What did you do to your Mark VIII today?

Almost has to be that. I can't think of anything else it could be.


Same thing happened to me when I installed those rear air bags I got from you. I tried to use the original O-rings with liberal amounts of silicone grease cuz I was in a hurry:rolleyes:. They leaked horribly. Had to get new O-rings and it sealed right up with no leakage whatsoever.

On a side note, has anyone got a GEN2 center stack bezel? It doesn't have to be in great condition because I'm going to use it for an experiment. Mine's kinda rough looking.
On a side note, has anyone got a GEN2 center stack bezel? It doesn't have to be in great condition because I'm going to use it for an experiment. Mine's kinda rough looking.

I've got like 5 of them.

I keep telling you to come down here...
I've got like 5 of them.

I keep telling you to come down here...

I know. And I have every intention. But you don't understand how broke I am. It's basically a matter of being sure I have enough gas money to get there and back. Honestly, I've never been this cash strapped in my life. It's scary in a way. The priorities are having a roof over our heads and food on the table. Everything else comes second. We don't even have satellite TV for the first time in over 10 years because we can't afford it. The kids just started the new school year yesterday and that's more money. I know nobody wants to hear my sob story, but I'm so broke I can't even pay attention...:(
You should know better. :(

What? I was just making light of the fact that I've been telling him to come down here for the last 6 months.

On top of that, every time he mentions something that he wants/needs, it's something that I've got sitting in my garage...

No harm meant.
What? I was just making light of the fact that I've been telling him to come down here for the last 6 months.

On top of that, every time he mentions something that he wants/needs, it's something that I've got sitting in my garage...

No harm meant.

In all seriousness, I appreciate the offer(s) and I would love nothing more than to go down there and make a day of it and get some stuff done:) And who knows, I still may be able to make the trek before too long.
low ass

Almost has to be that. I can't think of anything else it could be.

Thanks to everyone for the helpfull info. Glad i found you Mark heads.I thought I was the only nut who loved these cars. Had my butt in 3 for over twelve years and 300,000 mi.s Getting a bit much to use as a daily driver and 30k a year.

I'm going to check for leaks with pump on. O rings would be great.
I replaced the passenger corner light that flew off when I was going 125 mph in the mark, I adjusted the trunk lid perfectly (I never liked the way it lined up), and I read the codes for why the ABS light is on.

Codes were 17, 32, 36, 42, & 76; with the exception of 17 (Reference Voltage) they all have to do with RH Front sensor. I checked the resistance of the sensor only to find it open, so that is obviously the problem (supposed to be between 800 & 1400 Ohms).

New they range from $50 to $100, so I'm gonna grab a used one from a bone yard since I'm going this weekend anyways.


installed a double din headunit, and installed a new to me jbl amp.. also detailed the interior.. not too bad for a 1500 car!
What? I was just making light of the fact that I've been telling him to come down here for the last 6 months.

On top of that, every time he mentions something that he wants/needs, it's something that I've got sitting in my garage...

No harm meant.

I know, I was just messing with you. ;)


installed a double din headunit, and installed a new to me jbl amp.. also detailed the interior.. not too bad for a 1500 car!

Very, very nice! Don't you just love the double din unit in these cars? It looks like they were made just to be upgraded, now that we have all this nice, touch-screen tech!

Interior looks GREAT!! :)
not mark related need advice. found a 2004 mercedes c230 kompressor(suopercharged) coupe w 35k miles and some goodies and its very safe, or a mustang gt? the benz can be modded as far as looks and little performance things but i think overall is a better car than a mustang. i already drove it, for only around 190 hp, it chirped the tires from around 5-10 mph with ease and the supercharger whine is intoxicating. its pretty quick for a little car. i cant decide, the benz or mustang?

Had a new windshield put in the CE. Washed it for the 2nd time in 6 months. I wax it alot. Had the trans flushed and put mercon 5 in the 95. Did'nt have a problem, just giving it a treat It does seem smooooother.
Doing about 80 and the car started to shake a bit, then I smelled burning rubber, as I got into the breakdown lane the tire gave way and she started sliding around a bit. The Rim was undamaged. Unfortunately the spare tire in the trunk did not fit the bolt pattern so I had to call a flatbed. Should have been at the office at 6:15, got here at 9:30
. Had to get a rental as they needed to order a tire. It is done now, need to figure out when I can get out of here.
Doing about 80 and the car started to shake a bit, then I smelled burning rubber, as I got into the breakdown lane the tire gave way and she started sliding around a bit. The Rim was undamaged. Unfortunately the spare tire in the trunk did not fit the bolt pattern so I had to call a flatbed. Should have been at the office at 6:15, got here at 9:30
. Had to get a rental as they needed to order a tire. It is done now, need to figure out when I can get out of here.

Sounds like a Mark VIII :D Even when you have fixed everything it still finds a way to make you work on it.

Changed my oil for the first time. Royal Purple 5W30 and a NAPA Platinum filter.

The filters not so bad. I was expecting a hard time from the things I've read. A bit of aluminum foil to drain the mess and a screwdriver punched through it goes the trick. You do have to find the one way it comes out but it's not bad.
Changed my oil for the first time. Royal Purple 5W30 and a NAPA Platinum filter.

The filters not so bad. I was expecting a hard time from the things I've read. A bit of aluminum foil to drain the mess and a screwdriver punched through it goes the trick. You do have to find the one way it comes out but it's not bad.

"Hand tighten" the filter when you put it back on and you won't have to use the screwdriver punch method next time. Somebody put that filter on waaaaaaaaaay too tight. It should come off by hand.
"Hand tighten" the filter when you put it back on and you won't have to use the screwdriver punch method next time. Somebody put that filter on waaaaaaaaaay too tight. It should come off by hand.

I always hand tighten. It might have come, actually it was pretty tight, but with foil in place you can drain most of the filter through the screw driver hole. Less drama when you loosen it as it's pretty well empty already.
The Royal Purple is impressive stuff. Quite a bit smoother at idle, hard to tell it's running. Runs very well, the computer is learning some new stuff, fooling with the idle among other things, and my mileage has dropped 8% or so right away.

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