1: You are presuming quite a lot by calling me a “Trump supporter”. In fact, I am pretty sure I have said earlier in this thread that I didn’t vote for Trump. However, the
downright hysteria on the Left puts anyone interested in truth in the position of defending Trump against bad faith, hatred-driven criticisms.
2: Mother Jones and Vox.com are not, generally speaking, legitimate sources. They both have a pattern of
lies and misdirection in
favor of the
narrative they want to push. This is
especially true of Vox.com
founder (and Journolist creator)
Ezra Klein, who wrote the Vox.com article you linked to. The fact that these are go-to sources suggests a progressive echo chamber you need to escape. And, if “collusion” is the big buzzword, you might wanna check what wikileaks has to say on any source you wanna cite on this matter, as
virtually all of them were
proven to actively collude with the DNC/Hillary campaign last year in the wikileaks releases, and therefore have a vested interest in perpetuating the Russiagate myth. You say "follow the money", well these sources have their very livelyhood tied up in avoiding the contents of the wikileaks dumps and perpetuating the Russiagate crap. Maybe you should check your assumptions...
3: As to the “facts” you cite, most all of them are nowhere near what you think they are. Only innuendo even connects them to collusion with Russia. Papadopoulos is a low-level campaign figure desperate to create a name for himself whom the email exchanges show no one at a high level in the campaign took seriously. Tons of figures like him in every presidential campaign. At best, “lied” is an extreme overstatement regarding every person you listed. And you really think Trump’s rhetoric in July of 2016 is evidence of anything?
See, this is the problem. Leftists have become absurd conspiracy nuts on the Russia thing. Nevermind that the whole “russiagate” narrative started out as mythmaking to avoid the actual content of the wikileaks, and quickly morphed into a ready made explanation for Hillary’s loss. Ignore that the entire Russiagate narrative has constantly changed to fit the needs to the progressive agenda, while never providing any actual evidence along the way. The ONLY people who don’t see this are Leftists. Everyone outside of the left (and
the few free thinkers on the Left) see this charade for what it is.
Oddly enough, the wikileaks emails (which the “russiagate” myth started out as a creation to avoid) shows willfull collusion with the DNC/Hillary Campaign and Mother Jones, Vox.com and a whole host of other “mainstream” sources. But the people who created,
perpetuate and benefit from the “russiagate” myth are who we are to look to for honest reporting on the matter?! Interesting that “collusion” with Russia is verboten, but collusion with the media to mislead the public is not worthy of discussion.
It is very telling that progressive nuts can never address the actual CONTENT of the wikileaks documents (even though that content discredits the very sources they cite for “proof”). Nor can they ever actually spell out what “crime” Trump, uniquely, committed. Virtually every charge they level at Trump with regards to Russia can be far better proven in the case of Hillary, Obama or some other Leftist figure/group. If you wanna know what a Leftist is guilty of, just watch what he accuses you of.
So again;
what collusion? Specifically, illegal collusion. What law was broken?
And how come you can’t address the Podesta group stuff? It is indisputable that Manafort was working with the Podesta group on behalf of Russian interests when Hillary was Secretary of State. The indictment specifically spells out the transactions they are looking at; ALL were from when the Podesta Group was working with Manafort (well before Trump had anything to do with him). How come you can’t comment on that?