Why do we have to mandate anything?
If a restaurant WANTS to make the nutritional information available, they are free to do so. If they don't, they shouldn't
have to.
If you're concerned about such things, support the restaurants that provide the information you want and ask the ones that don't.
But, Lincolnx2 does have a point - if the person who overindulges on salt, fat, whatever, becomes a ward of the state, we pay to fix the consequences of his lifestyle.
Then the state needs to get out of the nursemaid business.
Because this arguments justifies the state being involved in EVERY SINGLE DECISION in our lives.
Every decision has consequences. And since you insist on socializing them, it can reasonably be argued that EVERY ACTION requires some government intervention and regulation.
From salty food to recreational driving to gun ownership to sex.
Perhaps private enterprise can do something. If you smoke, your health insurance rates are higher. Maybe if your eating habits lead to obesity, high cholesterol, blocked arteries, etc, your insurance rates go up. You pay for your choices. But, it still leads to the problem of when I start paying for your health care costs when you end up in the emergency room with no health insurance
It's amazing how you answer every perceived problem with greater government, greater intervention, more rules, and less personal responsibility.
If you eat poorly, don't exercise, and get sick. YOU DIE.
Most likely, before you die, you are hobbled by illness and discomfort.
If we were to have a free market for insurance, then there would be immediate and justifiable economic disincentive for poor health choice. However, you supported a "health care reform bill" that states that it has eliminated pre-existing conditions and the ability to deny coverage, not that it really matters since it's all designed to transition us to a single payer system.
You now want to start regulate our behavior when it comes to salt intake too. Where are you going to draw the line, foxpaws... and frankly, who the hell are you or your political buddies to draw any line in the first place.
Leave me the hell alone.
Even if your authoritarian tyranny is motivated with the best of intentions, it won't work. You can't eliminate failure, and it's wrong to socialize all risk.
If you self-destruct and no one wants to help you... then your screwed.
Liberty comes with responsibility. And independence comes with risk.
You can't socialize failure and still have a free society.
You're regulating salt now, foxpaws. You're trying to conceptualize policy that influences the use of condiments. Where does it end?
Using your utopian model, what decision can I make that you will not be able to argue that you have a controlling economic interest in?
And don't tell me that I can do what I want so long as I have "insurance," because we're movie towards a single payer system right now, and you supported the legislation.