U.S. Ends Fruitless Iraq Weapons Hunt


Please forgive me for being rude. You really need to stick to the subject if you want to participate here.
All I know is Osama was responsible for killing 3,000 innocent civilians at a cost of a dozen of his own. Bush is responsible for 20,000 innocent civilians at a cost of 1,300+ of his own men. Who's the bigger a$$hole???

Let me tink.

I'll get back to you on that one.

Geez. I've been trying for years and years to crawl and slither into the mindset of a liberal. I just can't seem to reach my goal. The quest and ultimate gratification that would come with obtaining the intellectually superior treasure trove of unreputed knowledge and insight appear to be out of my reach. Bummer.

The way I see it, one dirty bomb or one nuke; or even one hijacked plane, or maybe even one more invasion and all your numbers go out the door. I would love to see the arithmetic behind the 20,000 number. We certainly know where the 3000 came from, don't we?
Would it really matter if I gave you the source, Bryan?? We both know the letter I mentioned in the previous posting was shown at the 9/11 Commission hearings..but to you that was "revisionist". Even if I could provid birth certificates for all of the deceased in Iraq, you'd call them "forgeries" or something. Would the soruce matter? If it were the Red Cross, the Red Crescent, the UN, CNN, Al-Jazeera, Arby's Menu, Mad Magazine, whatever, you wouldn't believe it anyways. I'm surprised you actually believe Bush is responsible for 1300+ military personel who have died. Throughout the last several wars and conflicts the US has been involved in (back to WW2), they have killed more "incidental" innocent civilians than most any other nation. I supposed you won't believe that either...or that the US military in Iraq is clearly in violation of the Geneva Conventions several times over..(do I have to publish the Geneva Conventions so you believe me on that one too??) I don't think it really matters. You're a die hard Republican, and their party lines deem that you DENY DENY DENY.
Unlike Bryan's attitude toward "Liberals" I don't villify Republicans. Apparently anyone that doesn't agree with Bryan is labeled as evil. He sees lurking monsters behind every door just waiting to harm us. I believe that, if that were true, we would have had a flood of harm come across our porous borders and shores long before now.

I believe that his differentiation between Bush and Hitler is bogus. How can he say that Bush is not killing INNOCENTS? In my opinion, the figure is much higher than 20,000 in Iraq. Hitler came to power under virtually identical circumstances and he took his country to ruin.

We need to stop trying to spread Christianity just as Hitler needed to stop spreading the Master Race. We need to leave the rest of the world alone. Democracy will come naturally as human beings yearn to be free whether Muslim or Buddist or whatever. We need to stop labeling ourselves as a Christian nation. What made this a great nation was the tolerance of all races and religions. We need to live together and stop shoving one religion down eveyone's throats as that will only get ours slit.

I don't hate everything that Bush stands for but he has clearly lied to the American public about just about everything. There is a hidden agenda everywhere. Faith-based everthing is no better than Hitler Youth or Saddam's Fedayim. Quit force feeding us this crap or there will be a civil war here.

Just because Bush has 52% of the people fooled into thinking he is doing right by this country doesn't mean that he is right. People, in general, are a bunch of sheep that want to be led around and told what to do.

I am proud to say that I have values that lean toward the Republican side but I also have a compassionate side that is more in accordance with the Democratic platform. Kerry was a poor choice to run against Bush but that is in the past and Bryan will start to look the fool if he continues to use the argument of what Kerry "might have done".

We need to stop trying to convince the world that we are the guys in the white hats by sending half a billion dollars to aid tsunami victims whose governments don't want our help. Half a billion doesn't seem like much in the scheme of things but that money should have been spent here.

We need to mind our own failings before we fall apart.
MonsterMark said:
Stop and think about it! Not even a car-bomb or spilled milk in over 4 years.

You are forgetting the Anthrax scare, as well as the DC sniper attacks, and other sniper attacks along the OH turnpike. No, those weren't carried out by alQuida, but they were certainly "terrorist" activities.

The "war on terrorism", like the "war on drugs", is an un-winnable war. The best defense against threats like those is NOT a strong offense (the only result will be deaths because you CANNOT win these wars), but to make ourselves a small target. And that doesn't require us to crawl into a hole like you'd like us all to believe. It will take smarts and strong political persuasion with the world, both of which BuSh has in short supply.
Bing, Bang, Boom, huh!
.Quite! Shiiiiish! Listen!
(Then the faint clicking sounds can be made out of a person loading a 50 caliber and a gutteral whisper of "I'll get those liberal commies".
I have to say Bryan, that was about the least intelligent response you've ever posted.

Following your master's lead?

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