Tyranny arrives in America under the guise of good intentions


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Apr 24, 2005
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Great news: FDA to regulate salt in processed foods

posted at 11:36 am on April 20, 2010 by Ed Morrissey

How does government intervention get sold to citizens? First, publicize a “crisis” and warn that dire consequences will follow without some immediate changes. Push people into changing their choices voluntarily with social pressure and warnings of impending disaster. At some point, declare those efforts insufficient and propose government intervention as the only way to save people from themselves.

DDT? Global warming? Alar? No … salt:

The Food and Drug Administration is planning an unprecedented effort to gradually reduce the salt consumed each day by Americans, saying that less sodium in everything from soup to nuts would prevent thousands of deaths from hypertension and heart disease. The initiative, to be launched this year, would eventually lead to the first legal limits on the amount of salt allowed in food products.

The government intends to work with the food industry and health experts to reduce sodium gradually over a period of years to adjust the American palate to a less salty diet, according to FDA sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the initiative had not been formally announced.

Officials have not determined the salt limits. In a complicated undertaking, the FDA would analyze the salt in spaghetti sauces, breads and thousands of other products that make up the $600 billion food and beverage market, sources said. Working with food manufacturers, the government would set limits for salt in these categories, designed to gradually ratchet down sodium consumption. The changes would be calibrated so that consumers barely notice the modification.

The FDA has never interjected itself into the recipes of prepared foods. Instead, they have enforced full disclosure on labels, allowing consumers to select the healthiest options for themselves if they wish. Why the change? The FDA says we can’t choose for ourselves:

Until now, the government has pushed the food industry to voluntarily reduce salt and tried to educate consumers about the dangers of excessive sodium. But in a study to be released Wednesday, an expert panel convened by the Institute of Medicine concludes that those measures have failed. The panel will recommend that the government take action, according to sources familiar with the findings.

Of course they will! But there’s just one little problem. According to the latest research, sodium intake isn’t really a health problem for normal adults. An Einstein University study in 2008 showed no connection between cardiovascular disease risk and higher-sodium diets:

High-salt diets may not increase the risk of death, contrary to long-held medical beliefs, according to investigators from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University.

They reached their conclusion after examining dietary intake among a nationally representative sample of adults in the U.S. The Einstein researchers actually observed a significantly increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease (CVD) associated with lower sodium diets.

The researchers analyzed data from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III), which was conducted by the federal government among a nationally representative sample of U.S. adults. These data were then compared against death records that had been collected by the government through the year 2000. The sample of approximately 8,700 represented American adults who were over 30 years of age at the time of the baseline survey (1988-1994) and were not on a special low-salt diet.

After adjusting for known CVD risk factors, such as smoking, diabetes and blood pressure, the one-fourth of the sample who reported consuming the lowest amount of sodium were found to be 80% more likely to die from CVD compared to the one-fourth of the sample consuming the highest level of sodium. The risk for death from any cause appeared 24% greater for those consuming lower salt, but this latter difference was not quite large enough to dismiss the role of chance.

“Our findings suggest that for the general adult population, higher sodium is very unlikely to be independently associated with higher risk of death from CVD or all other causes of death,” says Dr. Hillel W. Cohen, associate professor of epidemiology and population health at Einstein.

But why let science spoil all of the nanny-state fun? Don’t let facts get in the way of a crisis model for government intervention. After all, it’s for your own good, which the elites in the federal bureaucracy obviously understand better than you do.
Based on the title I thought this was going to be about obama so salt. This is more BS that's just giving the government more power with it shouldn't have. This is a choice everyone makes, just like drinking alcohol or smoking, it should be left up to the individual to make the decision. The problem is that under obama care it's now going to cause everything people to to become important to the government to regulate to keep costs down. I think this is just the start. People wanted change, yea well so did Germany with Hitler. (Seen the bumper sticker?)
If you are overweight, no Obamcare for you.

And hamburgers will be outlawed soon as well.

Tofu for ALL.
Foss - a lot of misinformation gets tossed around out here-I just wanted to make sure topher did his homework, and really check to see if New York has indeed passed the legislation he is talking about.

You wouldn't want someone to be misinformed would you? You wouldn't want someone to imply that a bill has been passed, when in fact, zero action has been taken on the bill, other than having it introduced...

Do you have any idea of how many stupid laws get introduced each week in the United States... It means very little to introduce a law, getting it passed however...

Just trying to keep Mr opher informed, you wouldn't want him to actually spread this misinformation elsewhere, would you?
Foss - a lot of misinformation gets tossed around out here-
Yeah, you do ninety nine percent of it.
I just wanted to make sure topher did his homework, and really check to see if New York has indeed passed the legislation he is talking about.
How magnanimous of you. Do you actually have a comment on the topic of the thread, or are you just playing Ms. Nanny Nursemaid to those whom you hold in contempt?
You wouldn't want someone to be misinformed would you? You wouldn't want someone to imply that a bill has been passed, when in fact, zero action has been taken on the bill, other than having it introduced...
There's a much better chance of someone being misinformed when you post.

Do you have any idea of how many stupid laws get introduced each week in the United States... It means very little to introduce a law, getting it passed however...
Yes, I do. Normally they come from Democrats. You failed to mention that in this case.

Just trying to keep Mr opher informed, you wouldn't want him to actually spread this misinformation elsewhere, would you?
Seriously, fox, I'd rather you just stay on topic. But "thanks" for testing out your 'closing questions' on me. :rolleyes:

Again, do you have a response to the thread, or do you just view yourself as the ombudsman of this forum? Please leave if you don't have a constructive comment. You're just trolling. I've asked you nicely, twice. If you persist, you're deliberately cluttering up this thread.
No, the salt ban has not been passed yet.
Merely proposed.

"No owner or operator of a restaurant in this state shall use salt in any form in the preparation of any food for consumption by customers of such restaurant, including food prepared to be consumed on the premises of such restaurant or off of such premises."

A $1,000 fine per violation.
Sugar fat and salt are staples of the american diet.
Look at all the big fat as ssed people walking around.
Sloth and gluttony and lack of discipline are an american right and freedom!
Supersize me is our way of life and they're being tyrants, TYRANTS!
trying to change that.

Would you like some more fat with your sugar and salt sir?
It tastes really good...
How many companies want you dead?

By Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Oh, don't even pretend to be shocked. You know it's true. You know there are simply a huge number of big, sweaty major corporations out there in big, sweaty capitalismland who claim to be in the business of feeding and caring for the human body, but who actually care about as much for your general health and well-being as a Republican cares for his meth dealer's lesbian daughter's organic free-range Vermont wedding.

Deny it at your peril: It is just sinisterly evident that many corporations -- seemingly far more in quantity and scale than we like to imagine -- would very much like to see you, well, if not completely dead, then surely to suffer, wallow, shake and wobble for as long as you shall barely live.

Why? Because, silly, no matter how you slice it and what sort of optimistic green/organic/progressive wool you like to draw over your eyes, the truth remains: Disease and sickness, obesity and mal-education are still where the real money is. It's just the American way.

Is that too malicious? Too ugly? I'm not so sure. You have but to ponder: Who wants a healthy and calmly educated populace? Who wants people attuned and wise, spiritually secure and inwardly stable? Not the Coca-Cola Corporation. Not Exxon. Not the life insurance industry or Big Tobacco or Big Pharma. Not the Catholic Church. Not Yum! Brands, Pfizer, big agribiz and industrial farms, McDonald's, Kraft Foods, or your local school lunch program. Not most of Congress. Not Fox News or reality TV or the bleating clown car that is the Tea Party. Not fundamentalist Christianity, Mormonism or about 89 percent of Texas.

After all, the smarter and healthier you get, the more you
are self-defined, attuned to wisdom and spirit, the less power and influence they have over your life, and the less they can sell you swill and poison, false hope and a sour idea of a bitter, vengeful little God concocted by surly white men in a dank Roman basement sometime around 300 AD.

Let us examine one little example. It comes in the form of a nasty news tidbit that hit my in-box recently, courtesy of a thoughtful and rather horrified reader, in the wake of the greasy fallout over KFC's famously vile Double Down meat abomination thing.

It's a story that reveals a rather unexpected, but not entirely shocking little factoid: It turns out the health and life insurance industries are just hugely invested in the success of the world's fast food companies.
How hugely? According to the study, in 2009 the big health insurance companies owned upwards of $2 billion in stock in the biggest garbage food purveyors in the land. That's a lot of high fructose corn syrup, guar gum, ethoxylated monoglycerides, hormones, antibiotics, pesticides and buckets of greasy, synthetically flavored slop, happily sanctioned and supported by the very companies you would think very much want you to shun those poisons like the pope shuns Ireland.

You may then rightly ask: What the hell are they up to? What sort of nefarious forces are at play? At first glance, maybe you can excuse it as pure capitalism at work. Large corporations often invest in other large corporations, seeking any means to making as much money as possible; principles don't usually factor into it.

In fact, as the nation just witnessed, it is inherently forbidden for ethics to come anywhere within a 100-mile radius of Wall Street. You want to round out your portfolio? Are you seeking some good cash flow and (relative) long-term stability in the market? Invest in the classic cornerstones of capitalism: oil, sweatshops, junk food, pharmaceuticals, weapons manufacturers, industrial slaughterhouses, coal mining and so on, and tell your soul to shut the hell up. Daddy needs a new speedboat and some bullets for the apocalypse.

But that's only part of the picture. It takes no effort at all to peel back one more layer and say that the health insurance industry obviously has a vested interest in keeping you fat and sick and ever at their mercy. After all, they're just hedging their bets.

Much like Big Tobacco's brilliant collusion with Big Pharma, both cheerfully feeding you a slew of lies and misinfo about smoking's terrible addictiveness on the one hand, while turning right around and convincing you of the need for expensive drugs and patches, rehabs and gums on the other in a vicious cycle of shame, victimhood and failed willpower, so do the health and junk food companies work together to make each other mountains of cash, with you as the dumbass hub.

Put it this way: The more successful McDonald's is, the sicker the nation gets, the higher your insurance premiums will skyrocket, the more drugs you will demand, the less willpower you will have, the more you will crave toxic garbage comfort food, the more you will believe you're a victim, the less control you will have over the your body and your life, the happier these companies will be. And lo, the circle of life continues. Until your heart collapses.

Do not misunderstand. I am not saying these corporations are intentionally, murderously malevolent. I am stopping just short of implying a scenario where despicable corporate meatheads sit around bland boardrooms concocting ways to literally poison and kill you. Well, not entirely, anyway.

Because the truth is, you're just not that important. Your health and well-being are entirely incidental to the larger goal -- which is, of course, making a s--load of money. If these companies think of you at all, it's simply as a means to that end. You're just a bulbous ATM to them. You are, as always, entirely expendable.

Is there any good news? A little. As Michael Pollan pointed out, as flawed as the health care reform package is, come 2014, we will still see a dramatic shift, as heathcos will no longer be able to turn you down for coverage or charge higher rates for pre-existing conditions. This means they will have a far greater vested interest in keeping you healthy by eating better and living a tiny bit smarter.

Of course, it's still for the most part just a thin, ruthless charade. The fact remains: They're all still for-profit industries. Much like how KFC -- and its vile parent company, Yum! Brands -- showed that it could give a dead, hormone-engorged chicken about ethics, corporate responsibility or anyone's overall health, the instant that many of these companies sense any new path toward profit, they won't hesitate to glom onto it. Does that path just so happen to involve poisoning your blood, crushing your coronary artery, or running right over you in the street? Well gosh. Too bad for you.

Sugar fat and salt are staples of the american diet.
Look at all the big fat as ssed people walking around.
Sloth and gluttony and lack of discipline are an american right and freedom!
Supersize me is our way of life and they're being tyrants, TYRANTS!
trying to change that.

Would you like some more fat with your sugar and salt sir?
It tastes really good...
Have you ever tried baking without salt?

Let me know how that turns out. I'll wait. :rolleyes:

So much for personal freedom - our nannies in the government know what's best for us.

You're an idiot for not seeing it.

But don't worry.

Eventually they'll get to something even YOU care about.

As far as your 'article' - I've got news for you. Government officials sit around in close groups concocting ways to enslave and steal from us. I'll take my chances with the corporations.
Have you ever tried baking without salt?

Let me know how that turns out. I'll wait. :rolleyes:

So much for personal freedom - our nannies in the government know what's best for us.

You're an idiot for not seeing it.

But don't worry.

Eventually they'll get to something even YOU care about.

Yes food without salt is bland.
They're only talking about cutting down on salt fat and sugar not eliminating them.
On the advice of her doctor my 80 year old mother cut her salting by 80% substituting some spices and got used to it and now says she doesn't miss more salt at all.

And your resorting to calling me names like idiot shows the vapidness of your argument.
He who uses name calling is losing the argument and is more the idiot.
Yes food without salt is bland.
They're only talking about cutting down on salt fat and sugar not eliminating them.
Wrong. I guess you don't bother to read other posts before responding.

"No owner or operator of a restaurant in this state shall use salt in any form in the preparation of any food for consumption by customers of such restaurant, including food prepared to be consumed on the premises of such restaurant or off of such premises."

As far as your 'article' - I've got news for you. Government officials sit around in close groups concocting ways to enslave and steal from us. I'll take my chances with the corporations.

It's the government workers and their unions who are enslaving and stealing from us with their salaries, slack work ethic, underfunded pensions, retirement at 50 or 55 yrs old, and free healthcare benefits for life.
Wrong. I guess you don't bother to read other posts before responding.


That law didn't pass
you paranoid political hypochondriac.

Make up a more entertaining insult.:p
Where's your imagination.
Oh ya you're a conservative.
All you ever do is repeat someone else's ideas.:rolleyes:
That law didn't pass
you paranoid political hypochondric.

Make up a more entertaining insult.
Where's your imagination.
Oh ya you're a conservative.
All you ever do is repeat someone else's ideas.
Yeah I'm paranoid. The government isn't taking over business and healthcare as we speak. :rolleyes:
Yeah I'm paranoid.

Paranoia is unhealthy and depressing.
You should lighten up occasionaly and start looking on the bright side of life before it's over ;)
The New York law didn't fail to pass, I don't think it's been voted on yet.
But it seems to have inspired the feds!


Some excerpts:
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Food and Drug Administration says it will consider a new call Tuesday to force food makers to gradually cut the salt hidden inside their products....

On Tuesday, the prestigious Institute of Medicine said the food industry hasn't done enough to voluntarily cut back. Echoing earlier calls from the American Medical Association and other health groups, the IOM urged the government to set maximum sodium levels for different foods in a stepped rollback — so that eventually, the average consumption would drop by about half a teaspoon.......

The FDA hasn't decided whether to regulate sodium levels, but "no options are off the table," said spokeswoman Meghan Scott.
Paranoia is unhealthy and depressing.
You should lighten up occasionaly and start looking on the bright side of life before it's over ;)
Ignorance is bliss. Enjoy your chains; I'm sure the feds will cushion them for you.
Ignorance is bliss. Enjoy your chains; I'm sure the feds will cushion them for you.

Ya ok.
That's so lame.
You're the one in chains.
I'll think about it when I'm luxuriating in my new spa massager steam shower.
Ya ok.
That's so lame.
You're the one in chains.
I'll think about it when I'm luxuriating in my new spa massager steam shower.
Eventually they'll ban that too. Ever watch Doctor Zhivago? Remember this line - "It's more just this way."

You and foxpaws should go out. You both have a fetish for bragging about the cool stuff you buy and how much money you make.
There should be some sort of regulation, I am sick of going out to eat and seeing an obese family in the next booth eat their double cheeseburger's, ribs, pizza, chicken wings, fries, and diet coke, and i am stuck with 2 "healthy" entree's to choose from. Majority of Americans aren't disciplined enough to exercise, or eat healthy.

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