, it is in the genes. But obviously it was his personal whims, which played a major role in the reasoning behind his acquisitions and their management.

Trump was flying high and finally felt he had achieved everything he wanted. At the speed of light he acquired and developed assets that he had no experience in managing. This caused him to soon lose sight of it all. He was unable to balance his current assets against his outstanding debts that were rapidly coming due. The real estate market boom was heading toward a bust and the rampant tidal waves of the declining market claimed the investments of many and now Donald Trump was directly in its path of destruction. The first sight that something was wrong in Donald's glittery glamorous life started surfacing at the same time the press began reporting his personal problems to the world. Once the break up with his wife and Trump’s reported affair with Marla Maples came to light it distracted him even further from his already crumbling empire.

Where were his investment strategies now? They were nowhere to be found. The reality was, Trump was stretched so thin using his name and his persona as a personal guarantee that the foundation of all of his project might as well been made out of sawdust. Donald Trump had no idea what to do. His empire was slipping through his fingertips and the most powerful man in New York was helpless.

During Trump’s near bankruptcy problems the big New York banks were not too far behind. They had lent fortunes to Trump, without paying sufficient attention to where profits would be coming from or how tight an operation Trump was really running. Banks that never lent money for gambling businesses before lined up to fund Trump's empire, more for his name, his golden touch and because of his earlier estate deals than something more concrete. Trump built huge casinos and gleaming apartment buildings, brought world-famous hotels and a fleet of planes and plastered his name over everything. Is this the sign of a man with great business or an over inflated ego?

The banks were so blinded by Trump’s charm and past achievements that they felt it would be the easiest buck they would ever make. This later proved to be the worst mistake the Banks could have made. It was as if the Banks had signed their souls to the devil. They were in such an awkward position, if Trump went down so would they.
By 1990 Trump was facing bankruptcy, unable to meet payments on more than $2 billion in loans that were owed to the banks. He was able to secure some emergency financing on various occasions but in return he had to give up the operation and control of most of his real estate to the creditor banks as well as 10 percent of all revenue earned. Trump gradually gave up control of considerable parts of his empire including the Trump Shuttle, casinos, and The Plaza in order to secure more favorable debt financing to cushion his near bankruptcy situation.

The lenders were cracking down hard and it had become a tug of war over whose name would be more tarnished, theirs or Donald Trump's. The banks wanted to lend Trump more money but they too had become constrained. The savings and loan crises had caused federal regulators to monitor banks closely, which led to them ending practices with Trump very abruptly.
What lead to Trump's downfall and near catastrophic ending in the early nineties? I believe it was in part because of his non existent strategies. For example by putting the word "Trump" on a building or an airplane he thought this would immediately make him money. There was no concrete backing to his notions and what made it worse was the public bought into it. This proved what a great sales person Trump was in selling and displaying his image to the public but never proved that he was the wonderful business savvy person he portrayed himself to be.

Trump was no magician nor was he born with an instinct for real estate as he believed. Donald Trump was simply a speculator who was bound to eventually get knocked down by debt and the normal business cycle. Forbes magazine had charted Trump's rise and estimated that his increased debt and a drop in real-estate values caused Trump to lose more than two thirds of his net worth, from $17 billion in 1989 to $500 million in 1990 (Forbes April 3, 2000).
Donald Trump I believe has helped the arrival of a new age and has brought forth the most unforgettable era in real estate but the cost was almost to high for him to pay. He wanted to accomplish too much too soon with very little planning ahead.

Not being able to place proper thought on things is not the best way to start of any type of project especially not multimillion dollar ones. Donald Trump was very smart with dealing with people but until he learns to control himself and focus history may repeat itself. Trump’s aura and image lures many people to invest in his ventures. This blinding affect although great for Trump and his ventures can be deadly to investors.

Trump is the perfect example of how fast a heavily borrowed fortune and the fame that comes with it can very easily disappear if one is not careful. Despite all his misfortunes, Trump at the age of 53, a good decade and a half after he came to national prominence, Donald Trump is possibly the most famous businessman in America. According to the Gallup Organization, 98% of Americans know who he is. None of the other masters of American business like Jack Welch, or Warren Buffett, and Steve Jobs, or even Ted Turner come close. The most impressive aspect of Trump's celebrity status is not his grandeur but its durability.

Donald Trump will be a name that will resonate through time. This is best illustrated in this quote, "He has far outlasted the decade that produced him, but--unlike other products of the 1980s who've managed to stay in the limelight through self-reinvention like Michael Milken "the junk bond king". Trump has done this without any discernible personal growth. Like a cryogenic-ally frozen body, he stands as a perfectly preserved specimen of the era (Forbes)." In this new age where wealth is paper, and most assets move electronically Donald Trump's tastes and love of money can be looked upon as a refreshing change. His love of money, success and fame will always keep Donald Trump thinking of bigger and better projects to surprise the public and have the city pull its hair out.

Trump tries to shrug off such opinions, in one of his books, The America We Deserve he states, "Rich people who don't know me never like me. Rich people who know me like me." Does this mean he doesn't get the recognition he deserves as a businessman? "I don't think anybody knows how big my business is," Trump replied. "People would rather talk about my social life than the fact that I'm building a 90-story building next to the U.N. ... They cover me for all sorts of wrong reasons (The America We Deserve)."

Trump summed his future in these few words, "Anyone who thinks my story is anywhere near over is sadly mistaken."

This announcement of President Obama’s birth, left column, center, appeared in the Sunday, Aug. 13, 1961, edition of The Honolulu Advertiser. The identical announcement appeared the next day in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin.

I'm not convinced.

[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif] One thing that remains unclear is whether Obama has a copy of the original 1961 Certificate of Live Birth, or if he would even be allowed to see it if he asked.
[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif] Hawai'i's disclosure law (Hawai'i Revised Statutes 338-18) states that "it shall be unlawful for any person to permit inspection of, or to disclose information contained in vital statistics records, or to copy or issue a copy of all or part on any such record ... "
[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif] The law further states that the Health Department "shall not permit inspection of public health statistics records, or issue a certified copy of any such record or part thereof, unless it is satisfied that the applicant has a direct and tangible interest in the record."
[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif] Those who have "direct and tangible interest" are generally limited to the person named in the record, the spouse, parent, descendant, or personal representative, or by someone who is involved in marital, parental or death litigation involving the named person's vital record or other legal reason established by a court order, and various official agency or organization representatives, including the state director of health, according to the law.
[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]FORMAT CHANGED
[/FONT] [FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif] The standard "Certification of Live Birth" that Hawai'i health officials now issue — and was posted on Obama's campaign Web site — has less information than was required on the "Certificate of Live Birth" that Eleanor Nordyke was issued for each of her twin daughters on Aug. 5, 1961.
or if he would even be allowed to see it if he asked.
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Hawai'i's disclosure law (Hawai'i Revised Statutes 338-18) states that "it shall be unlawful for any person to permit inspection of, or to disclose information contained in vital statistics records, or to copy or issue a copy of all or part on any such record ... "
[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]The law further states that the Health Department "shall not permit inspection of public health statistics records, or issue a certified copy of any such record or part thereof, unless it is satisfied that the applicant has a direct and tangible interest in the record."
Those who have "direct and tangible interest" are generally limited to the person named in the record, the spouse, parent, descendant, or personal representative, or by someone who is involved in marital, parental or death litigation involving the named person's vital record or other legal reason established by a court order,

If Obama requested it he's the person named so they would give him a copy.
He can release a copy of it anytime he wants to.
The most plausible reasons I know of regarding the birth certificate are:

1. It's an effective way to dismiss and marginalize his political opposition. This is why the administration is usually the first to bring up "birthers" in public, and usually, it has nothing to do with the actual criticism. If you disagree with his economic policy, they somehow equate such a disagreement to the "irrational birthers."

2. There's some thing on the birth certificate that is politically damaging. For example, it could be an issue with his father's name OR it might be related to him legally changing his name when adopted by his step-father in the 70s.
It all started when he borrowed $4 to $10 million from his father. Yes, he said he would disclose all financial records. Trump entered low-level real estate and, after graduating from the University of Pennsylvania in 1968, he started to build a real estate empire which earned him his fortune. #1 best selling books.

During his college years, Donald Trump and his father decided to purchase an apartment complex in Ohio which was in bankruptcy. The purchase of this complex is striking because they obtained financing above the purchase price so they could do the necessary remodeling to the run down complex. The development purchased by Donald Trump with his father’s aid was called Swifton Village, a 1,200 unit apartment in Cincinnati, Ohio. It was purchased at a foreclosure sale for less than $6 million and sold within a year and half for about $12 million dollars. Without a penny of their own invested they were able to turn the apartment complex around by taking a strict approach at rent collection and by remodeling the appearance of the complex. Trump was able to see how the government would assist buyers in purchasing property with little or no financial backing. and best of all how do get such aid. This incident was the beginnings of the Donald Trump we know today.


This was almost TLDR but isn't the government backing of mortgages to people without means or security the primary cause of the 2008 meltdown:rolleyes:

Amusing and ironic where The Donald got his start.:p

If Obama requested it he's the person named so they would give him a copy.
He can release a copy of it anytime he wants to.

I understand that but apparently Obama doesn't. he knows that there are millions in question about this and if I were him, I would show mine. He's unable to or doesn't want to for some unseen reason.

The most plausible reasons I know of regarding the birth certificate are:

1. It's an effective way to dismiss and marginalize his political opposition. This is why the administration is usually the first to bring up "birthers" in public, and usually, it has nothing to do with the actual criticism. If you disagree with his economic policy, they somehow equate such a disagreement to the "irrational birthers."

2. There's some thing on the birth certificate that is politically damaging. For example, it could be an issue with his father's name OR it might be related to him legally changing his name when adopted by his step-father in the 70s.

I would have to go with #2 on this Cal. I feel like he is pure Muslim and it might sound stupid but I seriously think he is setting the US up for a big fall and he's doing it on purpose. Just look at some of the things he's doing. Nothing he does makes sense. Look at all the lies he told, just to be elected. Look at his past preacher that he dropped (as far as we know) because he is racist. He has ties with that other guy too, I forget his name.... Farrakhan, that's it.

On numerous occasions, Farrakhan has made alliances with avowed foreign enemies of the United States. In January 1996, for instance, he formed a partnership with Libyan dictator Muammar Qadhafi, who pledged $1 billion to help Farrakhan develop a Muslim political lobby in the U.S.

Before Farrakhan left Iran for Syria in 1996, a Tehran newspaper quoted him saying: “God will destroy America by the hands of the Muslims. … God will not give Japan or Europe the honor of bringing down the United States; this is an honor God will bestow upon Muslims.”

Addressing a crowd of some 20,000 people at the Nation of Islam’s annual Saviours' Day celebration in February 2008, Farrakhan said that presidential candidate Barack Obama represented the "hope of the entire world" that the United States might become a better neighbor to other nations.

Also in February 2008, Farrakhan called Obama “a herald of the Messiah.” “Barack has captured the youth,” said the NOI leader, referring to the passionate support Obama had drawn from young people in America. “And he has involved young people in a political process that they didn’t care anything about. That’s a sign. When the messiah speaks, the youth will hear. And the messiah is absolutely speaking.”

In March 2011, Farrakhan, reacting to President Barack Obama's decision to assist rebels who had recently launched an uprising against Libyan President Moammar Qadhafi, said: “I love Moammar Qadhafi, and I love our president. It grieves me to see my brother president set a policy that would remove this man not only from power, but from the earth.” Portraying Qadhafi as a fellow revolutionary and longtime friend of NOI, Farrakhan reported that the Libyan leader had lent the Nation of Islam some $8 million over the years.

Now, with that said, this explains Obama's procrastination for 20 to 30 days to act against Qadhafi, (his name is spelled in 4 or 5 different ways) and when he finally did, he wanted it to look like he had no part of it, didn't want to be the leader of the strikes and wanted to pass it off onto NATO, not to mention him running off to Brazil right when everything went down in Libya. Qadhafi has even referred to Obama as his "brother" and because of this, it would not surprise me one bit to find out that he is some type of leader of the Muslim Brotherhood. I'm telling you, the man is setting us up but nobody is checking into any of this, except Trump. I hope to God that Trump can come up with something that will prove Obama has really pulled one over on the Americans.

We all see things differently but with some research, you start putting the puzzle together and look how the US is falling. Since Trump has mentioned going over to Iraq and taking over the oil fields to help pay back the 1.5 trillion that they do owe us, I am willing to bet that Obama is already in the works of pulling the troops out, little by little and then Iran will move in and take it all over. Just in case Trump is elected, it would almost make it impossible for Trump to do what he has mentioned.


This was almost TLDR but isn't the government backing of mortgages to people without means or security the primary cause of the 2008 meltdown:rolleyes:

Amusing and ironic where The Donald got his start.

I think what Trump done with any mortgages was like dropping a salt grain into the pot of debt we're in.

Yes, his start was all from his father but he took it to another level and look where he stands today. He had his downfalls but I'm sure he learned from it. Don't forget about the wives he had that probably took this and that from him.

I have a strange feeling that we're going to see a "Trump & Palin" in the end. That's my hopes. I feel strongly about the man bringing us back to the top.

This is my opinion, except for the "bold facts" above.
I'm a little amused at the idea that something in a newspaper should be taken as gospel. In the riot in Detroit in '67, the first death not at the original site on 12th Street, as told on the radio of the time, but also in the Detroit News, was a white man on the way home, shot dead while stopped at the red light at the corner of Forrest and Woodward. That was of interest to me because I was involved with 'Big Brothers' at the time from an office in that block. I heard the radio and read the paper. A search of the on-line archives recently doesn't show any news article, and the scholarly studies available, which purport to show the names and locations of all those killed likewise make no mention of such a happening.

I believe the 'official' count of those killed suggests 42 dead bodies. But sniping by blacks from upper stories of apartments was ubiquitous. Chaos reigned and it was common for the National Guard to virtually destroy such upper stories by sustained fire from .50 cal BMGs. I observed, in the days directly after order was restored, the results of such building hulks with the bullet strikes obvious in what was left of the brickwork.

I knew, at the time, a very bigoted Highland Park cop. He was on duty all during the riot. He told me that he had killed eight black people himself, for fun, as the opportunity occurred. His statement was that the actual count was 'more than 600 people'. But they were largely street folk and others who had no one to come looking for them. So they simply weren't officially counted.

All unprovable of course, but I was there and I know what I was told and saw for myself. Do I think a newspaper item could be faked? CERTAINLY!!!

Are we really going to rehash the birth certificate thing again?!

The fact is that NOTHING in a newspaper proves he is a Natural Born Citizen and most of the other "evidence" presented is inconclusive at best. If the media were not in the tank for Obama on day one then there would be little reason to question it. However, since the media has conclusively demonstrated that they cannot be trusted to promote anything other then the false liberal narrative, it justifies a certain degree of skepticism and that serves to add legitimacy in the minds of many to what would otherwise be considered kooky conspiracy theories.

The birth certificate issue has had it's time and needs to die. It has become a political liability to those actually interested in the truth and, frankly, there are bigger fish to fry.
Are we really going to rehash the birth certificate thing again?!
The birth certificate issue has had it's time and needs to die. It has become a political liability to those actually interested in the truth and, frankly, there are bigger fish to fry.

That is a fact.
Every time Trump brings it up he loses creditability as a candidate.
Not that he ever had any :p
That is a fact.
Every time Trump brings it up he loses creditability as a candidate.
Not that he ever had any :p

He got the villagers riled up to cheer him on and this was a shrewd way to form a base.
All he's really saying is that Obama should produce his long form to be transparent and that's a real sentiment among many voters.
I too am curious what it is he's hiding on that long form and why.
clinton a great leader? u mean slick willy the man who doesnt have a honest bone in his body? last i checked leaders lead by example and lying under oath wouldnt be the type of leader i would put up on a pedastle. you wana talk about shady check how clinton has made tons of money after being a very overrated president

christie/rubio president 2012

Well I beg you differ, Clinton as us soldiers would call was a smooth talking politician. Clinton always had and still does have the way with 3rd world country leaders and NATO and any other country on the map. Clinton could talk to the worst and best of them and always found a way to keep the peace with USA. He had his wrongs and bad moments, but who does not. Every man gets his dick sucked, and it should be nobodies business but his own and his wife if need be. But those matters are to be left behind closed doors.

By your remark, it tells me that you are more interested in the puppet show, and drama and the best finger pointers.

I do not give a rats ass if he did lie about getting his dick sucked or not, he was married and the union between wife and husband is just that. We ask everyone all the time why is the government in our personal business in every fashion possible. Well who are we to differ, it is his business.

But for the man to be able to keep our country out of every country and out of war, then that sir is a good man in my eyes and any soldier for that matter. So say what you will, enjoy what you desire, drama, puppets, and finger pointing, and I will enjoy my moments of peace, quietness, soldiers at home with their families, and safe out of harms way.

Oh, by the way, is their something wrong with making money after being President? I guess we can call him the million dollar pecker if you like, but still does not change the fact that our country was at peace for the most part.

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