I will ask you again, foxpaws.
Using your "logic," there isn't a single decision in my life that you can not eventually make an economic argument for your intervention in. This is made even worse by your perpetual support of more government intervention, such as the Obamacare fiasco.
From eating Oreos to owning a gun to riding a motorcycle, with or without a helmet, or just sitting too close to the TV- your justification gives you permission to regulate EVERY decision an individual makes.
Do you disagree with this?
Where is the line drawn?
What decisions are you NOT allowed to dictate for me using this logic?
And, just a side point, where exactly does the government get this authority you speak of in the constitution.
Don't you think that granted the government such power will give some political leadership, if not today, someday, from banning an activity that you might support right now using the very same logic. You protest that you support 2nd amendment rights, but using your logic, can't the government make it illegal or prohibitively burdensome to own a firearm or drive a convertible?
If you honestly believe what your saying, why don't you support it locally and NOT federally? Why don't you work to make Denver the "utopian paradise" that you so desire and leave the rest of the country alone?
Because, if you experiment with these policies locally, I have the ability to oppose them or move. That ceases to be an option when it's thrust upon the entire country, contrary to the powers expressed in the constitution, and against the wishes of the population.
Using your "logic," there isn't a single decision in my life that you can not eventually make an economic argument for your intervention in. This is made even worse by your perpetual support of more government intervention, such as the Obamacare fiasco.
From eating Oreos to owning a gun to riding a motorcycle, with or without a helmet, or just sitting too close to the TV- your justification gives you permission to regulate EVERY decision an individual makes.
Do you disagree with this?
Where is the line drawn?
What decisions are you NOT allowed to dictate for me using this logic?
And, just a side point, where exactly does the government get this authority you speak of in the constitution.
Don't you think that granted the government such power will give some political leadership, if not today, someday, from banning an activity that you might support right now using the very same logic. You protest that you support 2nd amendment rights, but using your logic, can't the government make it illegal or prohibitively burdensome to own a firearm or drive a convertible?
If you honestly believe what your saying, why don't you support it locally and NOT federally? Why don't you work to make Denver the "utopian paradise" that you so desire and leave the rest of the country alone?
Because, if you experiment with these policies locally, I have the ability to oppose them or move. That ceases to be an option when it's thrust upon the entire country, contrary to the powers expressed in the constitution, and against the wishes of the population.