Only because the government is too big.However - what you didn't notice is if I didn't eventually have to pay for your stupidity, I wouldn't care what you did.
If the government was so big, you wouldn't be responsible at all.
That's because statists like to expand the government and create dependence. This reliance also gives them the power to make decisions regarding how I live my life.But if you haven't noticed - we pay for stupidity in this country - all the time.
You're making an argument that is based on an unstated presumption.Because if we, as a society, felt that it truly was OK that you are responsible for all your actions, then we would be OK with people really paying for the results of those actions.
That's either intentionally misleading or just lazy.
But let's engage that a little further, we are not responsible for our actions?
So where do we draw the line? Again, what behavior do I not need YOUR permission?
Can I keep a gun? But what if I shot myself by accident.
Or what if I shot someone else and they became crippled?
What if I like salty food? That high blood pressure might result in increased medical costs down the line, you might not like having to pay for that.... so you'd better tell me to drop the french fries.
And if the Obamacare program continues to take root, if we wind up with a single payer system, then, I ask, what behavior will you NOT have the political "right" to dictate to me?
I'm neither a ward or a slave of the State.We aren't.
That won't change.
And more and more people are seeing through the lie that has been repeated for the past century and rejecting it.
So you have now established your right to dictate what kind of breakfast cereal I eat.I will be forced to pay with my tax dollars for the continuing care of the idiot that thought Cheerios where a medical marvel.
And what and how I engage in recreational activity.I will be forced to pay for the motorcyclist that rode without a helmet, crashed, and squished his brains out all over the pavement - but there was enough of his cerebral cortex intact that he can live on a respirator for 30 years.
You make these presumptions based upon the culture that RESULTS from the government policies YOU advocate. You also fail to realize that things are dynamic and not static, people are apathetic when it comes to their neighbors and communities because they have been taught that it's the responsibility of the government.If we are willing to let that idiot die because he only ate cheerios for every meal, because he decided it could take the place of his heart medicine, and we are willing for the motorcyclist to removed from life support because it was his decision to not wear a helmet, and the accident was his fault, I will be just fine with that. But it won't happen.
The tragedy of the past century is that America has gradually been turning into Europe... but I think people are awakening right now. The sooner the better because things the systems of the last century aren't sustainable.
You can try to play word games and shift definitions all you'd like, but you're just exposing yourself as a political liar once again.I am the realist here cal - not you. You have this idea that
If you engage in risky behavior, there is a consequence.
And we have support systems in life outside of the federal government. They include family, friends, religious institutions, clubs, and the local and state governments.
When the federal government moves out of our lives, other things will move into that vacuum. Things that don't threaten to enslave us.
I've never argued that anything is "perfect."Talk about utopian thought - that is some of the most utopian thought I have ever seen. That everyone would be 'responsible'. And those of us who 'are' would be willing to watch those who 'aren't' pay the price. Because, believe me we would. There would be plenty of people who would fall through the cracks - who don't have a family/social/church network to pick up the pieces.
Is the current system where we trade freedom and Independence preventing all people from "slipping through the cracks?" Is the solution just to make government more involved and steal more of our rights? And what does "slipping through the cracks" mean anyway?
As I stated before, using your economic argument to justify government intrusion, and noting your absolute disregard and contempt for the constitution when making such an argument, what activity can I partake in that the you and the power of the government DO NOT have a right to regulate for me??
Where does the power of the federal government end?
If you read the constitution and apply, the limits are pretty clearly established.
Unfortunately, people like you REFUSE to recognize the limits set out by the constitution and the end result of such a system of government is tyranny.
But it's tyranny for our own good, right??
No thanks.
Pass the salt.