Wow! That girl packs a PUNCH! don-ohio^)
She must have been pressurized.....
Wow! That girl packs a PUNCH! don-ohio^)
I need a gun safe that's not too expensive; like in the $500 range delivered. I need room for less than 10 long guns. Any suggestions??
In that range, any local store are all going to be the same quality, stick with a keypad if possible though...
OPPCommunicationsNWR @OPP_COMM_NWR
UPDATE:ROAD CLOSURE: #Hwy17 remains CLOSED in both directions between #Shabaqua to Hwy 599 #Ignace due to poor weather conditions ...
Yeah, and you'd think my HDTV might find a fn channel or two in the middle of nowhere in the back woods of Western Canada ... nope, not today! Snowed in, stuck on the Trans Canada Hwy, no TV, watched all my movies already. Good thing I get paid waiting time during emergency Hwy shut downs.
What to do, what to do, other then sleep it off.
So everyone complains about the high cost of owning a BMW. ...
Here's Joe, skidding through an intersection with no ABS.
Oh you guys have to have a look at this one.
Man punches Kangaroo in the face to save dog ...
~ Too funny! ~ Punched in the head, just stands there, looks dumbfounded and confused.
EDIT - - - -
1st rule of Kangaroo fight club - Put em' up, Protect thyself!