Dedicated LVC Member
Well, the Mark is down for a minute. Had to drive the Mountaineer today. I think something may have come loose underneath. I have a severely horrible grinding noise coming from under the car. It does it taking off and when I take my foot off the gas. Under load it's quiet. And in reverse it's really loud. I'll be putting it on the ramps this afternoon and checking everything out. I think it has something to do with the exhaust but I don't know what it could be. I hope it sounds worse than it is
Also, having a wierd issue with the car. After I park it and it sits for about 30 minutes, the keypad stops working and the interior lights won't come on when I open the door. But if I push the unlock button on the remote everything comes on like it shouldNever seen that happen before.
Do you have the 'door ajar' message?