Waiting Room

Boggles my mind, hey Yo, Mr. Border Patrol, see this here baggy from BC ?
I'm taking it to your Prez in Washington and we are going to roll a few, now step a-side, he's expecting me!
The Fed's position is that they will continue to prosecute as federal law trumps state law in these matters. So, you can light up in front of a state trooper there, but not in front of a Fed.
I think they ought to legalize it, let RJ Reynolds package it up, tax the crap out of it and apply drunk driving laws to it. Our prison populations would drop dramatically, tax revenues would spike, and we wouldn't need nearly as many police which would further cut our taxes. Then, apply the death penalty to the drug dealers that are left since the only thing they'd be peddling is the really dangerous stuff.
Lol well we dont know for sure yet about Oregon, but Colorado and Washington states legalized marijuana. Crazy stuff. I'm very interested to see how the legality of this plays out with the fed and all

I have a pretty good idea. Any LEO's want to chime in?

The Fed's position is that they will continue to prosecute as federal law trumps state law in these matters. So, you can light up in front of a state trooper there, but not in front of a Fed.

Im pretty sure this is not true.

Federal LEO's only have jurisdiction on federal property, or in their respected areas of operation. State troopers are in charge of the states, mainly highway patrol and commercial vehicles. Local law enforcement takes care of their municipalities. Most likely the way it will work is you can use it in certain places, just like alcohol but not on any type of federal property.

The federal government is not supposed to control everything the states do...that's what the governor is in charge of. State matters are handled by the state untl they ask for help, for instance FEMA. Before FEMA is called, National Guard is activated by the Governer.

So basically as long as you are not a federal employee or on federal property, you should be good to smoke. For example a customs officer is a federal LEO, but that doesn't mean he can arrest anyone. Driving home from work, he really doesn't have jurisdiction although he is an officer at all times and is still carrying and in uniform.
What I stated was an oversimplification for humor's sake, but is still essentially correct. The DEA has been busting California pot dispenseries. No, the feds won't be out on the street looking for people with individual joints because their scope is larger, but they will still be prosecuting marijuana as a criminal substance even if the state says it's OK.

Incidentally, I am not a smoker now, nor would I be if it were made legal.
I'm an occasional user, but really I just want it to be legalized so we can tax it! There is so much revenue going to cartels instead of the government/legal industries. The cartels in Mexico are the DEAs number one fans. They dont want it legalized, they would 90% of their business if that happened... Its a sad state of affairs really...
Quick change of subject.

Was watching Mythbusters today and at about the 32 minute mark of season 5 episode 10 a nice Gen II drives by. Just wanted to share the joy I experienced.

Carry on.
I'm an occasional user, but really I just want it to be legalized so we can tax it! There is so much revenue going to cartels instead of the government/legal industries. The cartels in Mexico are the DEAs number one fans. They dont want it legalized, they would 90% of their business if that happened... Its a sad state of affairs really...

That's putting it "BLUNT"ly.
Anyone else bored waiting for the turkey to finish cooking? I still have ~5 hours to go!
Anyone else bored waiting for the turkey to finish cooking? I still have ~5 hours to go!

Nope, I'm at work now and will be dropping by the Cracker Barrel for a couple of take-out turkey dinners. The kids are at Granny's this year and the wife and I don't want to cook.
Nope, I'm at work now and will be dropping by the Cracker Barrel for a couple of take-out turkey dinners. The kids are at Granny's this year and the wife and I don't want to cook.

This is the first year in the last 40 or so where I get Thanksgiving automatically! Actually, I get ALL holidays off now!
Gotta love working Black Friday night then waking up at noon with only a couple hours of sleep
Was watching the news last night where they were reporting on the Black Friday shoppers camping out in the local shopping district. Apparently they came down there without planning for the weather, lining up outside various businesses preparing to go stink the stores up today. Anyway, the weather decided to hit them all with a hard, intense rain shower without warning last night, with the temps expected to drop into the mid 30s. I wonder how many stayed and are now preparing to enjoy a nice case of pneumonia?

I went to a black Friday sale one time, never again. I'm not a fan of crowds, would rather pay full price than wait in line for hours on end.
Lol, man, its the 21st century. I only hide it enough to make sure I don't get in trouble lol. A forum post isn't exactly admissible in court (at least on its own I suppose...)

You would be supurrised. I wound't see it being any different then a facebook post, which I have supponed and used in court multiple times.

It's fairly typical.

****head A steals something, ****head A the takes "Gangsta pic" with stolen item on facebook with a caption along the lines of "Yo, **** da police". Those are always fun to blow up at kinko's to like some 30x30 image and display to a jury.
You would be supurrised. I wound't see it being any different then a facebook post, which I have supponed and used in court multiple times.

It's fairly typical.

****head A steals something, ****head A the takes "Gangsta pic" with stolen item on facebook with a caption along the lines of "Yo, **** da police". Those are always fun to blow up at kinko's to like some 30x30 image and display to a jury.

I think my favorite stories are when some dumb fugitive posted where he was on facebook. Seems to happen fairly often actually...

Facebook is the fugitives worst enemy.

More times then not, it had led to or at least aided a conviction.
I never got that. On the other hand, my cell phone proves I was home all night, officer. Let's hope the criminals never figure that one out.

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