hillary's not president. don't fuckin care. tell a cop who might. hell, tell mueller.

i'm not gonna argue either way about her. title of this thread is trump.

I’m so surprised you have zero interest in discussing the double standards you are imposing or in defending your cheap excuse of "going to the proper authorities" on Clinton
Apparently, you missed the point implicit in the comparison that the authorities are corrupt and untrustworthy. As long as they are looking to string up the guy you hate, that is all that matters. Right?
last i checked, russia is still a foreign ENEMY.
Just because the Left and has hard on to MAKE Russia the enemy doesn’t mean they actually ARE the enemy. Apparently you need reminding that progressive political rhetoric is not necessarily truth.
In fact, looking at the tensions between us in the past few years, WE are the aggressors, if anything. Or can you explain the expansion of NATO (or even it’s unnecessary continued existance).
that's more than collusion, it borders on treason.
Put up or shut up. Show me HOW this is anywhere NEAR “treason”. Hell, make the case for it even being collusion. I have given you the relevant laws on collusion, you have (unsurprisingly) failed to connect the dots on that one. As usual you are all bluster and mindless progressive talking points. No substance.
Here is the relevant portion on treason from Article III:
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
Again, Russia is
NOT our enemy. Not yet, despite progressive/Deep State/Neocon efforts to
MAKE it such.
You really need to step away from the punch bowl on this. I know you love to let the progressive propagandists do your thinking for you, but they are leading you into VERY dangerous territory. If the Deep State is allowed a veto on elections (which is what they are going for) we cease to be, in any way, a representative system of governance. Just because their interests and yours seem to align for the moment doesn’t mean they always will. Just look at the Iraq War and how they railroaded us into that (or are you supporting that now).
Glenn Greenwald is hardly a Trump fan, but he is one of the few people on the Left who have not only demonstrated an ability to think for themselves, but to
see the bigger picture as well:
No matter how much of a threat one regards Trump as being, there really are other major threats to U.S. democracy and important political values. It’s hard, for instance, to imagine any group that has done more harm, and ushered in more evil, than the Bush-era neocons with whom Democrats are now openly aligning. And who has brought more death, and suffering, and tyranny to the world over the last six decades than the U.S. National Security State?
In terms of some of the popular terms that are often thrown around these days – such as “authoritarianism” and “democratic norms” and “U.S. traditions” – it’s hard to imagine many things that would pose a greater threat to all of that than empowering the National Security State (what, before Trump, has long been called the Deep State) to exert precisely the power that is supposed to be reserved exclusively for elected officials. In sum, Trump opponents should be careful of what they wish for, as it might come true.
And finally, as I have stated numerous times, my sources on this are FAR better than yours. As in, your sources are speculating based on next to no information relative to my sources.